Regarding Liu Shouren and Master Liu's habit, Ye Tian expressed helplessness, but he also understood.

It is estimated that he was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of the well rope for ten years, after all, the last zombie incident in Ren's house made the city panic.

"Doctor Ye, can you please move to the humble house, I have something I want to talk to you about. "

Liu Shouren's eyes dodged slightly when he spoke, and he seemed to hide some hidden secrets, so it was inconvenient to talk about them in detail here.

Seeing this, Ye Tian nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

After that, Ye Tian and Liu Shouren hurried towards Liu's mansion, and Ye Tian was on the way, and finally knew why Liu Shouren was hiding what he said just now.

Liu Shouren's house is indeed a thief tonight, but it is a flower thief.

Liu Shouren's sixteen-year-old daughter was ruined by a flower thief tonight.

The housekeeper who was patrolling the hospital heard the sound of panting from the young lady's room, and felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly reported it to Liu Shouren, who was about to fall asleep.

When the other party heard this, he shouted that it was not good, and took a group of family members with sticks in hand and walked quickly to the young lady's room.

A black shadow struck everyone away in an instant, jumped up over the wall, and headed out of the city.

At this time, I happened to meet Chang Wei and others who were patrolling, and this is what I just said.

After all, it is about her daughter's innocence, and this Miss Liu has been unconscious, and she happened to meet Ye Tian, so Liu Shouren wanted to take him home to treat her daughter.

At this time, I came to Miss Liu's house, and saw her lying on the bed with her hair scattered, although her clothes had been put on again, she was still unconscious and sweating profusely.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian opened his mouth and said, "Miss Liu was not committed by a flower thief, but by a monster!"

Doudou, who was originally lying in Ye Tian's pocket and falling asleep, instantly came out of his pocket after smelling the demonic aura that filled the room, and kept chattering.

"Hey, what is this?"

Liu Shouren was shocked, looking at the appearance of Doudou like a big mouse, and he was so frightened that he retreated again and again.



Doudou ignored it, but jumped on Ye Tian's shoulder again, chirping non-stop.

"Master Liu, don't be afraid, this is a little white mink that I raised!"

Ye Tian gently hugged Doudou down, put it back in his pocket, and then came to Miss Liu's face, and said:

"The young lady is full of demonic energy, and there is still the filth left by the monster in her belly, please ask Master Liu to take a basin of water!"

"Oh, oh!"

Liu Shouren was so frightened that he didn't know what to say, but he didn't expect this daughter to be ruined by a monster, so he hurriedly ordered the maid to come in with a basin of water.

"Let me ask you, where is the exorcism charm on the young lady's body?"

Taking the basin, Liu Shouren did not hand it to Ye Tian, but reprimanded it loudly.

"Small... The young lady said that the charm was too ugly and she didn't want to wear it. . . "

The maid was already scared, but now when she saw Liu Shouren's reprimand, she fainted in fright, and then was carried out of the room by the family.

"Master Liu, don't blame her. "

Ye Tian stretched out his hand to take the basin, then helped up the unconscious Miss Liu and placed the basin in front of her.

"Heaven and earth are born together, sweep away filth and remove sorrows. Refining the Nine Paths, the form is too true. "


I saw Ye Tian raise his hand and slap it firmly on Miss Liu's back.


The unconscious Miss Liu instantly spurted out a mouthful of black blood, and then vomited frantically.

In less than half a minute, a basin full of water was filled with inky filth, and the whole room was filled with a strong fishy smell, which was very unpleasant.

"Whew... Call... "

After finally spitting out all the filth, Miss Liu slowly regained some consciousness and opened her eyes.

"Daddy, Dr. Ye?"

Miss Liu was a little puzzled, looking at the two of them in front of her, not knowing what was going on.

"Daughter, you're finally awake!"

Seeing this, Liu Shouren hurriedly ran to the front, and was so excited that he was about to cry.

"Miss Liu, let me ask you, how did you provoke that monster?"

Now that Miss Liu has woken up, Ye Tian naturally wants to ask what happened.


Miss Liu didn't understand what Ye Tian was referring to, and said confusedly, "What kind of monster?"

"Then has Miss Liu picked up anything from outside recently, or received something from others?"

In general, this kind of thing happens because the other party has received a gift from the monster, and there is a connection between the two.

"Yes, yes!"

Miss Liu nodded again and again when she heard this, and then took out two crystal-shaped things the size of a fingernail from under the pillow and handed them to Ye Tian:

"I picked it up in a ruined temple during the day to avoid the rain, and I saw that it was crystal clear and very beautiful, so I brought it back. "

"Doctor Ye, what the hell is this?"

Liu Shouren looked at the thing in his hand very strangely, and hurriedly asked Ye Tian.

"It is the crystallization of the monster's cultivation from the essence of the sun and the moon, it is very rare and precious!"

Ye Tian observed it carefully, and explained: "Presumably, you mistakenly took these two crystals to attract that monster. "

After that, Ye Tian handed one of the crystals to Liu Shouren,

"Then go and mash it with a stone mortar, pay for Miss Liu, and it will be cured in less than three days!"

"Yes, yes!"

Liu Shouren didn't dare to delay when he heard this, and hurriedly handed it over to the family to do.

"Doctor Ye, will that monster come to pester my daughter again!"

Although he drove the monster away this time, Liu Shouren was still worried that the other party would come to find the back account, so he hurriedly asked Ye Tian.

"No, because it doesn't have that ability anymore!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and smiled, took out the bean in his pocket, and put it next to the pot of filth.

"Smell it, find the trail of that monster!"



The lightning marten was very spiritual and good at tracking, smelling the filth full of fishy smell, Doudou circled back and forth, then turned into a white shadow, and ran out of the room.

"Go back and send fifty oceans to Uncle Jiu of Yizhuang, it's the reward this time!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian also ran out of the room quickly, leaving this sentence and disappearing.


Relying on the tracking of the lightning mink bean, at this time, Ye Tian had already come to a barren mountain full of dead trees and barren mountains that had become ten miles away.

Doudou no longer continued to move forward, but kept spinning in place, as if he had lost his way, and chattered non-stop.

"Alright, your mission is complete!"

Ye Tian smiled and hugged Doudou into his arms, and then took out the remaining sun and moon crystal and handed it to Doudou's claws.



Looking at the crystallization of the sun and moon in his arms, Doudou was very happy, and jumped back and forth on the ground several times before jumping back into Ye Tian's pocket.

Chapter 4 is presented.,There's a last one later.,If you like it, please support it!


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