Hearing what Uncle Nine said, Ye Tian naturally wouldn't shirk it, and he also wanted to see it.

Will there really be a powerful Western zombie as in the movie?

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to me!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and Uncle Nine relieved himself when he heard this, and pointed to Qiusheng and Wencai:

"Tomorrow, the two of them will go with you, the two of them know the way, and they also know where the three evil places are sealed. "

After that, Uncle Nine looked at Qiusheng and Wencai, and said solemnly: "The two of you have to listen to your uncle's words when you go out this time, do you hear?"

"Yes, master!"

When the two heard this, they agreed again and again, and they were very happy in their hearts.

This time I can go out again, and I can have a good time, and I feel happy to think about it.

"Well, in the next month of my retreat, I will ask my junior sister to take care of the affairs of Yizhuang!"

"Why are you talking about this, come on, have a drink with me!"

"Uh... Alright!"

Aunt Sue's enthusiasm for herself has not diminished, especially after she finally confirmed the marriage with herself, Aunt Sue is full of her own shadow.

This made Uncle Jiu, who had been single for so many years, feel very uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to go against Aunt Sue's interest, so he reluctantly nodded and agreed.

"Hey, hey, it's me!

Finally, everything has been announced, Hua Yanyan, who has been sitting next to her, can't help but be excited, pulling Ye Tian on the side, and said happily:

"Looking back at the time you are away, the medical hall will be handed over to me, and I will definitely be able to help you run it!"

"I don't think I agree to this yet, do I?"

Ye Tian tilted his head and looked at Hua Yanyan and said lightly.

Hearing this, Hua Yanyan stood up instantly, crossed her hands and said unhappily: "Hey, I'm the heir of a medical family!

"Believing is believing, agreeing is agreeing, these are two different things!"

"I feel like you're looking down on my medical skills!

Hua Yanyan was obviously a little angry, and shouted loudly at Ye Tian, but as soon as she finished speaking, she was beaten firmly on the head by Aunt Cane.

attracted Doudou under the table to wave his hand again and again, expressing his happiness.

"You stinky girl, how many times have you said it, Ye Tian is my junior brother, your elder, did you just talk to him like this?"

"I... I... "

Hua Yanyan covered her head, but she was still very angry and seemed very reluctant.

Seeing this, Aunt Su came closer, glared at the other party fiercely, and then said to Ye Tian with a smile:

"Senior brother, if you don't say it, you can let Yan Yan try it, the medical hall is empty during your absence, and she can help you, and she can earn you some consultation money, right?"

"Yes, yes, the consultation fees are all for you, I just want to borrow your medical hall to practice medicine!"

"Dead girl, still talking like this, looking for a fight, right?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Seeing that Aunt Sue raised her hand and twisted her ears, Hua Yanyan screamed in pain again and again, and said with a crying tone.

"Okay, senior sister, I'll just answer this matter!"

After all, Aunt Sue has come forward to beg herself, and Ye Tian is not easy to refuse, and this Hua Yanyan is also the heir of a medical family after all, although she has never seen her treat diseases and practice medicine, but it is expected that she must have some real skills.


Hua Yanyan was a little disbelieving when she heard this, and looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.

"Really, the medical hall will be handed over to you for a while, I hope you don't smash the brand of my Shenlong Medical Hall!"

"Haha! Look at what you said! Although my Hua Yanyan's medical skills are not as good as my father's, they will definitely not be worse than you!"


At this time, Hua Yanyan had already begun to boast triumphantly, but after meeting Aunt Sue's sharp eyes, she instantly put away her pride.

looked at Ye Tian with some reluctance, and said:

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Well, since that's the case, the meal is almost finished, I'll go back first!"

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Tian didn't stay any longer, exchanged a few words with everyone, and then turned around and walked out of Yizhuang alone.

There was still some distance from Uncle Jiu's Yizhuang back to Renjia Town, and just when Ye Tian was about to come to the gate of Renjia Town, a man's cry for help came from a distance.

"Help, help!"

This man's voice Ye Tian couldn't be more familiar, who is Chang Wei, who is it if it is not the captain of the security team?

Sure enough, Chang Wei and seven or eight members of the security team behind him ran in his direction from outside the city, everyone was crying and screaming, and even the guns on their bodies fell to the ground.

Seeing Ye Tian in front, Chang Wei and the others seemed to see the savior, and they didn't run into the city gate, and came to Ye Tian's approach in a blink of an eye.

Several people fell to the ground in an instant, gasping for air.

"I said, what's the matter with you, you were robbed by the bandits?"

Ye Tian looked at Chang Wei, who was sitting next to his lap, and asked jokingly.

"Brother Tian, there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

At this time, Chang Wei finally gasped for breath, and when he saw Ye Tian asking, he quickly stood up.

His face was already pale with fright, and his eyes seemed to be as big as a bull's eye.


Ye Tian was a little surprised.

And the other team members also echoed it, saying that they had seen a ghost.

"There are really ghosts, Brother Tian, we are all scared to death!"

"Where did you meet the ghost?"

"Just ... Just ... "

Chang Wei was already frightened at this time, his legs were trembling, and when he saw Ye Tian asking, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and pointed to the haunted place just now.

But who knew that as soon as Chang Wei's fingers were raised, he cried out again in horror:

"Hell here, hell he's here!"

Ye Tian looked at it, and sure enough, there was a figure on the opposite side.

At this time, a man wearing an ancient robe and holding a mourning stick was walking in the direction of everyone with an angry face, followed by a group of locked ghosts, and his cape was very terrifying.

Seeing this, Chang Wei and several other members of the security team were so frightened that they hurriedly hid behind Ye Tian, lowered their heads and cried, not daring to look at each other.

"Is that him?"

Ye Tian recognized the identity of that man at a glance, it was the Yin Yang Ming Wang Yangming he met when he killed Dong Xiaoyu last time.

Obviously, Wang Yangming was also surprised when he saw Ye Tian, so he immediately put away the mourning stick in his hand, and came to the front soon.

"Brother Tian, it's him, he's the ghost!"

With Ye Tian in front, Chang Wei's courage was also much greater, and seeing that Wang Yangming came to the front of a few people, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and pointed at the other party and said:

"Quick, Brother Tian, take him in quickly! There is still a group of powerful ghosts around him, hurry!"

"Shut up!"

Wang Yangping's eyes instantly burst into two red lights, glaring at Chang Wei angrily.

Seeing this, Chang Wei didn't dare to say anything more, so he was so frightened that he quickly turned his back, and didn't even dare to look at the other party again.

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