"Whew... Call... "

After running for nearly half an hour, this line of fake walking corpses finally ran to the gate of Jiuquan Town.

Seeing that Ye Tian did not chase after him, the group was already tired and out of breath, and fell to the ground panting for breath.

"Oh my god, I'm tired!"

"yes, I don't listen to either leg anymore!"

"If I keep running, my lungs are going to run out!"


Just when a group of fake walking corpses could no longer run, a group of security guards armed with spears rushed in front of several people.

"Stop, don't move!"

Captain Cao gave an order, and all the fake walking corpses were stunned aside, staring at the security team members who surrounded themselves and others in the center, and said loudly:

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are people, not zombies!"

"Nonsense! Of course I know you're human! "

Captain Cao squatted down and picked out his hat with the pistol, and said disdainfully: "I've noticed you from afar, if it's a zombie, are you still waiting to lie on the ground and cry your father and mother?" "

"Brother, since you know that we are human beings, let us go, okay?"

"Let you go? Hehe! "

Captain Cao stood up with a sneer, and continued:

"Look at you guys dressed like this in the middle of the night, it's not a good person, it must be Ye Tian who let you out to be scary, right?"

"Huh? Ye Tian? "

A group of fake walking corpses were stunned, not knowing what the other party was talking about.

"Don't pretend to be confused with me!"

Captain Cao was angry, and directly took out the snatch and pointed at the person led by him, and said angrily:

"Lie to us that the three evil positions have been destroyed, and there are zombies infested, which makes the whole town panic, and almost half of them have fled, isn't this the ghost of Ye Tian, the mastermind behind you?"

The more they listened, the more confused they became, and they didn't understand what Captain Cao was talking about.

Three evil bits, zombies are nothing, I haven't heard of it at all!

"Now I've caught you, I'm going to take you to the mayor and see what he does with you! Hum! "

After that, Captain Cao shouted loudly to the seven or eight members of the security team beside him: "Brothers, escort them to the mayor's house!" "

"Yes! Captain! "

In this way, a group of fake walking corpses were confused and stood up with spears against their bodies by the security team members, completely unaware of how they and others would have to explain to get out.

At this moment, a black shadow quickly rushed from the other end of the street, and then appeared in front of several people.


Captain Cao was shocked, and hurriedly raised his pistol to aim at the target, and shouted loudly: "Is it Ye Tian!" "


The moonlight was dim, and the man's appearance could not be seen clearly, only a slight sneer came.

Then he slowly walked towards everyone, and what appeared in front of everyone was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and a sneer.

"Big brother, save us!"

Seeing the people clearly, this group of fake walking corpses was overjoyed.

The person who came was none other than the leader of his own and others, the Dragon Slayer Daoist!

"Oh, I didn't expect it, there was one more!"

Seeing that the person who came was not Ye Tian, but a middle-aged man, Captain Cao couldn't help but shake his head and said proudly: "It seems that I can't do it today without making great contributions!" "

After saying that, Captain Cao walked up to the Dragon Slayer Daoist with a wicked smile, took out a pistol and pointed it at the other party's chest, and said loudly:

"Boy, do you have any accomplices! Recruit me from the truth! "


The dragon slayer Daoist's face showed a scarlet light, his claws straight out, and in an instant, he inserted into Captain Cao's chest.

opened his mouth and bit the other party's neck.

Poor Captain Cao didn't even think of what had happened, he felt that the strength in his body was rapidly draining, and when his eyes were dark, he didn't know anything.


Seeing that Captain Cao was thrown to the ground by the Dragon Slayer Daoist, all the members of the security team were shocked.

Raised the spear in an instant, and the trigger was pulled in an instant.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

What everyone didn't expect was that the bullet hit the body of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, and it didn't cause any damage to the other party.

Bullets were scattered everywhere, scattering soldiers all over the ground.

Now, not only those security team members are stupid, but even those fake walking corpses who are mixed with the Dragon Slayer Dao people on weekdays are also stupid!

Good boy! Invulnerable?


An angry roar came, and I saw that the dragon slayer Daoist instantly rushed to the front of a member of the security team.

As soon as he raised his hand, he grabbed the spear and smashed it, and the two fangs came out and stabbed straight into the neck of the security team member.

"Mom! Zombies! "

At this moment, everyone understood what was happening, and they all screamed for a while and fled in all directions.

However, the Dragon Slayer Daoist was extremely fast, and he instantly killed the security team member, and then turned around and pounced on the other team member.

"What's going on! How did Big Brother become a zombie! "

"I don't know! Run! "

The two fake walking corpses here were still running desperately, but they were instantly pounced on the ground by two figures.

It was Captain Cao and that team member of the security team who had just been bitten to death!

In an instant, there was a sharp pain in their necks, and then they couldn't breathe anymore.

Within seconds, the two fake walking corpses were back on their feet, their eyes no longer human, replaced by bloodthirsty desire.



A rush of screams rang out in the streets, and many villagers were awakened by these terrible screams.

They all looked at each other, but they didn't dare to make a sound.

"Listen, old man, someone is shouting outside!"

"Leave him alone, I don't know whose madman is running into the streets again!"

"Do you think it's really like what Daoist Ye said, a zombie has escaped!"

"Nonsense, there are no zombies in this world, it's just these people talking nonsense! Go to bed! "

"You guy! Very stubborn! When I look back and wait for dawn, I will take the child back to my parents' house, this Jiuquan town is really not peaceful! "

"Hmph, whatever you want!"

The two husbands and wives complained to each other at the bedside, but they didn't know that two figures had jumped into their courtyard and attacked their room.


The door was shattered, and two men in security uniforms rushed into the room and approached the old couple.

"Xiao Wang, old horse! The third watch rushed into our house in the middle of the night, what do you want to do! "

The man was startled, sat up from the bed in an instant, looked at the familiar appearance of the two, and couldn't help scolding.

"Boom, boom, boom...

"Boom, boom, boom...

Unfortunately, the two security team members completely ignored the man's angry scolding, and their bodies flashed suddenly.

In an instant, he came to the man and bit him on the neck fiercely!

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