The jade rabbit fell, and the golden crow rose.

At this time, Jiuquan Town has returned to its former appearance, except for the houses that were implicated in last night's fighting.

All the gloomy aura has gradually receded, and there is no longer the gloom and coldness of the previous days, and even the sunlight has passed through the clouds and swayed on the streets of Jiuquan Town.

Ye Tian walked on the street with a relaxed heart and walked towards the gate of Jiuquan Town.

Although this place is empty, after a while, the villagers of Jiuquan Town will move back here one after another.

As for the church, there is no need to worry about it.

Ye Tian believed that after such a thing, it was impossible for anyone to allow this church to reopen.

Walking until noon, Ye Tian finally came to Qiaojia Town.

As soon as he came to the city gate, he saw a white shadow running towards him quickly, rushing into his arms like a fly, chirping and screaming.



The chirping sound came from the mouth of the lightning mink bean, looking at its snow-white appearance, Ye Tian patted its head approvingly, and said with a smile:

"Have you been waiting for me all along?"



Doudou kept nodding his head, then jumped on Ye Tian's shoulder, and rubbed his head vigorously with his open paws.

"Alright, I know you're happy!"

Ye Tian gently took Doudou down and hugged him in his arms, and then said, "Let's go, show me the way to find those two guys!" "



Now that Doudou is here, it saves Ye Tian the time to look for Qiusheng and Wencai, and then according to Doudou's guidance, he quickly found the inn where the two people were.

Who knew that when he entered the hall of the inn, he saw Qiusheng and Wencai sitting in a particularly conspicuous position.

There are all kinds of dishes in front of them, and two people are happily soaking hot pot! It's so uncomfortable!

"Come, Qiusheng, one more!"

"Let's go!"

"Do you want me to come with you too?"

Just as the two were about to clink glasses, Ye Tian's voice instantly reached the ears of the two.

Seeing this, Qiusheng and Wencai instantly put down their chopsticks and said excitedly: "Uncle Shi, you are here!" "

"You two are having a good time!"

Ye Tian muttered angrily, and then glanced at the dazzling array of dishes on the table, what mutton, hairy belly, yellow throat, sea shrimp and everything!

"Hehe, Uncle Shi must have not eaten! Hurry up and sit down and eat! "

Qiusheng scratched his head embarrassedly, then quickly helped Ye Tian to sit on the seat, and turned around and shouted, "Xiao'er, add another pair of chopsticks!" "

"You two, if I hadn't seen you eat so well with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

Ye Tian looked at the two of them and continued: "I still had that expression when I left yesterday, but now I am so happy to eat!" "

"Haha, uncle, wasn't the atmosphere at that time, and I couldn't help but express my emotions!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi, it's not that we don't know your ability, how can there be trouble that you can't solve, you say yes!"

Qiusheng and Wencai hurriedly served Ye Tian with vegetables, poured wine, and looked like they were waiting diligently, so that Ye Tian didn't know what to scold these two people for.

It is most suitable to use it on these two people without heart and lungs.

"Phew, phew!"

Just when a few people were having fun in the hot pot, there was a sound of a man spitting something from the corner.

Seeing this, the rest of the people cast bored glances at them one after another, and even Qiusheng and Wencai couldn't help but look back.

I saw that the man had his back to himself and the others, his stomach was facing the corner, and he was holding a chicken leg to nibble at this time, and from time to time he spit out a few mouthfuls of minced meat on the ground, which was very disgusting.

"There's something wrong with this person, why is he so disgusting!"

"Yes, he eats chicken legs with his left hand, and his right hand is still picking his feet! What an appetizer! "

Qiusheng and Wencai looked at the man's appearance at this time, and couldn't help complaining, and then looked at the pile of dishes in front of them, and suddenly lost their appetite.

"Is that him?"

Ye Tian glanced up at the man's back and said with some surprise.

"Uncle Shi, do you know him?"

"Well, I know!"

Ye Tian nodded, then picked up a piece of mutton shabu with chopsticks and shook it gently.

The piece of mutton shabu landed next to the man's chopsticks in an instant, and it was accurate.

"Huh? Shabu mutton? "

The man was a little puzzled, then stood up instantly, turned around and shouted, "Who the is throwing things?" "

What caught everyone's eye was a tall and thin middle-aged man, with his hair in a Mediterranean style, and his face was covered with oil stains from eating chicken legs, which was very indecent.

"Senior Brother Ma Madi, don't come unharmed!"

"Ye Tian!"

He looked at Ye Tian and greeted him numbly, very surprised, and then reached out and grabbed the mutton on the table and walked quickly, and said unhappily:

"Why are you throwing mutton shabu at me?"

"The way you eat is so indecent, it affects our mood when we eat!"

Ye Tian didn't get up, looked at the other party and said lightly.

"You stinky boy!"

Although Ma Madi was very angry, he still put away his temper, there was no way, Ye Tian couldn't afford to mess with him!

Then he glanced at Qiusheng and Wencai next to the table, and asked curiously:

"I didn't expect it, Senior Brother Ye, you even accepted apprentices!"

"Don't get me wrong, these are Senior Brother Lin's two apprentices, Qiusheng and Wencai!"

"His apprentice?"

Hearing Ye Tian say this, his face instantly stretched longer, and then he sat directly on the chair, his face full of resentment.

Because of Aunt Sue's affairs, the relationship between Ma Ma Di and Uncle Nine has always been bad, and now when he heard that the two were Uncle Nine's apprentices, he immediately lost his good face.

"Hello Uncle Shi!"

Although Qiusheng and Wencai didn't understand why Ma Ma Di was like this, they still stood up and greeted each other.

"Don't, don't call Uncle Shi! I'm not familiar with your master! "

He waved his hand directly, very disdainful of the two of them, and then put the break on the chair.


But in an instant, Ma Madi met Ye Tian's unpleasant gaze, and then resisted a strong desire to pick his feet, and put on his shoes again.

"Why did Senior Brother Ye appear here?"

Ma Madi wanted to use his hands to pick up the dishes, but a few people had no choice but to eat hot pot, and after a look, he still retracted his hand, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it.

"I did something in Jiuquan Town, passing by here, but you, senior brother, are you here to pick up the goods?"

To receive the goods is to receive the walking corpses and transport them home, and Ma Ma Di, like the four-eyed Taoist, has driven the corpses for a living.

"Well, that's right!"

Ma Ma nodded in response, although he no longer picked his feet, but his hand was not idle, even if he didn't dare to pick other parts of his body, he always couldn't help but touch this, touch that.

For a while, Qiusheng and Wencai stopped their chopsticks and stopped eating.

Even Ye Tian regretted that he had recognized Ma Ma Di just now.

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