

Just as that Qiusheng put his hand in his arms and was about to pull out the dagger, Lightning Mink Doudou instantly jumped on his wrist and bit on it.

"Ahh Bastard! "

The lightning marten's teeth were extremely sharp, and in an instant, they had pierced Qiusheng's skin and pierced into the flesh.

The sharp pain that came in an instant made Qiusheng keep roaring, and he shook his hand again and again, but he couldn't pull Doudou off his hand at all.

"Qiusheng, what are you doing!"

Ye Tian was also very surprised, and when he looked back at this time, he saw that Qiusheng's eyes were already full of bloodshot at this time, and his face was even more hideous.

As soon as Ye Tian made a move, he directly pressed Qiusheng to the ground, took Doudou off him, and grabbed the other party tightly.

"Bastard! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! "

Although he had been subdued by Ye Tian, Qiusheng still roared angrily, his whole face was already red, and the blackened blood vessels were clearly visible.


Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood in his heart why Qiusheng was so crazy.

At that moment, the talisman in his hand suddenly appeared, and a palm slapped on his back.

"Azure blue, earth spirit, exorcism and charm, righteousness lasts forever! Chi! "


I saw that Qiusheng let out a scream, and a mouthful of black and stinky blood sprayed out in an instant.

However, Qiusheng's hideous face did not change at all, and he kept roaring and going crazy, as if he was possessed by a demon.

"What kind of illusion is this?"

Ye Tian was shocked, this method of expelling illusion had no effect on Qiusheng, and he could only stun him with one palm and put it aside.


Ye Tian couldn't understand what kind of illusion Qiu Sheng had fallen into, and why the method of cracking it had no effect at all.

Without delay, he tied it aside with hemp rope, and then walked to the bedside and continued to treat the unconscious Wencai.


At this time, the Dragon Slayer Daoist was running wildly in the dense forest, thinking about what he had just done, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise:

"Hehe, this phantom pupil spell can only be lifted by the caster, or the illusion will automatically expire when I die!"

"Otherwise, this Ye Tian will definitely be tired by that stinky boy, and he won't have time to take care of me at all!"

"When the time is right, I will cast the spell again and take Ye Tian's dog's life! Hahaha! "

The dragon slayer laughed wildly and ran wildly, and soon came to the open space outside the church.

"Huh? Where have these stinky boys gone? "

But what the Dragon Slayer Daoist didn't expect was that those little brothers who followed him disappeared completely.

Couldn't help but feel angry and shouted loudly:

"You bastards, where the fuck have you gone, get out of here!"

"If you don't get out again, Lao Tzu will kill someone!"


Just as the Dragon Slayer Daoist roared angrily, a black shadow instantly flashed in front of him, exuding a thick yin aura.

"Huh? What a demon! "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist was shocked, and with a wave of his arm, a peachwood sword appeared in his hand, pointing at the black shadow.


I saw that the black shadow slowly turned around, and a Western man with a pale face and two sharp fangs exposed, appeared in front of the Dragon Slayer Daoist.


Dragon Slayer Daoist was shocked, it was the first time he saw a zombie with the appearance of a Westerner appear in front of him.


The Western zombie roared angrily, then turned into a black shadow, and instantly came to the approach of the dragon slayer Taoist.

"What's the situation!"

The Dragon Slayer didn't expect the speed of the Western zombie to be so fast, and when he quickly flashed to the side, holding a peachwood sword, he stabbed at the chest of the Western zombie!


I only heard a sound, and the peachwood sword was instantly broken in half, but the Western zombie was unharmed.

"How so?"

Seeing that the magic weapon in his hand did not play any role, the Dragon Slayer Daoist instantly flew out two corpse suppression talismans, and in an instant, they were attached to the body of the Western zombie.

Bang! Bang!

The moment the corpse talisman was pasted, there was a loud explosion!

With a wave of the Western zombie's big arm, it was like a huge black figure appearing in front of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, as if it could devour it.

"Damn it!"

A strong sense of crisis struck, and the Dragon Slayer Daoist kicked up and hit the Western zombie in the chest.


Only the sound of bones breaking could be heard, and the right leg of the Dragon Slayer Daoist showed an extremely strange twist.

In an instant, the whole person fell to the ground, screaming miserably.

"Damn! What the hell are you monsters! "


The Western zombie didn't make a move, but showed a faint smile, and instantly turned into a huge net and fell on the dragon slayer Daoist.


A scream pierced the sky, but no one touched it.


"Uh... What happened? "

Here Qiusheng suddenly felt his consciousness gradually attack, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, uncle, why are you tying me up?"

Looking at the sturdy knots on his body that were tied with hemp rope, Qiusheng was very puzzled, and asked Ye Tian on the other side.

"Huh? Are you alright? "

"Are you alright? What's the matter? "

Seeing Ye Tian looking at himself in surprise, Qiusheng was also very confused, shook his head and said:

"What the hell is going on? What about the guy who slayed the dragon, was you beaten away? "

"You fell for the illusion, and you wanted to kill me just now!"

Ye Tian walked quickly to Qiusheng's approach, carefully looking at his changes at this time, unexpectedly, there was no trace of illusion at all, which really shocked Ye Tian.

"Ahh I remember! "

Qiu Sheng suddenly realized: "That dragon slayer pulled me in front of me, and said something phantom pupil technique, I felt that my eyes were dark, and then I didn't know anything!"

Uncle Shi, is the Phantom Pupil Technique our Maoshan Spell? It feels amazing! "

"Probably not, I've never heard the master say that this sect has this kind of spell!"

Ye Tian shook his head, indicating that he didn't know at all.

"It's strange, how could that dragon slayer Daoist know this spell! How could I suddenly be fine? "

Qiusheng was also puzzled, and kept shaking his head.

"There are only two possibilities!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian walked closer and slowly untied the rope on Qiusheng's body, and said:

"The first possibility, he found out in his conscience and let you go!"

"Cut, Uncle Shi, do you think you believe what you say!"

"Yes, I think it's ridiculous! Then there is only the second possibility! "

"What's the second one?"

"That's when he's dead, and your illusion is automatically lifted."

"Huh? He's dead? Really fake! Did you do it? "

"Nonsense, if I had done it, would I have said that?"

Ye Tian patted Qiusheng's head angrily, but a shadow flashed in his mind.

Western zombies!

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