Sister Wang looked at the wooden door, feeling suspicious in her heart, and then slowly approached with a candle and gently tugged at the rusty lock.


To Sister Wang's surprise, the lock of the door that everyone couldn't open during the day was easily opened by herself, which was simply incredible.

As the lock broke and landed, the wooden door slowly opened a gap.


Seeing that the wooden door was opened, Sister Wang couldn't resist the urge of curiosity in her heart, held the candle in her hand, and slowly walked in.

"Hey, why is it so cold in here!"

As soon as she entered the door, Sister Wang felt a cold wind coming, shivered, and strolled inside.

The room was now covered in dust, covered with gray cobwebs and dusty furniture.

From time to time, a musty smell came into my nose, which was very unpleasant.

Just as Sister Wang came to the deepest part of the room, a huge wooden cross appeared in front of her.

"It's strange how there is such a big cross here!"

Sister Wang wondered curiously, then held the candle and slowly shone towards the bottom of the cross.


Although Sister Wang screamed, she saw a foreign priest in a black robe lying on the ground, and his back was impressively inserted with this huge wooden cross!

It seemed as if many years had passed, and the priest's clothes were covered with dust, and even the cross was covered with traces of spiders.

"How could a priest die here!"

Sister Wang was amazed, and he looked at the priest's eyes closed in pain, and his heart was full of sympathy.

Then he fell on his knees before the priest and prayed with both hands: "Lord, bless this priest to enter heaven and receive eternal life, Amen!" "

After speaking, Sister Wang stood up again, looked at the priest inserted by the huge cross, shook her head and sighed:

"Hey, let's help you pull it off, and when the dean wakes up tomorrow, we'll make Mass for you together!"

So the sister put the candle on the ground and reached out to pull the cross from the priest.

"It's so heavy!"

Sister Wang pulled it out with all her might, as if she was about to exhaust all her strength.


I heard a muffled sound, and Sister Wang instantly sat down on the ground due to inertia, still holding the heavy giant cross in her arms.


In an instant, the corpse of the foreigner priest let out an angry roar, and then the closed eyes instantly opened, bursting into a scarlet bloodthirsty gaze.

And the two fangs also broke the corners of their mouths in an instant, reaching straight to their chins.

"Ahh O devil! "

Sister Wang was frightened, but in the next second, she only felt that her eyes were dark, and there was no more sound.


The next morning, the news of the dead man in the church had spread all over the city.

And Ye Tian and the three of them sat leisurely in the hall on the first floor of the inn, tasting a delicious breakfast.

"Uncle Shi, as you said, the church is really dead!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi! I don't know if there will be any more dead people next! "

Ye Tian drank the last mouthful of gruel in the bowl and said calmly, "Yes." "

Seeing that Ye Tian was so calm, Qiusheng and Wencai no longer discussed this topic.

After all, just as Ye Tian said, some things are done by yourself!

"Daoist Ye!"

Just as the three of them finished breakfast and were about to go shopping, a red shadow appeared at the door of the inn.

"Hey, Miss Anne!"

Qiusheng and Wencai saw Anne appear, and their eyes lit up.

Then he approached with a and scrambled to say.

"Miss Anne, have you had breakfast? I'll treat you to it! "

"Yes, Miss Anne, do you want me to eat with you?"

"No thanks! I'm here to find Daoist Ye! "

Anne nodded politely to the two of them, and walked to Ye Tian's approach.

"I knew that whenever there were beautiful girls, they all came to find Uncle Shi!"

"That's right, I can see it too!"

Ye Tian ignored the two of them, but looked at Anne.

"Daoist Ye, the church is really dead!"

"yes, I see!"

Ye Tian's answer was very bland.

"I didn't expect these three evil positions to be so powerful, just the first day the church was opened, a person died, I really don't know what will happen in the future!"

Anne's face was very solemn when she heard this, and then she looked at Ye Tian and continued: "By the way, my father and a group of squires invited you to the church to discuss things. "

"Invite me to church?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, and asked, "Yesterday, didn't they all believe me?" Why are you still asking me to come over? "

"Hey, isn't there a death for someone, and they're all scared!"

"Okay, then I'll go with you!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian no longer refused, agreed to Anne's request, and went to the church to see if he could find some of the whereabouts of Western zombies.


People died on the first day of the church's reopening, which was quite a blow to the average fat nun.

Looking at the body of Sister Wang, who was lying on the ground without breathing, everyone knelt aside and wept silently and prayed for it.

"Mayor Mare, now that the church is really dead, what should we do!"

"Yes, Mayor Town, is it true that the three evil positions that Uncle Nine and Daoist Ye said are true!"

"Daoist Ye, for the safety of the people in our town, you have to come up with an idea!"


It can be said that the most troublesome people in the church are the mayor and his son David.

The impact of this death was very great, and the squires began to choose to believe what Ye Tian said.

If the church is implicated in this matter, it will only affect the channels of opium distribution in the future.

When the time comes, I don't know how much money I will lose again.

"David, what should I do?"

For a while, he was asked by a group of squires, and the mayor didn't know how to answer, so he had to give the right to speak to his son David.

Seeing this, David had no choice but to bite the bullet and say:

"Don't be afraid, the church is dead, it's probably a coincidence!"

"Coincidence? So why don't you die sooner or later, but someone dies at this time? "

"yes, is that a coincidence?"

"yes, you can explain it to me!"


Listening to everyone's gossip questioning himself, David's face became gloomy, and then he put on an expression and said:

"Yes, hearing you say that, I don't think it's a coincidence!

And I suspect that this incident was done by that Maoshan Taoist priest Ye Tian! "

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