"You look so relaxed!"

"Why should I be nervous?"

Ye Tian didn't understand what Anne was saying, so he asked.

"Don't you know who that David you just hit is?"

"Yes, Mayor Mare's son."

Ye Tian's face was still calm.

"Oh my God, do you know you're still fighting?"

Anne couldn't believe that Ye Tian would be so calm after beating the mayor's son David!

You must know that the mayor's family has been operating in Jiuquan Town for many years, and they are no different from the Emperor Tu, even a squire family like Anne does not dare to offend each other easily.

Ye Tian is just a foreigner, temporarily living in an inn, and it is unimaginable that he dares to beat David.

"He kicked my nephew, I slapped him, a tooth for a tooth, what's wrong?"


Seeing Ye Tian ask herself, Anne didn't know how to answer, so she could only nod and say, "Fortunately, that David didn't have the same knowledge as you, otherwise the mayor would really send a security team to arrest you!" "

"You're coming to me to talk about it?"

Ye Tian didn't quite understand the meaning of Annie's trip, and asked curiously.

"Of course not!"

Anne stopped her waist when she heard this, and in an instant, her perfect figure was even more upright and powerful.

"I don't think you know that fat dean, why does she hate you so much?"

"You don't know?"

"Of course I don't know!"

Anne waved her hand and continued; "I only came back to town yesterday from the West, and I only heard in the evening that the church would reopen today, and I didn't know anything else."

"Yes, I do know the nuns!"

Ye Tian took a sip of tea and explained: "Their church in Yongfa Village was burned by us, and among the churches, there is a Western zombie, which was changed by a former priest. "

"Western zombies? What is that? "

"Similar to Western vampires, but a little different!"

Ye Tian continued: "Because the Western zombies killed a lot of people, in order to prevent future troubles, after eliminating the Western zombies, the security team drove them out of the village. "

"What about the three evil positions here?"

Anne listened to Ye Tian's explanation, her suspicions became heavier, and she couldn't help but reach out and hold Ye Tian's wrist, and asked curiously.

"The Three Evil Positions are a very evil place!"

Ye Tian naturally withdrew his wrist and continued:

"Once the Three Evil Positions are destroyed, all the Yin and Evil Qi contained in them will be released, and it will be a disaster for the entire Jiuquan Town at that time!"

"You're so scary, you can't lie to me, right?"

"Since you don't want to believe it, then you come and ask me what I do!"

Ye Tian muttered angrily, "I have already done everything I should do, whether you and those villagers are willing to believe me or not is your business, and it has nothing to do with me?" "

"Then if someone really dies, will you care?"

"Of course!"

Ye Tian's answer was resolute, without a trace of hesitation.

"Why? They don't believe you, so why bother? "

Anne was very curious, and looked straight at Ye Tian with wide eyes.

"Keeping the right and warding off evil is the purpose of our Maoshan heirs! No need for a reason! "

Ye Tian's answer was also very concise and capable.

"Well, I believe in you!"

Looking at Ye Tian's serious appearance, Anne pondered for a moment, nodded and said.

"Huh? Do you believe me? "

"That's right, I believe you!"

Anne nodded and replied, "I don't know why, I always have a feeling that what you said is true!" "

"In that case, I'll give you a piece of advice, go back and tell your family, get out of here as soon as possible!"

Regarding what happened to Anne, Ye Tian remembered it very clearly in the movie.

Because of an accident, Anne was targeted by a fake walking corpse, but the other party actually fell in love with her after becoming a real zombie, and turned her into a zombie as well.

I have to say that Anne's ending was very tragic.

Ye Tian couldn't bear this ending to happen to her, so he opened his mouth to suggest.

"I'm afraid it's hard!"

Anne shook her head and replied, "I can leave, but my family won't follow my advice!"

Especially my father, who has lived in this Jiuquan town for so many years, will definitely not leave here because of something that has not happened yet! "

"Well, I see!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he no longer persuaded him, but between his hands, an ocean appeared in his palm.

"Thunder Spell! Chi! "



In an instant, several white currents burst out from Ye Tian's palm, and then all of them disappeared into the ocean.

"Take it, when you encounter danger, it can save your life!"

"You weren't doing magic just now!"

Anne was so shocked that she could stuff an egg into her mouth at this time, took the ocean in Ye Tian's hand, and asked in disbelief.

"This is Taoism!"

Ye Tian retorted, and then ignored the other party.

"Well, anyway, thank you!"

To Ye Tian's surprise, Anne actually stuffed the ocean into the chasm, and then kissed Ye Tian lightly on the cheek in an instant, and said with a smile:

"Well, that's my thank you! Hee-hee! "

With that, Anne left the room with a happy face and walked away with a smile on her face.

I have to say that this Anne's personality is too unrestrained, and she is also very good at provoking men's psychology.

It's a pity that this kind of woman is only suitable for having a night of dew with her, if she really gets married and has children, Ren Tingting still crushes her several times.



A white shadow flashed, and Lightning Sable Doudou jumped onto the table, pointed to the door behind him, and shook his head incessantly.

"You little clever ghost!"

Ye Tian patted his head angrily, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I didn't do this to her, but to give her a chance to escape." "


Doudou looked at Ye Tian curiously, blinking his eyes constantly, not understanding what he was talking about.


After the twists and turns of the day, the church finally reopened.

After a busy day, the nuns finally stopped what they were doing and sat down in their chairs to rest.

"Great, although this church looks a little old, it is much bigger than the one in Hongfa Village!"

"yes, yes, I just went to see it, and there are a lot of rooms alone!"

"Hehe, after wandering for so long, there is finally a place for us to stand firm!"


Looking at the other sisters laughing together, a trace of suspicion instantly appeared on the face of a little nun, and she said with some concern:

"But what Daoist Ye said is not true, I always have an uneasy feeling, as if something is going to happen!"

"Oh, I'm a little scared when I hear you say that!"

"It's so annoying, it's annoying to be able to run into these guys everywhere!"


After all, these nuns had experienced the incident of Western zombies in Yongfa Village, which had caused a great shadow on their hearts.

Now that they saw Ye Tian blocking themselves and others from reopening the church again, everyone felt as if they were shrouded in a dark cloud in their hearts.

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