Listening to Wang Po tell the past one by one, Ye Tian didn't say anything, just sat on the chair and continued to listen.

It seemed that she was preparing to spit out the secrets of the past, and although Wang Po's breath was weaker at this time, she could still continue to tell Ye Tian what had happened back then.

After that dream that day, the mysterious white girl did not appear again for the next month, and the princess was always watching her daughter-in-law's movements.

Sure enough, when the one-month deadline was approaching, the daughter-in-law vomited and dizzy.

Seeing this, Wang Po hurriedly invited Langzhong from the village.

Sure enough, the daughter-in-law is pregnant!

This news can be said to be the happiest news that Wang Po has heard over the years.

In the days that followed, the daughter-in-law gave birth to a very cute little girl, the little girl in front of her.

Three generations of a family live together, which can be described as happy and happy.

But an accident took away the lives of Wang Po's son and daughter-in-law.

Wang Po could only live alone with her little granddaughter, and a lot of her savings were stolen by thieves.

Just when Wang Po thought that she would never meet the white girl again in her life, one night, Wang Po went into the mountain to chop wood and missed the hour.

When she came down the mountain, she found that it was getting darker and darker, and with a heavy amount of dry firewood on her back, Wang Po could only walk slowly towards the village step by step.

"Wang Po!

Just as Wang Po walked forward slowly, there was a voice calling behind her.

When Wang Po heard this, she looked back, but she couldn't see anyone at all, only the dark night.

Thinking that she was having auditory hallucinations, she continued to walk forward.

Who knew that not long after leaving, he heard another call.

"Wang Po!

Wang Po thought about the little granddaughter at home, and felt that someone was deliberately playing tricks on herself, so she couldn't help but turn around and scold:

"Who the hell is it, you have the ability to come out and speak!"

As soon as these words fell, a gust of wind blew in front of the princess.

I saw a ghost who was missing half of his head and looked extremely hideous, and appeared in front of Wang Po.

The other party looked at her surprised expression, couldn't help licking the corners of her cracked mouth with her tongue, and said with a smile:

"Haven't you heard someone say that you don't want to answer casually when you hear someone call your name in the middle of the night?"

At this time, Wang Po was so frightened that she couldn't move at all, and she saw that the powerful ghost opened her bloody mouth, and she was about to pounce on herself.


At this moment, a white light and shadow instantly hit the ghost's body.

In an instant, the ghost let out a miserable scream, and then instantly turned into a cloud of dust and vanished.

Then a familiar white figure slowly appeared in front of the panicked Wang Po, she never dreamed that it would be the white girl she hadn't seen for many years.

The white girl came to Wang Po lightly, looked at her lost soul, and said with a smile:

"Why? Are you so scared?"

"You... Why are you here again?"

Although I don't know who this white girl is, Wang Po is sure that she is definitely not a human being!

"Look at what you said, I was passing by here for something and wanted to come to see you, but you were afraid of me!"

The white girl showed a trace of displeasure on her face, flicked her sleeves angrily, and turned around to ignore the princess.

Although she knew that this white girl was by no means a good person, Wang Po was grateful for her kindness to her and thanked her repeatedly, which made a faint smile appear on the other party's face again.

"Well, I know you're scared of me, and this is the last time I'll see you!"

The white girl was still as young and beautiful as ever, and then slowly approached Wang Po and gently touched her cold forehead on the other party's forehead.


For a while, there were many, many more things in Wang Po's mind, and the whole person felt different.

Then the white girl smiled slightly, casually threw a jade plaque to Wang Po, and continued:

"You put away this jade plaque, and when you are most in danger, hold it high, maybe save your life!"

After that, the white girl said no more, and then turned around again and disappeared in front of the princess's eyes.

From then on, Wang Po suddenly knew the magic of channeling and asking rice.

Slowly, the nearby village became famous, and life got better and better.

It's just that I didn't expect that some time ago, bad luck befell her little granddaughter again.

She went to the back mountain, but one accidentally fell off the cliff and died on the spot.

Wang Po, who has lost her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in succession, feels in pain and has a broken liver and intestines.

In the end, he remembered the long-sealed ghost squeezing technique in his mind, so he aimed at Xiaohua, Li Erniu's sister in the next village.

At this point, Wang Po said all the words buried in her heart, and the whole person seemed to be relieved.

Suddenly, he gasped for breath, and finally slowly closed his eyes, completely lifeless.

"Hey... "

After hearing this, Ye Tian's heart was also uneven.

"Grandma, grandma!"

Nan Nan kept crying beside Wang Po, shedding blood-red tears, and then a rickety figure floated up from Wang Po's body and landed in front of Ye Tian.

This figure is the soul of the princess.

"Now that you are dead, Xiaohua's crime and debt will no longer be pursued!"

Ye Tian waved his fingers when he heard this, and the two golden needles fell on the eyebrows of the princess and the girl respectively.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and Qiankun borrows the law. Maoshan degree ghost needle, the ghost leads the soul. Haste as a law!"



Two golden rays of light flashed, and the figures of Wang Po and Nan Nan gradually became blurred.

"Thank you, Daoist Ye!"

With the sound of two thanks, the figures of Wang Po and Nan Nan also disappeared and disappeared.

Looking at the corpse of the princess on the ground, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly.

I can't help but sympathize with the life experience of Wang Po and Nannan, and also have strong questions about the mysterious and weird white girl.

According to Wang Po's account, Ye Tian guessed that this white girl was most likely not an evil magician, but an existence like a demon.

And her identity is likely to be a survivor of the big war twenty years ago.

Perhaps it was because of her that the Extreme Dao Alliance would secretly rise in the cultivation world again in the past twenty years.

Even if you have too many questions in your mind, there is no way to answer them at this time.

Ye Tian waved his hand to summon the Tiangang Fire and burned Wang Po's body.

Then he returned to Li Erniu's home, briefly recounted the matter, and then took Qiusheng and Wencai to continue on the road, heading towards Jiuquan Town.

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