Hearing that the princess was willing to help her, the white girl smiled and said her request.

"You go get three pig hearts, three cow hearts, and three sheep hearts, and send them to me!"


Although she was willing to help the white girl, Wang Po was still a little embarrassed after hearing her strange request.

Don't look at the hearts of animals, but they really cost a lot of money.

Wang Po's man died not long after marriage, and her son dropped out of school at the age of ten to farm with him at home for a living.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about money! Remember, you'll be the only one to come when the time comes, do you hear clearly?"

The white girl raised her hand and waved it gently, and a piece of gold appeared in her hand.

This scene really made Wang Po feel extremely surprised, looking at the heavy gold in her hand, Wang Po felt like she was in a dream.

At the moment, he didn't care where the gold came from, he ran down the mountain with the gold, and it took nearly half a day of hard work to finally get all the things that the white girl needed.

In the evening, when the sun had set, Wang Po carried a bamboo basket alone and carried a heavy package in her arms, and finally came to the cave where the white girl lived.

"Girl, I've got everything! Where are you?"

At this time, the cave was pitch black, and the figure of the white girl could not be seen at all, only a faint figure came from the depths of the cave.

"Okay, thank you, just put it here!"

"Then the rest of the money, I put it in this hole for you?"

"No, you can take the rest of the money, and there is a piece of gold at the entrance of the cave, and you can take it with you. "

When Wang Po heard this, she saw a piece of gold not far under her feet, which was bigger and brighter than just now.

"Every three days in the future, you will send me these things according to today's requirements, and if the money is not enough, I will give it to you!"


Wang Po was overjoyed when she heard this, this piece of gold weighs more than a catty, and she has changed a lot of oceans during the day today.

Now that there is another piece of gold, how can it not be enough, so he agreed to the white girl's request again and again, and there was no superfluous doubt.

After all, after so many years of poverty, anyone is overjoyed to suddenly have money.

"Okay, just send things here at this hour in the future, and don't tell anyone else, understand?"

"Understood, understood!"

Wang Po didn't think much about what the other party wanted these things for, just looked at the gold in her hand and nodded again and again.

Then, for two months, Wang Po would send these things every three days, and it would not take many times for the White Lady to give her another piece of gold.

In this way, when the princess came for the last time with the heart of an animal, there was no voice of the white girl in the cave.

This made Wang Po very surprised, and she didn't know where the white girl had gone.

But curiosity prompted the princess to go into the cave to see if the white girl had really left.

So, Wang Po lit some dead branches, and by the light of the fire, slowly walked into the cave.

As soon as she entered the cave, there was a thick smell of fishy smell coming to her face, and Wang Po resisted the urge not to vomit and continued to walk forward.

The next scene shocked and frightened Wang Po.

I saw that the cave was full of white bones, and the appearance of those white bones was human bones.

Not only that, but the ground in the cave was also covered with blood, and the stench was unbearable.

Wang Po couldn't hold on any longer at this time, screamed loudly, and ran out of the cave quickly.

Back at home, Wang Po sat alone in front of the window, panting heavily, and her heart seemed to beat to her throat.

Thinking of the situation in the cave and the fact that the white girl had told her not to mention this to outsiders, the princess could only hide all her words in her heart, and did not dare to talk to outsiders.

Gradually, as time went by, the matter of the white girl was gradually forgotten by the princess.

And the son of the princess has also reached the age of marrying, relying on the gold given by the white girl back then, he also married a good daughter-in-law.

The family continued to live with Hemeimei, but four or five years have passed, and the son and daughter-in-law have never had a child, which makes Wang Po a little worried.

So, Wang Po began to seek medical advice and worship the temple, just so that her child could give birth to a boy and a girl, and continue the incense.

It's a pity that two years have passed, and the daughter-in-law's stomach still hasn't moved, which makes Wang Po feel extremely depressed.

On this day, Wang Po wanted to go up the mountain again to worship Guanyin Niangniang, and asked her to give her son and daughter-in-law a child.

But I didn't expect that halfway up the mountain, I met the white girl I had treated ten years ago.

The white girl didn't seem to grow old, dressed in white like snow, still so young, handsome, like a fairy.

However, the princess thought of the scene she had seen in the cave, and she was so frightened that she retreated again and again, pointed to the white girl and said in fear:

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

"What, what do you think?"

The white girl smiled sweetly, and then seemed to float to the princess's side, and spat out the fragrance.

"You don't care what I am, I'm here today to repay you for saving your life back then!"

As she spoke, the white girl waved her long skirt and asked with a smile: "Say, whatever you want, I can fulfill you!"

"Really, really, can any wish be fulfilled for me?"

Wang Po looked at the radiant white girl, as if she was no longer afraid, and couldn't help but ask loudly.

"Of course, you say, do you want wealth and glory, or do you want fine clothes and fine food?"

"I don't want any of those, I just want my daughter-in-law to give me a child, I'm satisfied!"

"Hee-hee, your wish is really simple!"

The white girl smiled when she heard this, and then flicked her fingers, and a talisman appeared in the hand of the princess.

"Take this talisman, burn it into ashes and mix it with gruel and feed it to the two of them, and within a month, your daughter-in-law will be pregnant!"

"Huh? Really?"

Wang Po couldn't believe it, and wanted to ask the white girl for the specific reason, but there was still half of the other party's figure in front of her.

At this time, the princess was extremely entangled in her heart, on the one hand, she was afraid of the true identity of the white girl, and on the other hand, she wanted her daughter-in-law to have a child.

After a fierce inner struggle, Wang Po took the talisman into her arms, turned around and went down the mountain to go home.

According to the white girl's instructions, the princess burned the talisman to ashes, mixed it with gruel, and let her son and daughter-in-law take it together.

Then that night, the princess had a very strange dream, in which she saw a little girl coming in from outside the courtyard and running into the room of her son and daughter-in-law.

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