Ye Tian was under a barren mountain at this time, surrounded by dead branches and old trees, overgrown with weeds, and there was no temple at all that Miss Liu said.

And this beanie seems to have lost the smell of the monster, and he can't find his way for a while.

But Ye Tian did not show any retreat at all, but pointed at the starry sky, and a talisman instantly appeared in his hand, igniting a little fire.

"The Northern Emperor has my paper, the book runes to drive away ghosts and evils, a wisp of wind swings the sky, ten thousand laws are disillusioned and empty, and it is as urgent as a law!"


A golden light instantly lit up in front of him, and then the scene in front of him suddenly changed into a different scene.

I saw that the dead trees that stopped in front of me had long since disappeared, but a small path with hexagrams appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes.

And as the path looked up, a dilapidated ancient temple was impressively located on the mountainside.

"Good performance!"

Ye Tian reached into his pocket and touched Doudou's head, then he walked forward.

As the ancient temple got closer and closer, the back of a young man appeared in front of him, and he was walking towards the mountain step by step, panting.


Ye Tian had already come to the young man's approach at this time, looked at his sweaty face, and asked:

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

"Whew... Call... "

The young man gasped as he continued to climb the mountain, and said:

"I'm going to worship Wong Tai Sin!"

"Wong Tai Sin?"

Ye Tian asked with some curiosity.

"Yes, Wong Tai Sin is a spirit!"

The young man said as he kept gesturing with his hands.

"My lady has been infertile for a long time, I went to the Wong Tai Sin Temple to beg for its blessing, what I didn't expect was that three days after coming back, my mother was pregnant, this time, I came to repay the vow. "

As he spoke, the young man handed the bamboo basket in his hand to Ye Tian's eyes, and looked at it, full of sacrifices and wine, with a heavy appearance.

"Is there really such a spirit?"

"Yes, yes, so we must pay homage to this Wong Tai Sin and bless us to live this life safely!"


The corner of Ye Tian's mouth sneered, and he raised his hand and slapped it heavily on the young man's back.


A miserable scream came out, and I saw that the young man was directly slapped out by Ye Tian's huge force dozens of meters away, and the sacrifices in the basket were also scattered all over the ground.

At this time, he was lying on the ground screaming in pain, and his whole body was struggling violently.

"Stinky thing, why don't you keep acting!"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, raised his leg and rushed towards the young man.

At this time, I saw that the young man let out a miserable cry, and instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed up the mountainside, and disappeared.

Ye Tian didn't continue to chase, but walked halfway up the mountain and came to the dilapidated ancient temple.

Stepping into the ancient temple, a fishy smell came to his face, and then the statue that had already been tattered instantly smashed towards Ye Tian, and with a dodge, it fell heavily to the ground.


Another black shadow flashed out, accompanied by a thick stench, and a pair of steel knife-like claws had already come to Ye Tian's face.

"Look for death!"

Ye Tian's right fist turned into a claw, and he caught the other party in a blink of an eye.

I saw that a weasel the size of a puppy was grabbed by Ye Tian's neck at this time, and kept struggling and screaming violently, but he was never able to break free from the other party's clamp.

"Looks like you're that Wong Tai Sin?"

Ye Tian looked at the weasel in front of him with a relaxed face, and a faint smile appeared on his face.



The weasel struggled incessantly, letting out a scream of pain.

"Daoist Ye, please be merciful!"

Just when the weasel kept struggling, another big weasel ran in from outside the temple, and then turned around and flickered, and an old man with a face full of vicissitudes appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes.

"Is that you?"

Ye Tian recognized the voice, and also recognized this weasel, which was the one that was let go by himself in Niu San's house that day.

"It seems that your cultivation has improved rapidly, and you can already transform into a human form!"

Ye Tian never let go, and grabbed the weasel's neck tightly, not letting it die, but also not letting it struggle to escape.

"Daoist Ye, this is my ignorant child, who has caused a big disaster, please be merciful and bypass him this time!"

Listening to the mouse yellow wolf's plea for mercy, the weasel no longer continued to struggle, but shed two lines of tears and looked at each other.

"If you knew this was the case, why bother in the first place!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Then Miss Liu took your sun and moon crystals by mistake, and you can get them back while she is unprepared! Why do you want to spoil the other party's innocence and ruin people's reputation?"

In this era, a woman's loss of virginity before marriage is a very influential thing, and it is very likely that in this life, she will be pointed at behind her back.

Hearing Ye Tian say this, the mouse yellow wolf knelt directly in front of him and begged for mercy repeatedly:

"Daoist Ye, all the mistakes are my old man's teaching, please have a lot of them, spare me this ignorant child!"

After that, the rat yellow wolf kept kowtowing towards Ye Tian, and in less than half a minute, his forehead was already full of blood.

"I swear, from now on, old man, I am willing to be the immortal of the Liu family, let them enjoy all the glory and wealth, and not let Miss Liu be bullied by others!

"Are you guilty?"

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to the mouse yellow wolf, but looked at the weasel in his hand.



The weasel nodded and chirped in response.

"Very good, in that case, I will abolish all your Taoism, go back and live honestly for a few years, and then enter the underworld to reincarnate!"

After that, a golden needle appeared between Ye Tian's fingers, piercing the weasel's heart.

Suddenly, a puff of cyan smoke flew out of the weasel's heart, and then its entire face became distorted and painful, and its eyes were no longer as clear and clear as they had been, but became gray.

Seeing this, Ye Tian waved his hand and threw the weasel at the feet of the mouse yellow wolf.

"Do you have any objection to my punishment like this?"

"No objection, no objection!"

The rat yellow wolf nodded again and again, crying bitterly.

This weasel has now been abolished by Ye Tian of all his Taoism, and he has also shattered dozens of his meridians and destroyed the functions of his lower body, as if he has become a waste mortal.

Even if you want to embark on the path of cultivation again, you will definitely not have any hope.

But even so, it was better than being killed by Ye Tian on the spot.

"Take good care of your son, if you do it again, next time it will definitely not be as simple as abolishing his Taoism!

Ye Tian glanced at the old weasel coldly, then ignored the other party again, turned around and walked out of the broken temple and went down the mountain.

Today's update ends, and 10,000 words have been uploaded.

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