Early in the morning, as soon as Ye Tian opened the door of the medical hall, he saw that Qiusheng and Wen Cai drove over in the carriage with a smile on their faces, and Aunt Su and Hua Yanyan also followed closely behind them and approached together.

"Uncle Shi, we are all ready for the carriage, and we will be ready to leave in a while!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi, I have also prepared all kinds of pastries for you to eat on the road!"

Qiusheng and Wencai stopped the carriage and walked over with a happy face, this time they were able to go out with Ye Tian, not to mention how happy they were.

Especially Qiusheng, last time because he needed to help his aunt look after the store, he didn't have the opportunity to go to the dojo of the four-eyed Taoist with Ye Tian and Wencai.

Now that the business of this aunt's family is getting better and better, she has specially hired two guys to look after the store, so there is no need for Qiusheng to run to the store every once in a while.

"I'm out so early!"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, Aunt Sue walked closer, and said with a smile: "Go out early and come back early!"

"yes, yes, if you leave, I can take over the medical hall, hehe!"

Hua Yanyan didn't mention how happy she was today, although she also diagnosed and diagnosed diseases on weekdays, she often stood aside, and the elders of the clan personally diagnosed and treated, and she was only responsible for some minor diseases.

Now that she can run a medical clinic by herself, Hua Yanyan can be said to be very happy.

Without waiting for Ye Tian to go out, he rushed into the medical hall with a strong step, sat down at the consultation table with a swagger, and pretended to be serious and said:

"Ahem, uncle, you can go with confidence, the medical hall will be handed over to me, and I will ensure that you can leave with confidence!"

"What did you say, you dead girl!"

Aunt Sue roared directly when she heard this, and then walked quickly to Hua Yanyan's approach, and raised her hand to pat her on the head, causing the other party to scream in pain again and again.

"My junior brother is going out of the house, not out of the funeral!

"Oh, that's what I meant. Not with a heart!"

"Hmph, if you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that I will beat you up!"

After that, Aunt Sue changed to the smile just now, walked up to Ye Tian and said, "Senior brother, he has already retreated, so he won't come to see you, with me watching here, there will definitely be no problem, don't worry!"

"That's natural, hard work, senior sister!"

"Uncle Shi, it's time for us to go!"

Aunt Su and Ye Tian were still talking here, and Qiusheng and Wencai, who were waiting at the door over there, were already a little anxious.

"Urge, urge, fart, you urge!"

Sure enough, as soon as Wen Cai's words fell, he was scolded by Aunt Sue, so frightened that he hurriedly hid behind the carriage and didn't dare to speak.

"Hehe, uncle, aunt, you don't know, this Jiuquan Town is far away, and the road has to be delayed for at least two or three days, don't we want to start early and do things early!"

Hearing Qiusheng say this, Aunt Cane no longer talked about anything, but helped sort out the wrinkles on Ye Tian's body, and said with concern:

"Go, go early and come back early!

"Don't worry, senior sister!"

Ye Tian smiled faintly, then stretched out his head to look at Hua Yanyan in front of the consultation table, and said:

"You practice medicine well, I don't want this medical hall to be closed when I come back!"

"Okay, okay, rest assured, rest assured! Miss Ben has superb medical skills, and she will never disgrace you! Don't worry, let's go quickly!"

Hua Yanyan waved her hand again and again when she heard this, and her appearance was extremely happy.

Seeing this, Ye Tian got into the carriage and set off towards Jiuquan Town with Qiusheng and Wencai.



It seems that he may also be very interested in going out, Doudou is directly on the roof of the carriage shed, constantly looking left and right, so unhappy.

But he soon got bored, and then jumped into the arms of Ye Tian in the carport and fell asleep.

Ye Tian didn't care, so he simply let Qiusheng and Wencai continue to drive, while he lay in the carport, staggering along the way, and gradually fell asleep.

Before they knew it, several people had already rushed for a day.

At this time, Qiusheng and Wencai came to a riverbank with a carriage, and looked at the foggy appearance around them, a little confused.

"Qiusheng, are we on the wrong path?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

The two of you look at me, I look at you, look at everything around you, and feel a little strange.

"No, I remember that there is a bridge here, didn't it come for four years, and it was demolished?"

"Nonsense, a good bridge, what to do if you tear it down!"

Qiusheng jumped directly from the carriage, and saw that there was a man wearing a hat and a cloak on the shore not far ahead, fishing, so he opened his mouth and said to Wencai:

"You wait for me, I'll ask the guy and see what's going on?"


"It's weird, why is this so big fog!"

Qiusheng muttered quietly as he walked towards the river, and then came to the man's side, and looked at it carefully, it was a thin old man.

"Uncle, is there a bridge here?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

The old man made a slightly hoarse voice and kept shaking his head, but his eyes were always staring at the changes in the water.

Qiusheng looked curious, and asked again: "Uncle, can you catch a fish here?"

The old man wore a fishing line on a bare bamboo pole and hung straight into the river, which made Qiusheng very curious.

As a veteran of fishing, Qiu Sheng felt that he had to teach this old man a lesson.

"You know what, I fish by feeling, and I want to drift fish!"

"Blow it, if you can catch a fish, I'll eat it raw!"

Qiusheng looked disdainful and muttered angrily.

"Hehe, then you're going to lose!"

The old man sneered, and then he saw that bubbles had bubbled up under the sleep, and the fishing line seemed to be pulled by something, causing the rod made of bamboo to bend a little.

"Damn, it's really fake!"

Qiusheng couldn't believe his eyes, and hurriedly looked at the bubbling water.

Looking at the bend of the bamboo pole and the old man's vigorous appearance, Qiusheng felt that it was likely to be a big fish.

I can't help but think of what I just said, and I really regret that I want to slap myself in the mouth.


With a splash by the river, Qiusheng sat directly on the ground with weak legs, and couldn't help muttering in his mouth.

"Death ... Die... Dead man!"

Sure enough, as Qiusheng said, I saw a female corpse that had been drowned for an unknown amount of time and was dragged up by the old man with a fishing line.

The woman's body was already soaked and swollen, her complexion was pale, and her body was still wrapped with a lot of water and plants.

"Hey, there's something to eat!"

The old man had a hard hand in his hand, and directly dragged the female corpse up, and looked at it carefully, and even the corners of his mouth began to drip sticky saliva.

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