"Qiusheng, go settle the money, we're ready to go on the road!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi!"

Originally, the interest of a few people to eat was instantly broken by the appearance of Ma Ma Di, although Ye Tian and Ma Ma Di sat together, they had nothing to talk about.

Ma Ma Di is sloppy by nature, and his popularity among the senior brothers is very poor, and Ye Tian has a good relationship with Uncle Jiu, so when he is with Ma Ma Di, he naturally does not have much intersection.

"What, Senior Brother Ye is leaving?"

Ma Ma was happy in his heart, and when he saw that his goal was achieved, he pretended to be curious and reluctant.

After all, the food on this table is still much worse than what I ate just now.

As for hot pot or something, you have your own way to deal with it!

"Well, you eat slowly!"

Ye Tian nodded very calmly, and then helped up Wencai, who was injured, Qiusheng brought the carriage from the backyard, and the group went on the road again.

"Hey, it's just right to go!"

Ma Ma looked at the sumptuous dishes on this table, and without saying a word, he poured all the things he liked to eat into the hot pot.

Then he took a big spoon and took out all the dishes in one go, put them in front of him, and ate them while smacking.

At this time, Ma Ma Di was eating a hearty meal, so uncomfortable, two young men ran in in a panic and shouted repeatedly.

"Master, master!"

"What is it called! Your master and I are not dead yet! "

He threw a piece of shrimp skin on the ground, then rubbed his oil-stained hands on his clothes, poured a glass of wine, and muttered dissatisfiedly:

"What's wrong?"

"Master, Ren Tiantang's body is lost!"

One of the young men, seeing Ma Ma Di asking like this, hurriedly said.


Before he could swallow the wine in his mouth, it squirted out in an instant, splashing everywhere on the table.

"What the hell are you talking about! Ren Tiantang's body is lost! "

He stood up directly with wide-eyed eyes, and asked the two of them loudly angrily, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

"What do you see, I haven't seen a master training an apprentice!"

Seeing this, Ma Ma immediately pulled the ears of the two of them and came to an alley outside the inn, so as not to be heard by others just now, so as not to affect his reputation as a corpse chaser business.

"Say, what the hell is going on!"

"Master, when the two of us were driving Ren Tiantang's corpse to Renjia Town last night, we were suddenly caught on our bodies by a huge net falling from the sky, and when we struggled out, the corpse was gone!"

One of the young men named Ah Hao hurriedly told Ma Ma what happened yesterday, and then Ah Qiang on the side saw this and added:

"Master, what should we do if we lose this corpse, otherwise we will run away!"


He couldn't help but slap that Ah Qiang, and said loudly: "Those people stealing the corpse, they must be doing some messy evil art, in case they make the corpse change, and then they will suffer!"

And also! What kind of person is Ren Tiantang! It's the second old lady of Renjia Town! After this fork, do you think your master and I will be able to mix in the corpse chasing world in the future? "

The power of Ren Mansion in Renjia Town is very great, even in the provincial capital, it has its own industry, and now Ma Ma Di is entrusted by the Ren family to transport Ren Tiantang's body back.

In case the Ren family finds that the body has been lost by themselves, the safety of the lives of the three of them is a trivial matter, but I am afraid that this matter will spread in the corpse world, and there will be no business at all!

"Master, what are we going to do?"

Ah Qiang covered his face and asked with an aggrieved expression.

"What to do? Let's fool the affairs of the Ren family first! "

Ma Ma glared at the other party angrily, pointed to the noses of the two and said: "I don't care which of the two of you comes forward to play Ren Tiantang, in short, if this matter goes wrong, I will skin you!" "

"Yes! Be! "

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang glanced at each other, and they didn't dare to take a breath, so they could only nod their heads in response.


On the other side, Ye Tian and the three of them had already driven out of Qiaojia Town in a carriage and came to a dense forest.

Ye Tian checked the injury of Wen Cai's ribs, and when he saw that there was no major problem, he opened his mouth and reprimanded:

"Drink before the injury is healed, I think you want to die early!"

"Uncle Shi, just take a sip, it's no big deal!"

Wen Cai scratched his head in embarrassment, and then asked curiously: "Senior uncle, why is that uncle so dirty, it seems that the relationship with the master and his old man is not very good!" "

"This hemp is this dead look, a stinky problem, it is famous in Maoshan Mountain!"

Ye Tian heard Wen Cai's inquiry, and explained: "Back then, this Ma Ma Di had a crush on Senior Sister Sue, and Senior Sister was the only one who fell in love with Senior Brother, so the relationship between Senior Brother and Ma Ma Di was very bad.

Although there is no deep hatred, as long as the two meet, they will quarrel endlessly. "

"Just him? Still have a crush on my aunt? Phew! "

At this time, Qiusheng, who was driving the car, couldn't help but despise Ye Tian after hearing Ye Tian's explanation.

"Yes, my master is not better than him, except for slamming the door, I dare to say that my master will definitely crush him!"

"That's right, the master is good at everything except slamming the door!"

Obviously, Qiusheng fully agrees with what Wen Cai said.

"I'm really speechless for you two!"

Ye Tian muttered angrily, and then stopped paying attention to the two, but turned to the side and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Gray slightly!

Suddenly, Qiusheng stopped the carriage, turned to look at Ye Tian in the carport, pointed ahead and said, "Uncle Shi, there is a person there who fainted!" "


Sure enough, as Qiusheng said, at this time, Ye Tian also noticed a middle-aged man lying under the shade of the big tree, with his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Although the distance was far, Ye Tian could clearly observe that there was no dead air on the middle-aged man's body.

That is, he is not dead yet.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian jumped out of the carriage quickly and rushed to the middle-aged man's side.

At this time, the middle-aged man was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, but the corners of his mouth were twitching, and his forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, as if he was trembling gently.

Seeing this, Ye Tian hurriedly helped the middle-aged man aside, and a golden needle pierced his heart.


In an instant, the middle-aged man had a little consciousness, coughed lightly twice, and opened his eyes weakly.

"How are you feeling right now?"

This middle-aged man showed a weakened yang qi, but there was no trace of yin qi in his body, which made Ye Tian feel very surprised and curious.

"Did you save me? Thank you! "

A faint smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face.



Just when Ye Tiangang wanted to ask the middle-aged man what happened, Doudou chirped again and again on the side, and his two paws kept pointing at the back of the middle-aged man's ankle.

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