Seeing that Chang Wei finally became honest and stopped talking, Wang Yangming changed to a smile and hugged his fists to greet Ye Tian in front of him:

"Daoist Ye, long time no see!"

"Wang Yin is good!"


Chang Wei was very surprised to hear the two of them say hello, especially after hearing Ye Tian actually call each other yincha, he was even more shocked and speechless.

Chang Wei has heard the elders say since he was a child that the yin difference is the ghost of the underworld, and he is a full-time soul detentionist, but what he didn't expect was that he really ran into one tonight.

Thinking of this, Chang Wei actually stood up, looked at Wang Yangming opposite, and said in surprise: "It turns out that you are a bad guy, you scared me to death!"

"Shut up!"

Ye Tian was startled when he heard this, and although he didn't know why, he still closed his mouth.

"Wang Yincha, these friends of mine bumped into you somehow?"


Wang Yangming glanced coldly at Chang Wei behind Ye Tian, and said, "Today, I am responsible for escorting these wandering spirits into the City God Temple, who knew that this group of people suddenly rushed out from the side and disturbed us, so I came here and prepared to detain the souls of a few people!"

"It's a bad pass!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he understood the reason for this matter.

At night, the Yin Cha will escort the spirit to the Yin Division into reincarnation, and this phenomenon is called Yin Cha Crossing Road.

However, Yin Difference and Wandering Soul are Yin things, and ordinary people can't see them at all.

But there is an accident in everything, and some people who are unlucky or affected by the surrounding environment often encounter such a thing as a bad pass.

And for these people who see the underworld passing by, there is an unwritten rule in the underworld, which is to detain the souls of these people together in order to maintain the mystery and majesty of the underworld.

"Hey, you're unreasonable, it's obvious that we chased the thief outside the city and met you, and it wasn't a heart, why should we detain our souls!"

Now that Ye Tian is in front of him, Chang Wei seems to have the backbone, and when he heard this Wang Yangming's intention, he felt very angry, and couldn't help jumping out to accuse.


Who knew that as soon as Chang Wei's words fell, he was slapped firmly on his face, and half of his face was swollen in an instant, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Shut up, can't you hear?"

Ye Tian was already angry at this time, Chang Wei covered his swollen cheeks and was very aggrieved, looking at Ye Tian in horror, but he didn't dare to say a word more.

Seeing this, Ye Tian glared at the other party fiercely, then turned around, clenched his fists and said:

"Wang Yincha, this incident is indeed my friends who collided with you, but I don't think it's better to punish the soul lightly.

I'll ask them to set up a table of good wine and food at the yamen, and then burn some paper and money for you, so it's better to leave this matter at that. "

Hearing Ye Tian say this, Wang Yincha looked embarrassed, but after thinking of the fact that the other party had saved him once, he still chose to compromise and give in, nodded and said:

"Since Daoist Ye intercedes, then I will not pursue this matter anymore!"

Wang Yangming is not stupid, Ye Tian is also a person, the descendant of the eighteen needles of Maoshan Weimen!

The Maoshan faction is extremely powerful in the Netherworld Underworld, and now that Ye Tian said that these people are his friends, he can no longer have the reason to detain the soul.

It's better to sell personal favors to the other party, which can be regarded as a good fate.


Ye Tian laughed when he heard this, then kicked Chang Wei beside him, and said angrily: "Don't hurry up and say thank you!"

"Thank you... Thank you... "

The corners of Chang Wei's mouth were swollen, and his words were a little leaky, but he still nodded respectfully and thanked him.

"Well, since that's the case, I won't stay longer, I still have to escort these wandering spirits to the City God Temple, Daoist Ye, don't do it!"


After that, Wang Yangming waved the mourning stick in his hand and waved it with a big hand, turned around and escorted the group of wandering spirits on the road, and gradually, disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Gone, gone?"

Chang Wei and the other members of the security team watched Wang Yangming disappear in front of them, and they all expressed some disbelief.

"You, you, you have the ability to continue arguing with others, see if he will detain your soul at that time!"

Ye Tian glanced at Chang Wei angrily, and then ignored everyone, but turned around and walked towards the city gate.

"Brother Tian, Brother Tian!"

Chang Wei and the others saw Ye Tian walking away, and hurriedly chased after him.

Although he was slapped firmly, Chang Wei didn't dare to complain, watching Ye Tian walk in front, and hurriedly asked:

"Brother Tian, it's good that I met you tonight, otherwise our brothers would all have braided hair!"

After that, Chang Wei wiped the saliva that was involuntarily left at the corner of his mouth, and continued: "But I'm curious, why did I accidentally run into a bad luck on the road, it will be us who are unlucky!"

"No, the underworld has the rules of the underworld, and if the other party doesn't take your soul today, it's just a personal favor for me!"

Ye Tian turned his head and glanced at Chang Wei's high swollen half of his face, and said helplessly: "Go back and bring these of your subordinates to bathe with grapefruit leaves and wormwood, go to get rid of bad luck, and then prepare one by one according to the conditions I just negotiated with the other party, there can be no omissions, do you hear?"

"Yes, yes!"

Chang Wei dared to hesitate, and nodded in response.

Just as Chang Wei and the others were walking towards the direction of the medical hall with Ye Tian, a middle-aged man ran across from him.

Ye Tian recognized him as one of the squires in this town, Liu Shouren and Master Liu.


At this time, Liu Shouren felt the approach of several people quickly, first greeted Ye Tian, and then hurriedly asked Chang Wei.

"Captain, did you catch that thief?"

"Don't mention Master Liu, my brothers almost lost their lives for your incident!"

Chang Wei complained angrily, if it weren't for the fact that the other party was a squire in his town, he would have been unable to help but scold.

"Hmm, Captain, what do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting, I didn't catch it, I didn't catch it!"

Chang Wei waved his hand impatiently and said, "That figure ran so fast, it ran out of the city in a blink of an eye, and it couldn't catch up at all!"

"Hey, bastard, if I had to catch him, I'd have to kill him!"

Hearing this, Liu Shouren stomped his feet hatefully and scolded loudly.

Ye Tian didn't know what was going on in Liu Shouren's house, but he was very curious when he saw that there was an exorcism talisman attached to his chest.

"Master Liu, why do you still have a talisman on your clothes?"

"Hey, Doctor Ye, isn't this because of the incident in the Ren family last time?"

Liu Shouren showed an embarrassed smile on his face when he heard this, and continued: "From then on, as long as it is night, I will stick one on my body in case of accidents. "

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