"Killing, I like it the most!"

Hearing this, a sinister smile appeared on the face of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, and he said in a slightly excited tone: "Say, how much money are you going to pay!" "

Unlike other Maoshan descendants, the Dragon Slayer Daoist did not choose to establish his own dojo after descending the mountain.

Rather, the Quartet sold opium under the pretext of driving out corpses.

In his spare time, with his strong skills, he will also take on some assassination missions.

In short, his style of acting is very different from the righteous path of Maoshan!

"Five hundred oceans, I want his head!"

"No problem! What is his name and where does he live! "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist's eyes lit up when he heard this, he had been in the world for so many years, and he had never had an assassination mission that he couldn't complete.

Five hundred oceans to buy a head, this deal is a good deal!

"It's also a coincidence, he is also a Maoshan Taoist priest, named Ye Tian, who lives in the Lailai Inn!"

"Ye Tian!"

"What, you two know each other?"

David was a little surprised, this Maoshan faction has been inherited for thousands of years, and the descendants of the disciples are definitely a very terrifying number.

I thought that Dragon Slayer Daoist and Ye Tian were just belonging to the Maoshan faction and didn't know each other.

What I didn't expect was that looking at the reaction of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, it was likely that he had known the other party for a long time.

"That's right, he's my sixth uncle's apprentice!"

The Dragon Slayer Daoist nodded in reply, and the excited expression on his face just now was gone.

"I see!"

David didn't know what Dragon Slayer Dao was thinking, so he opened his mouth and said: "Since it is your junior brother, then the kung fu and mana are definitely not as good as you, wouldn't it be easy for you to kill him?" "


When the Dragon Slayer Daoist heard this, he smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:

"If it's a disciple of the outer sect of Maoshan, or another inner disciple brother, I can still deal with this matter. But this time it turned out to be Ye Tian, but it was a lot of trouble. "

"What do you mean by this, slaying the dragon? Are you afraid that your junior brother will not succeed? "

"Yes, Dragon Slayer Daoist, he's just a person who looks like he's in his early twenties, no matter how powerful he is, he can still be a senior brother like you?"

For the change in the attitude of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, David and the mayor were both very surprised.

In their opinion, the cultivation and skills of this Dragon Slayer Daoist would definitely not be worse than this Ye Tian, but what they didn't expect was that the other party would reply like this.

"Well, you don't know."

The Dragon Slayer Daoist sighed and said, "That Ye Tian has been very good since he was a child, and his strength is also amazing, even my inner senior brother Shi Jian is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke him!"

And I met him once a few days ago, and I dare to assert that his skills are definitely more than several times better than in the past! "

"Really, you're not going to lie to me, are you?"

David obviously still didn't quite believe what the other party said, and looked at the other party with some suspicion.

"Believe it or not, if you have to kill him, at least give me two thousand oceans, and I'm willing to give it a try!"

"Two thousand, you're crazy, you're crazy!"

When David heard this, the boss with his eyes glared, and he directly slapped the case and glared at the other party angrily.

"It's okay, if you don't want to, I won't go on this troubled water!"

"Okay! Two thousand is two thousand! In three days, I will see his head in front of me! "

Seeing that the Dragon Slayer Daoist turned around to leave, David immediately stopped the other party, his face as if he was already gloomy and could drip water.

"Well, within three days, it will be served! Hahaha! "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist was very surprised when he heard that the other party had agreed to his request, but he was also very happy.

Even if he knew that his skills and kung fu were not Ye Tian's opponents, but in three days, he could finally think of a way to take Ye Tian's life!

Two thousand oceans, enough to live happily for a long time, what bullshit brothers, how can there be money to afford!

Looking at the disappearing back of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, the mayor strolled to David's approach and sighed:

"I didn't expect that Ye Tian to be such a powerful character, but it takes two thousand oceans to slay the dragon, isn't it a bit much!"

"Huh, two thousand?"

David laughed coldly and said, "When he kills Ye Tian, how much money will he give, isn't it up to us to decide?" "

"Besides, he still has to rely on us to work together to open up channels to transport opium, and when the time comes, he won't take as much as I say?"

"Yes, son, there you have it! Daddy admires you! "

"Ye Tian, I'll let you live for two more days! Hum! "

David looked coldly at the silent moonlight outside the door, and a faint smile already appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Dangdang ...

The sound of the church bell rang, and Sister Wang woke up from her deep sleep, and saw the other sisters around her sleeping soundly, and a rush of urine welled up in her heart.

Looking at the dark environment around her, Sister Wang was a little scared, but she was still disturbed by the urge to urinate, put on a coat, and walked out of bed.

"Sister Wu, Sister Wu!"

Sister Wang came to the bedside of a sister with whom she had a very good relationship and gently shook the other.

And Sister Wu slept soundly, and was disturbed by this, and hummed impatiently:

"What are you doing! What are you going to do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night! "

"I want to go to the bathroom, can you go with me?"

"Don't go, don't go, I'm sleepy, I want to sleep, I can't get up tomorrow morning, the dean is going to scold again!"

Sister Wu directly covered her face with the quilt, and ignored how Sister Wang pushed herself.

"You guy, you're so unrighteous!"

Seeing that the other party ignored her, Sister Wang couldn't help but scold, then lit a candle, hit her guts and walked towards the bathroom.

It was late at night, and no one in the church was walking around except himself.

After all the things were settled, Sister Wang took the candle and walked briskly towards the bedroom.

At this moment, a cold wind blew on the back of Sister Wang's neck, and she couldn't help but shiver.


Sister Wang looked back, but there was no movement except for a wooden door at the end of the corridor.

Just when Sister Wang was surprised, a cold wind blew, and this time, it blew on the door of Sister Wang's face.

If it were in normal times, Sister Wang would have screamed loudly as soon as she encountered this situation, and then ran back to her bedroom room, hiding under the covers and waiting for dawn.

But tonight, for some reason, there was always a voice in Sister Wang's head calling to her, forcing her to walk towards the wooden door step by step.

"Strange, this wind seems to be blowing from here!"

Sister Wang looked at the locked wooden door and felt very strange.

In fact, during the day, everyone had already discovered this door, but the big lock on it had been rusted and could not be opened at all.

So the fat nun told the dean to leave the door alone, and to find time to call the workers to open it.

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