Listening to Ye Tian's explanation, Li Erniu's back seemed to be bubbling with a cold wind.

If it is really as Ye Tian said, then in a few days, his sister's soul will be completely gone.

And that ghost will completely occupy the girl's body and become her own sister.

Thinking of this, Li Erniu knelt directly in front of Ye Tian, begging again and again and said:

"Doctor Ye, please save my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law and I have been dependent on each other for so many years, I can't just watch her soul fly away!"

"Don't worry, didn't I just say it? I'll take care of your sister's affairs to the end."

With that, Ye Tian pulled Xiaohua closer and showed a sunny smile.

"Xiaohua, believe me?"

"Well, I believe it!"

Ye Tian feels like a scholar, humble and polite.

Looking at his smile, Xiaohua felt as if her heart was warm, and she nodded again and again.

"Okay, then you can go to sleep!"

With that, Ye Tian raised his hand and lightly pointed his sword at Xiaohua's forehead.

In an instant, Xiaohua's eyes closed instantly, and then she lay in Ye Tian's arms and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Ye Tian hurriedly put Xiaohua on the bed and gently covered the quilt.

Then he turned to Li Erniu and Qiusheng and ordered a few times:

"After a while, this little flower will fall asleep, and that ghost will definitely come again, don't move any of you, go back to the house and pretend to sleep, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes!"

When the three of them heard this, they nodded again and again, led the way by Li Erniu, turned around and returned to another house.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, turned around and entered Xiaohua's room, bolted the door, and hid in a simple closet, quietly waiting for the ghost to come.

"Brother Qiusheng, Brother Wencai, didn't Daoist Ye tell us to pretend to sleep?

Li Erniu was concerned about the safety of his sister Xiaohua, how could he sleep, and after tossing and turning on the bed for a while, he saw Qiusheng and Wencai lying on the window and looking outside.


Seeing this, Qiusheng hurriedly covered his mouth and whispered:

"We want to see when that ghost comes, don't make a noise to scare him away!"


Li Erniu was very surprised, and hurriedly took off the hand that was covered by the other party, and asked in a low voice, "Can you really see ghosts?"


Wen Cai muttered angrily, then took out two grapefruit leaves, handed them to the other party, and commanded:

"Put it on your eyelids, just like us, and you can see ghosts!"

"Good, good!"

Li Erniu also wanted to see who tried to take his sister's life, so he agreed again and again, and put the grapefruit leaf on his eyelids.

In this way, the three of them lay on their stomachs by the window, looking out of the window vigilantly, observing every move in their surroundings.

Gradually, there seemed to be a breeze in the yard, and the three of them felt a little chill at the same time, and then the figure of a seven or eight-year-old girl slowly floated into the yard from the outside.

"Isn't this the little granddaughter of the princess of the next village?

Looking at the ghost that appeared, Li Erniu was taken aback!


Seeing this, Qiusheng and Wencai immediately covered Li Erniu's mouth with their hands, for fear that he would disturb that little ghost.

The little girl seemed to notice something, and floated back and forth in the yard, while the three of Qiusheng didn't dare to breathe, and hurriedly lay on the bed and pretended to sleep.

After a long time, the little girl stopped spinning, and then slowly floated into the room of the little flower.

"Are you gone?"

Qiusheng opened his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Let's go!"

Wen Cai agreed, and then pulled Li Erniu, who was full of excitement, and commanded in a low voice: "If there is anything to talk about, don't get excited!"


Li Erniu nodded in response, but his face was very angry.

At this time, in Xiaohua's room, Ye Tian could clearly see through the gap in the closet that a little girl who looked like seven or eight years old slowly floated into the room and came to Xiaohua's bedside.

Looking at the sleeping joke on the bed, the little girl's face was filled with a sinister smile.

Then the whole body instantly rose into the air, pressed on Xiaohua's body, and slowly used his head to tap Xiaohua's forehead.

However, just as the little girl was about to continue tapping, suddenly a golden light emitted from Xiaohua's heart.

Then the little girl was instantly blown aside and fell to the ground.

At this time, although the little flower had not yet woken up, above her heart, a glittering talisman appeared in the eyes of the little girl.

The little girl realized that the situation was not good, looked around angrily, and then turned and flew out of the door.


At this moment, a talisman instantly stuck to the little girl's back.

I only heard the little girl let out a miserable cry, and her whole body flew out in an instant, falling heavily on the ground.

At this time, Qiusheng, Wencai, and Li Erniu also ran out of the house, and Ye Tian also strolled to the front, his right hand spread out, and the two talismans kept spinning in mid-air, dazzling with golden light.

"Tell me, who taught you this evil art to harm people?"

Ye Tian looked coldly at the little girl on the ground whose yin qi had collapsed, her ghost qi was very weak, and it was obvious that she had just died not long ago.

This kind of ghost wants to take away the living, and often has the guidance of a master behind him.


The little girl didn't seem to pay attention to Ye Tian's words at all, glared at him vigorously, and did not answer.

And Li Erniu angrily pointed at the little girl on the ground and cursed loudly:

"Why do you want to hurt my sister-in-law! Didn't that old thing send you here?

"Lady Wang?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, looked at Li Erniu and asked, "Who is Wang Po?"

"Hey, hey, hey, my grandma's magic is strong, you caught me, she won't let you go! Hey, hey, hey, hey, she'll let you all die without a place to bury!Hahaha!"

The little girl showed an extremely hideous expression when she heard this, her face became more and more pale, and a long red tongue stretched out and wrapped around her left and right.

"Death is still nonsense!"

Ye Tian raised his hand and waved, and a talisman instantly stuck to the little girl's eyebrows.



In an instant, the yin qi around the little girl poured out, and the little girl also let out a miserable cry.

Then in the blink of an eye, it turned into a black light and disappeared into the talisman in Ye Tian's hand.

Seeing this, Ye Tian put the talisman into his pocket, looked at the angry Li Erniu, and asked:

"Who is his grandmother and grandmother?

"Hmph, that old thing, it's really not human!"

Li Erniu couldn't help but scold again, and then explained:

"Wang Po is a woman in the next village who asks Mi Po, who makes a living by exorcising evil spirits, shouting souls, and making paper ties!

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