"Uncle Shi, it seems that I heard someone screaming outside!"

"That's right, Uncle Shi, I heard it too!"



Qiusheng and Wencai looked outside the courtyard, listening to the screams from afar, and couldn't help frowning.

And Doudou is also running around the house, looking very uneasy, always chirping.

"Well, zombies are already spreading!"

Ye Tian nodded, didn't do much, but poured a cup of tea and said lightly.

"These people, if they listen to Uncle Shi's instructions and move out of here during the day, won't they be fine?"

Seeing this, Qiusheng couldn't help but curse, but he was powerless and couldn't help at all.

"Hey, watching those people die tragically, I can't do anything about it, it's really troublesome!"

Wen Cai has now recovered a lot of strength, and after taking the elixir refined by Ye Tiandu, his injuries have recovered a lot.

"Don't worry about others, they don't listen to advice, but they take the blame on themselves, and they don't blame others!"

Ye Tian glared at the two of them angrily, and continued: "All I can do now is to protect the two of you from the threat of zombies and give an explanation to Senior Brother!"

Wait until dawn, you hurry up and leave here, and take shelter in Wujia Town when you come. "

"Uncle Shi, we're leaving, what are you going to do?"

When Qiusheng and Wencai heard Ye Tian say this, their tears were about to fall.

"Don't worry about me, I have the strength to protect myself, besides, you two are here, I don't have time to worry about zombies! Do you understand? "

"Yes, understood!"

Hearing this, the two nodded silently.

Ye Tian is right, not only will the two of them not be able to help at all here, but they may also become a burden to Ye Tian.

At that time, if the zombies are not killed, and Ye Tian is affected, I am afraid that it will be too late to regret it.

What's more, the development of events is completely different from the plot of the movie, if Qiusheng and Wencai are left here, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome!

"Well, it's good to understand!"

As soon as Ye Tian raised his hand, the beans in the corner instantly fell into the palm of his hand.

Looking at the fluffy and cute appearance, Ye Tian smiled: "Go back and let Doudou go with you, it is extremely spiritual, and it can help you explore some things!" "

After that, Ye Tian put Doudou into Qiusheng's arms and said, "Within three days, if I haven't gone to Wujia Town to meet you, you can go back to Renjia Town, don't worry about me anymore!" "

"Uncle Shi, you will definitely be safe!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi, we must be waiting for you in Wujia Town!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian waved his hand, then got up and strolled to the door, looking at the moonlight in the sky, and listening to the screams that came from time to time in the distance.

Ye Tian didn't say anything, just reluctantly closed the door and sat alone in the courtyard.


"David, David, didn't you hear the sound outside!"

At this time, the mayor of the town's house, not long after he fell asleep, he was awakened by the screams on the street.

Then he hurried to the hall and asked David, who was waiting for the return of his son from the Dragon Slayer.

David was standing at the door of the house at this time, looking at the movement outside the door, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

For some reason, I always felt a sense of crisis in my heart, and I was very uneasy.

"David, David, did you hear what I said?"

"I heard you!"

David nodded impatiently, frowned and said, "Why hasn't that guy who slayed the dragon come yet!" "

"David, do you think something is going to happen? Are there really zombies? "

"So what? That guy who slays the dragon is a Maoshan Taoist, and it's just an easy thing to deal with zombies, Dad, you don't have to be so nervous! "

David comforted the mayor, and saw a dark shadow flying in from outside the wall, running in the direction of the two of them.

"Hah! Here it comes! "

Although he couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, David guessed that it must have been the dragon slayer who brought the news of the victory.

ran out of the house and greeted him.

"Slay the dragon! Is Ye Tian dead? "

Before the dark shadow approached, David couldn't help but ask happily.


Unexpectedly, the black shadow did not answer David's answer, but flashed in front of the other party's eyes in an instant, revealing a grim smile.

"Is that you? Captain Cao, what are you doing in the middle of the night? "

Seeing the man's appearance clearly, David was a little displeased and asked in a deep voice.


Who knew that Captain Cao was not interested in the other party's inquiry at all, with a big mouth, and two sharp fangs appeared in front of David's eyes.

"Stiff! Corpse! "

David was shocked, he saw at a glance that something was wrong with Captain Cao, and he couldn't help but retreat again and again, and fell to the ground without paying attention.

"David, what's going on!"

The mayor didn't come forward, but after seeing his son fall to the floor, he hurriedly ran over to help him up.

"Dad, there's a zombie!"

David's legs were trembling at this time, and when he saw the mayor coming, he shouted loudly.

"Huh? Corpse! "

The mayor didn't know why, and looked up, and at this time, he was facing Captain Cao's scarlet eyes, and two sharp fangs were aimed straight at his cheeks.

"Ahh Zombies! "

The mayor's voice was very loud, and with it, a thick tone came out.


Suddenly, after smelling this rich, garlic-smelling tone, Captain Cao instantly retreated a few steps back every day, not daring to come closer.

"Hah! He's afraid of garlic! "

The mayor of the town was overjoyed, and quickly helped David up, and said with a smile:

"I usually tell you that eating more garlic is good! Believe it now! "

"Believe it, believe it!"

David kept nodding, then pointed behind the mayor and shouted, "Daddy, he's here again!" "

"Look at me!"

The mayor smiled slightly, turned around in an instant, and another strong smell of garlic entered Captain Cao's nose.

"Haha! It works! It works! "

David was ecstatic, hiding behind the mayor and shouting.

In less than a moment, Captain Cao was forced into a corner by the mayor's thick tone, and he could no longer continue to dodge.




However, at this moment, several figures flashed outside the courtyard.

I saw that the people were dressed in different clothes, but everyone had one thing in common, that is, red eyes and sharp fangs.

"Daddy! Father! Hurry up! Another zombie is coming! "

"No, I'm short of breath and out of breath!"

David and Mayor Mare kept screaming and dodging, but they were still not able to resist the attacks of the zombies who had turned into corpses.

After only holding on for a few seconds, David and the mayor of the town were instantly reduced to the plates of those zombies, and there was no longer a trace of life.

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