Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation for: Four Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 1700/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

Samadhi is really hot!

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment!

You must know that the Samadhi True Fire is a Taoist divine fire, even if it is a master of the real human realm, it is only possible to summon a little flame with the help of the Fu Gong Technique!

Unless you reach the Jindan realm or the god realm, you can use a more powerful samadhi true fire!

For a cultivator like Ye Tian in the Heavenly Master Realm, if he wants to use the divine power of Samadhi True Fire, it is impossible to achieve it!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's mood became extremely excited, and with a slight flip of his palm, a golden flame floated in the air.

"Samadhi is really hot! It's really Samadhi real fire! "

Ye Tian couldn't believe his eyes, the earth-destroying momentum brought by this flame, as well as the incomparably fierce momentum, were exactly the same as what he had seen in front of the master Tianxu Zhenren at the beginning!

Although it was just a golden flame for the time being, Ye Tian believed that it wouldn't be long before he could master this Samadhi True Flame to perfection!

I don't know what kind of expression Uncle Nine or other senior brothers will have when Uncle Shi sees this samadhi fire in his hand!

"System, improve realm cultivation!"

"Ding! Confirm the host requirements and start to improve your realm cultivation! "

"Ding! The host realm cultivation has been improved! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Five Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 700/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

Woo woo woo ...

Woo woo woo ...

Just when Ye Tian was immersed in joy, there were bursts of ghost crying in his ears.

I saw that the lonely ghosts around him began to float past him without stopping, and slowly leaned in the direction of the near church.

Now that such a powerful existence as Western zombies has been eliminated by itself, those lonely souls and wild ghosts who covet the yin and evil qi of the three evil positions have begun to move.

They all approached in the direction of the three evil positions, and used the power of yin and evil to improve their cultivation and ability.

"Looks like we're going to have to seal this place right away! Otherwise, I'm afraid that this Jiuquan Town will become a ghost town! "

Thinking of this, Ye Tian walked quickly, and now that he had been promoted to a fifth-grade heavenly master, he was already strong, as if the aura concentration around him was even stronger.

In less than half a minute, Ye Tian had already felt the place where the three evil positions were located - the church!

At this time, there were already many ghosts floating in the courtyard of the church.

Feeling the baptism of the evil aura on himself, gradually, a faint black light appeared on the body of each ghost!

"While I'm in a good mood now, hurry up and get out of here!"

Ye Tian walked coldly to the front of the church and spoke.


Those powerful ghosts were immersed in the joy of this sinister qi training, and now when they heard Ye Tian's scolding, they all showed disdainful expressions.

One of them, a burly, meaty ghost, walked out of the courtyard, saw Ye Tian in front of him, and said coldly:

"Where did the stinky Taoist priest come from, dare to disturb Grandpa Ben's cultivation! Do you know what you should be guilty of! "

"I don't know!"

Ye Tian replied coldly.

"Okay, just let Grandpa Ben eat your meat, and you will know what to blame!"

After the ghost finished speaking, he shook his body, and a majestic yin qi instantly poured out, surrounding him on the left and right.

Seeing this, the rest of the ghosts hid to the side, not daring to continue to move forward.

"Eighty years of powerful ghosts, it seems that the evil spirit here is indeed of great benefit to you!"

Ye Tian showed a calm appearance, and with a wave of his hand, a golden flame was suspended above his palm.

"Three! Samadhi is really hot! "

The fierce ghost, who was still arrogant, screamed in an instant after seeing the golden Samadhi Fire flame in Ye Tian's palm.

Then he took a few steps back, his legs shivering.

"Run, everybody! There is a real fire of samadhi here! "

It wasn't just the ghost that screamed, and then all the ghosts fled in all directions, whistling away.


The terrible ghost reacted in an instant, and flew into the air with a leap of speed, just as it was about to flee with all its might.

The golden flame in Ye Tian's hand ignited the clothes on its back in the blink of an eye.

Then, without waiting for the powerful ghost to react, all the souls were swallowed up by the Samadhi True Fire in an instant.

In just one second, it had completely disappeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes.

"Ding! Kill a ghost, get 120 merit points, and get a mystery box! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Five Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 820/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"Mystery box?"

Ye Tian was stunned, this is the first time he has encountered such a reward from the system!

"Mysterious gift box, containing mysterious things, it takes a flying stiff heart to open!"


Hearing the system's reply, Ye Tian almost didn't have a mouthful of old blood spurting out, and it would cost a stiff heart to open the gift box?

You must know that there are seven levels of zombies, which are white zombies, black zombies, green zombies, hairy zombies, flying zombies, fierce zombies and zombies!

The bronze armor corpse, silver armor corpse, and gold armor corpse belong to the different species of zombies and are not classified as a class classification.

Fei Zombie can gallop away, sucking the blood of living people and the three souls and seven spirits in the air, and ordinary real realm masters encounter Fei Zombie, but I am afraid that there is no possibility of escape at all.

And once the stiffness appears, only the powerhouse of the Transformation God Realm can kill it!

As for the zombie, you can kill the gods in the nine heavens, and you can slay the dragon in the deep sea! I'm afraid that only the Golden Immortal can destroy it!

A stiff heart can open the mysterious gift box, which is simply gambling with his current life!

Ye Tian thought about it, but still threw the mysterious gift box into the system space, and didn't ask any more.

"Five-party order flag, edict!"

Walking quickly to the front of the church, five small golden flags flew out of Ye Tian's hands in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, they made five golden rays of light and fell into the five corners of the church courtyard!

"The cloud seal is too empty, at the beginning of the catastrophe. At first glance, sink or float. Wandering in all directions, more than one zhang. Yuan Shi'an Town, Tell all souls. Yue is a true official, and the land is a spirit. Each shall abide by the purpose of the law and shall not be delayed. Haste as a law! Chi! "


Suddenly, a golden light rose from the entire church, reaching into the sky.

Then there will be bursts of cyan light in the moonlight sky, reflecting on the church.


An invisible ripple burst out from the church in an instant, and in an instant, the entire Jiuquan Town was already included in it.

Then, the gloomy aura that floated in the air surged at a very fast speed, and all of them fell in the golden light of the church.


Ye Tian burst into a shout, and the golden light and the blue light fused into one, and then turned into a huge "seal" word, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the church, and disappeared immediately.

Finally, the destroyed Three Evil Seals were finally sealed again in Ye Tian's hands, and the huge disaster brought by Jiuquan Town finally came to an end.

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