"Ye Tian, what are you going to do!"

At this time, the mayor finally reacted to what was happening, and hurriedly helped David who fell to the ground to his feet, and accused angrily.


Ye Tian spread his hands and said expressionlessly: "He kicked my nephew, and I kicked him back, it's reasonable!" "

"Bastard, you are so blatant!"

"What? Didn't you do it first? "

Ye Tian glanced at the mayor coldly, which actually made a trace of fear rise in the other party's heart.

After that, Ye Tian no longer paid attention to the other party, but squinted his eyes and looked at the fat nun, and said in a deep voice: "Are you really sure that you want to reopen the church here?" "

"Of course! I'm sure! "

The fat nun was stunned for a moment, then straightened her back and replied loudly.

"Okay, if there are more dead people because of the church, are you responsible?"

"You! What do you mean! "

The fat nun was a little confused, and asked rhetorically.


Ye Tian immediately turned around, looked at the group of villagers around him who were watching the excitement, and said loudly:

"My name is Ye Tian, and I am a Taoist priest of the Maoshan faction! My senior brother and Uncle Nine will reinforce and seal this church every four years!

And this year, I'm the one in charge of reinforcing the seal!

But depending on the situation, the seal here doesn't need to be strengthened by me!

I will say it again, this church is located in the three evil places, and if it is reopened, it will cause a lot of trouble!

If it's really going to be a dead man! Don't blame me for not reminding you! "

After that, Ye Tiantou didn't look back, turned around and took Qiusheng and Wencai with him, and left the crowd.

For a while, everyone present was silent, but soon there was a noisy discussion, and they kept talking.

"Three evil positions, really fake?"

"yes, it's not really dead!"

"I can't say it! That's Uncle Nine's junior brother, and it's definitely not alarmist! "

"Then do we still want to support the reopening of the church!"

"Nonsense, you've received gifts from others, can't you return them?"

"Then let's see how it goes!"


Seeing the villagers gossiping, the fat nun felt a hint of danger, and then hurriedly stood on the high platform again, and said loudly:

"Don't listen to that Ye Tian's nonsense! This church is a solemn and sacred place! It is where God's light shines! Have faith that God will protect and protect all people!

Come on, come on, don't make noise, don't mess up, line up in order, and we will continue to distribute gifts! "

Sure enough, as soon as they heard that they would continue to distribute gifts, those villagers who were still hesitant all stopped talking, and even threw out what Ye Tian had just said.

"David, are you alright?"

Anne looked at David, who had just stood up with a cold face, and asked repeatedly.

"It's fine!"

David's eyes glowed with cold light, and he looked resentfully at the direction in which the three of them disappeared.

"David, don't worry, Dad, let the security team arrest those three stinky Taoists!"

"No need, Daddy!"

David waved his hand and shook his head.

"How's that going to work! David, he hurt you, I won't let him go! "

Hearing that David didn't let himself send a security team, the mayor was very puzzled.

"I said no!"

David angrily broke free of the mayor's wrist and turned to walk out of the crowd.

"Ye Tian, I'm going to let you die!"


Back at the inn, Qiusheng immediately took a cup of tea and handed it to Ye Tian, and said respectfully:

"Uncle Shi, thank you for helping me just now!"

"Well, don't be so impulsive in the future!"

Ye Tian took the teacup and replied in a low voice.

Although Qiusheng and Wencai are stubborn, their character is not bad, and today's actions are also for everyone's attention.

"Yes! Teacher! "

"Uncle Shi, what should I do now, it seems that the reopening of the church is a sure thing!"

Seeing this, Wen Cai hurriedly asked Ye Tian how to solve this matter.

"Didn't I say this, we just need to do what we should do well, and the rest of the things are not something we can control!"

When Western zombies come out of the cage, they will inevitably kill many innocent people.

Ye Tian could warn them, but what kind of decision he made after all was something he couldn't control.

"Hey, these fake foreign devils are really annoying! I took some other people's things and listened to them, I really don't know right from wrong! "

"Yes, we are all for their good, but in the end it is our fault! What a damn one! "

"Sometimes ignorant people are really not what we can save, we can save!"

"Hey, I'm annoyed!"


Listening to the endless lamentations of the two in his ears, Ye Tian had no words, and he was not afraid that the mayor would send a security team to arrest him and others.

All he wants to do now is to minimize the danger of Western zombie incidents!

After all, he is still the heir of Maoshan after all, and he must take upholding justice and warding off evil as his life's purpose!

After chatting for a while, Qiusheng and Wencai went back to their rooms, and when they were thinking about the church, a woman's voice came from the door.

"Hello, Daochang Ye, I'm Annie! Are you not in the house? "

It's her?

Ye Tian was a little surprised, and he didn't understand why this Anne came to find him.

However, he still walked closer, opened the door, and a red figure appeared in front of him.

Focusing on the affairs of the church just now, Ye Tian didn't pay too much attention to Anne.

Now it seems that this Anne is indeed the same as the one in the movie, dressed fashionably and unrestrained.

Just the piece that is revealed, it is definitely the side that women in this era dare not break through!

"Miss Anne, is there anything wrong?"

"What? Don't you want me to come in and sit down? "

Anne looked at Ye Tian with a smile and blinked.

"Please come in!"

A strong smell of perfume came to his face, Ye Tian was a little unaccustomed to it, but he still turned sideways and beckoned Anne into the room.



Lightning Mink Beanie, who was still sleeping on the table, screamed instantly after smelling the pungent smell of perfume on the other party's body, and then ran out of the room quickly and disappeared.

"Ahh Mouse! "

The lightning mink beans are extremely fast and fluffy, and at first glance they do look a little like a mouse.

I saw that Anne screamed, and then hid behind Ye Tian, trembling.


Feeling the feeling of pressure coming from his back, Ye Tian turned sideways and explained:

"This is my pet, a little sable, not a mouse."


Anne couldn't believe it, then glanced out the door and said curiously, "It won't run away, will it?" "

"It knows its way back!"

Ye Tian poured a cup of tea and handed it to Anne, and said with a smile: "Miss Anne came to me, why did you come here?" "

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