"Huh? Ye Tian? "

All the squires were taken aback when they heard David's speculation.

"David, what you said is not quite right, then Ye Tian prevented the church from reopening, why do you still want to kill people?"

"Yes, David, it's better not to guess at will!"

"That's right, besides, Ye Tian and this dead nun have no grievances, why kill her?"


"Don't forget, everyone has always said that the church will die, but that guy named Ye Tian!"

David waved his hand to stop everyone from continuing to speak, and continued:

"Also, why don't we die in our town sooner or later, but after these three guys come?"

"I think, this church already has some special ulterior secrets, so that Uncle Nine and that Ye Tian value it so much, and they don't want everyone to discover the secret!"

"It is very likely that this little nun was killed by Ye Tian's method of telepathy, in order to let us all close the church, so that it will be as they wish!"


For a while, after listening to David's analysis, all the squires were speechless.

And the mayor of the town also felt that what David said was very reasonable, and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

Bang bang bang ...

Just as David felt that things were going the way he thought, a wave of clapping came from outside the church.

Everyone looked at each other, only to see Ye Tian and Anne walking in the direction of themselves and others at the same time.

And the person who clapped his hands was Ye Tian.

"I have to say, Mr. David, your imagination is really good enough!"

Ye Tian walked up to everyone with a smile on his face, his eyes fixed on David.

"Okay, you Ye Tian, you really dare to come!"

Seeing this, David simply sat down on what had just happened, rushed forward and said loudly:

"Say, what kind of conspiracy did you have when you came to our town? Also, what secrets are hidden in this church! You didn't hesitate to kill people as a cover-up! It's really damning! "

"Hey, David, you have to prove it!"

To Ye Tian's surprise, before he could refute it, Anne on the side rushed to the front angrily and roared loudly.

"Annie? How do you speak to an outsider! "

David was surprised, and couldn't help but deepen his hatred for Ye Tian even more.

"Whoever I want to talk to, you don't care! In short, if you don't have evidence, you can't just wronged a good person! "


David was furious, but after seeing Anne's strong appearance, he still chose to remain silent and said no more.

Seeing this, Anne glared at the other party with disdain, turned to everyone and said:

"Everyone, I believe that this matter of the dead people in the church has nothing to do with the three of Ye Daochang!

Also, don't forget, we asked Daoist Ye to give advice, not to doubt others! "

When the squires see this, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't know who to believe.

At this time, a little nun, who had been praying for Sister Wang with the other nuns, quickly got up and ran to the front, and said loudly:

"Listen to me, I believe what Daoist Ye said is true!"

"Sister Wu, what are you doing!"

Sister Wu's sudden defection surprised everyone.

Seeing this, the fat nun of the dean came to Sister Wu with an angry face and reprimanded loudly:

"Do you know what you're doing!"

"Dean, don't lie to yourself! And then two or three things like this happen, and you'd rather believe that there's no problem here? "

Sister Wu was haunted by Sister Wang's death, and if she hadn't snooze last night and didn't go to the bathroom with her, maybe she wouldn't have died!


The fat nun was stunned, and what happened in Hongfa Village flashed in front of her eyes in an instant.

Sister Wu broke free of the fat nun's palm and continued to say to everyone:

"You may not know that when we were on a mission in Hongfa Village, we encountered the devil in the church!"

As she spoke, Sister Wu came to Ye Tian's approach and said loudly, "It is this Ye Dao Chief, it is he who eliminated the devil and saved the lives of all of us!" "

"Huh? And what's going on? "

"Tut-tut, this kind of thing happened!"

For a moment, all the squires were surprised and whispered.

And David and the mayor of the town kept changing their faces, wanting to get angry and stop each other, but there was no reason.

Ye Tian and the others were also surprised, they didn't expect that a little nun would stand up and speak to their side, they really had enough courage!

"Dean, this matter is our fault, we don't listen to the advice of others, and we insist on opening a church! Now that Sister Wang is dead, it's all our fault! "

"Nonsense! Nonsense! "

As if she had gone mad, the fat nun cried out loudly: "We are all children of God, blessed by God!" How can you believe the nonsense of what they say! "

As she spoke, the fat nun pointed to Sister Wu's nose and said:

"You have violated your beliefs and betrayed everyone, I will report this to the Holy See, and you will wait for the sanction of the Inquisition!"

"Sanctions are sanctions!"

It seemed that she was also greatly stimulated by Sister Wang's affairs, and Sister Wu resisted loudly: "I would rather be punished by the trial than see our good sisters killed by the devil!" "

With that, Sister Wu walked quickly to the vicinity of the little nuns and said, "Sisters, if you choose to believe me, leave here, and we will go elsewhere to preach!" "


All the little nuns are you look at me, I look at you, and finally everyone stood up and stood behind Sister Wang.

"You guys! You guys! This is apostasy! You're going to hell! "

The fat nun was so angry that she didn't know what to say at this time, and now the beautiful illusions she had just built up were instantly shattered, and her heart was greatly shocked.

For a while, he was angry and angry, spit out a mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, fell to the ground, and lost his breath in an instant.

"Dean! Dean! "

All the nuns gathered around and wept bitterly.

And when the squires saw that another nun had died, they could no longer sit still.

Qi Qi bypassed the town mayor's father and son, came to Ye Tian and hurriedly said:

"Daoist Ye, we believe in you! What should we do next? "

"Yes, Daoist Ye, we believe in you!"


Seeing that these ignorant squires were finally awakened because of the death of two people, Ye Tian didn't know what to say.

He looked at the people who were eagerly waiting for his answer at this time, and said slowly:

"Move for now, get out of here!"

I feel that I can, can I give a flower, a monthly pass, thank you!

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