"Hey, is it really a ghost hitting the wall?"

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng listened to Ye Tian's reprimand, and hurriedly drove the grapefruit leaf from their pockets and stuck it on their eyelids.

Sure enough, as Ye Tian said, a little ghost was riding on the young man's neck, covering his eyes and laughing repeatedly, as if he was having a lot of fun.


At this time, Ye Tian stepped forward and walked in a little, pretending to cough a few times.

Sure enough, the little ghost, who was still having a lot of fun, instantly became scared after meeting Ye Tian's serious expression, turned around and jumped, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Huh, what's the situation?"

The young man, who had a sad face, suddenly felt that the road in front of him instantly brightened, and he couldn't help but feel extremely surprised.

At this time, Qiusheng and Wencai walked closer, looked at the young man who was still shocked, and said:

"Brother, did you know that you were blindsided by a ghost just now, and the ghost hit the wall?"

"Ghost covers eyes, ghost hits the wall?"

The young man was a little puzzled, but he had heard a lot about the ghost hitting the wall, and when he saw the two of them appear in front of him, he thanked him repeatedly:

"Thank you for the rescue, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get out tonight!"

"Ha, don't thank the two of us, just now my wise and martial uncle scene, scolded that little ghost!"

"You... Are you a Taoist?"

Listening to Qiusheng boasting on the side, the young man looked at Ye Tian with surprise and said in disbelief.

"Maoshan Sect Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian smiled faintly.

The young man did not have any doubts, and hurriedly took out more than a dozen copper plates from his arms, handed them to his eyes, and said sincerely:

"Daochang Ye, my Li Erniu doesn't have much money, I originally planned to go to the town to ask a doctor to treat my sister, but now it seems that I can't go, you saved me, I will give you this money!"

"What's the matter? Your sister is sick?"

Ye Tian did not take the copper plate, but asked curiously.

"Yes, yes!"

Li Erniu nodded again and again, and said: "My sister has been saying that she is unwell and groggy recently, so I looked for Lang Zhong in the village to take a look, but I didn't see any problems.

I thought I'd go to the town and ask a doctor to take a look and see what kind of illness my sister was getting!"

"Ha, you've found the right person!"

When Wencai and Qiusheng heard Li Erniu say this, they hurriedly ran to the front, stood aside alone, and said with a smile.

"My uncle is the descendant of the golden needle of Maoshan Weimen, and his medical skills are extraordinary!"

"That's right, the Shenlong Medical Hall in Renjia Town was opened by my uncle, and it can be described as an invincible opponent in the apricot forest, if you meet him, you will be considered lucky to go shit!"

Ye Tian listened to the praise of these two nephews and nephews, and he really felt a little helpless.

"Huh, really, really?"

Li Erniu couldn't believe what the two said, and hurriedly asked.

"Nonsense, that's still fake!"

Qiusheng glanced at Wencai, and the two of them understood, and reached out to take the dozen copper plates in Li Erniu's hand.

"These should be regarded as the consultation fees for our uncle!"

After that, Qiusheng and Wencai were overjoyed and ran behind Ye Tian and jumped happily.

Seeing this, Ye Tian didn't bother to reprimand the two, and then walked up to Li Erniu and said:

"Since I have received your consultation fee, then I will go and show your sister what kind of disease she has!"

"Okay, okay! Daoist Ye, come with me!"

Li Erniu was very happy when he heard this, and hurriedly led Ye Tian and a few people to his home.

Li Erniu's home is in a small village not far ahead, and there are less than 30 families in the village.

At this time, it was already ten in the middle of the night, and every household had closed the door and went to bed early.

"Daoist Ye, this is it!"

Ye Tian and the others followed Li Erniu to the courtyard of a two-room hut, bolted the carriage, and followed Li Erniu into the courtyard.

"Hasn't the girl slept yet?"

Seeing that the lights were still on in his sister's house, Li Erniu saw this, knocked on the door and said:

"Xiaohua, Xiaohua, my brother brought a doctor to see you!"

"Wait a minute!"

With a whisper, it didn't take long for the door to open.

I saw a little girl with a pale face standing in front of the door, fifteen or sixteen years old looked very cute, looking at Ye Tian and the three of them standing in front of the door, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Brother, why did you come back, I'm worried to death!"

"Hehe, Xiaohua, brother encountered a ghost hitting the wall on the road and got lost, fortunately, this Ye Daochang came to the rescue!"

After that, Li Erniu led Ye Tian closer and introduced: "This Ye Dao Elder is not only a strong mana, but also a great doctor, he will definitely be able to see your illness today." "

"Thank you Dao Chang Ye for saving my brother!"

Xiaohua nodded to Ye Tian very politely, then turned sideways and led everyone into the room.

The house is small, and apart from some necessities of life, there is hardly anything of value to be seen.

At this time, with the help of the light, Ye Tian led Li Xiaohua closer, looked at her pale cheeks, and asked with a smile:

"Xiaohua, tell me, where do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I can't say it, I just feel that my brain is groggy after waking up every day, and my body has no strength, which is very uncomfortable!"

Xiaohua touched her dizzy head and replied.

"Did you dream about anything?"

"I can't remember, I seem to have dreamed of something, but I just can't remember it. "

"How long has this been going on?"

"It's been four or five days, and it wasn't so uncomfortable at first, but I don't know what happened recently, my head started to hurt, and my body became less and less energetic. "

Li Erniu on the side looked at the girl and was a little anxious, seeing that Ye Tian just kept asking about the other party's feelings, he couldn't help but say on the side:

"Daochang Ye, what is my sister's disease, can you see it?"

Seeing Li Erniu asking, Ye Tian no longer asked Xiaohua, but said:

"Your sister's soul is unstable, and she still has ghost energy on her body, if she didn't guess wrong, it should be caused by being squeezed by ghosts!"


Li Erniu was taken aback when he heard this, and even Xiaohua felt a little frightened, and retreated again and again, not daring to move forward.

"Doctor Ye, you're not mistaken, right?

It seemed that what Ye Tian said was too unbelievable, Li Erniu didn't believe it, and hurriedly asked.

"The so-called ghost squeezing people is the phenomenon of ghosts squeezing the soul of a living person out of the body, and then possessing the other person's body to achieve resurrection.

Under normal circumstances, ghosts will squeeze out the souls of living people within seven days, and then devour their souls. "

After that, Ye Tian pulled the little flower who was hiding on the side closer, gently supported it on the chair, and continued:

"Don't worry, I won't let that ghost get away with it!"

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