Originally, this wealthy wife still wanted to tease Ye Tian, but who knew that after seeing the other party's sharp eyes, Deng Shi felt very unhappy, and waved his hand angrily and said:

"I don't know, I haven't seen it!"

Seeing that this rich wife was so uncooperative, the pillar hurriedly pulled her closer to the side, and said in horror:

"Sister-in-law, hurry up and tell the truth, do you know that your man is a zombie!"

"What's that? Corpse! Stop, what a zombie is, I've never heard of it! "

Zhang Facai's wife immediately shook off the hand of the pillar and said disdainfully: "Let me tell you, you can stay away from the old lady, you want to take advantage of the old lady, there is no door!" "

As the so-called poor mountains and bad waters are full of people, Ye Tian can be regarded as truly seeing the true face of a rural shrew today.

Qiusheng and Wencai couldn't help but murmur in a whisper on the side, just like this, unless they are blind, they are willing to take advantage of him!

Hey? Isn't that fortune a blind man?

"I said, sister-in-law, why don't you know what to do? Daoist Ye is here to save you! "

The pillar stomped his feet again and again in anger, then turned around, lifted up his clothes, and peeled off the glutinous rice.

"! Pillar, you fucking play hooligan with the old lady in broad daylight, aren't you! You... "

As soon as she saw the pillar behaving like this, Zhang Facai's wife instantly splashed, but after seeing the bite on the back of the pillar, she instantly stopped making a sound, but said in horror:

"My man also bit you?"

After speaking, Zhang Facai's wife turned around, pointed to her ass and said:

"My man came home when it was almost dawn, and without saying a word, he took a bite of my buttocks! His grandma's! The old lady kicked him out of bed right then! "

"Shhhhhh Or are you amazing! "

Qiusheng and Wencai couldn't help but give each other a thumbs up, even a zombie can kick over a woman, it is really spicy enough!

"What about the others?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian hurriedly asked.

"Hmph, I locked the house, his grandmother's, dare to bite the old lady, I don't want to live! Punish him for not eating meat for a month! "

After that, Zhang Facai's wife turned around angrily, looked at Ye Tian and said, "By the way, you just said that my man is a zombie, what is a zombie!" "

"I won't be able to explain this for a while, and I'll explain it to you later!"

Ye Tian didn't say much when he heard this, but continued: "You hurry up and take me to your house now!" "

"That'll do!"

Seeing this, Zhang Facai's wife also felt that this matter was a little strange, so she agreed with Ye Tian's idea and took him to her yard.

This village is not big, and the door-to-door distance is also very close, and the voice of the rich wife is very loud, and the shouting just now has attracted the interest of many villagers in an instant.

For a while, the whole village spread that Zhang Facai had become a zombie.

Although everyone didn't know what this zombie was, they all followed the tail of Ye Tian and his party with the mood of watching the excitement.

"What the hell are you looking at, what's so nice about the old lady's house!"

Zhang Facai's wife looked at the villagers outside the courtyard, and couldn't help but scold.

These villagers knew what kind of temper the other party was, and they didn't have the same understanding as her.

However, I have never heard of this zombie, and even if the other party even opened his mouth and scolded him, he had no intention of retreating.

Ye Tian ignored these people, anyway, the zombies in the daylight would not be much of a threat, and immediately followed Zhang Facai's wife to the front of the house, pointed inside and asked:

"Is he still in there?"

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that there was no corpse qi coming from this house, and he really didn't know what kind of zombie it would hide all the corpse qi in his body.

"Sure, that dead thing, won't do anything but sleep!"

Zhang Facai's wife muttered angrily, then opened the door lock with the key, and said while pushing the door:

"Boss, someone came to see you, saying you are a zombie, what the hell is a zombie... Yes! "

Zhang Facai's wife kept muttering, but after seeing the situation in the house.

He screamed in fright, and instantly sat down on the ground, trembling again and again.


There was a roar of rage from the house, and I saw that the rich man was about to rush out of the house with a bloody mouth, and he was carrying a dirt dog that had been torn in half.

"Go back!"

Ye Tian stretched out his hand and dragged Zhang Facai's wife into the yard, and then rushed into the house quickly.

"Mom! Youkai! "


"Zhang Facai eats people!"


Although Zhang Facai did not rush out of the house, some people still had sharp eyes and saw the fierce and vicious Zhang Facai through the open door.

At this time, all the people who watched the excitement ran away, and even the pillar himself was so frightened that he ran home, not daring to make any more stay!

"My man ate my dog!"

The rich wife only came to her senses now, and she screamed at the moment, and hurriedly retreated and hid behind Qiusheng and Wencai, and hurriedly asked:

"What's wrong with my man, has he become a monster?"

"Your man is not a monster, he is a zombie!"

Qiu Shengwen glanced at Zhang Facai's wife behind him angrily, and then heard the sound of fighting coming from the house.


Hearing only a muffled sound, Ye Tian turned around and walked out of the door, walked to Zhang Facai's wife, and asked:

"Do you know how your man became like this?"

"Huh? I don't know! Yesterday he told me he was going to make a big deal, and I thought he was bragging! Who knows how it came to be! "

Zhang Facai's wife was frightened, pointed to the house in front of her again and again, and said loudly: "What's wrong with my man now, is there anything wrong!" "

Seeing that he still hadn't investigated why this fortune had turned into a zombie without corpse qi, the suspicions in Ye Tian's heart became much more solemn.

At that moment, looking at Zhang Facai's wife, he said: "Your man is dead, and now the one in the house is a zombie, not your man!" "

"Ahh He's dead! He's dead! "

Zhang Facai's wife muttered to herself, and said: "What can I do, my man is dead, how can I live in the future!" "

As he spoke, Zhang Facai's wife sat on the ground and kept crying, as if she was really sad.

"Stop sitting, take this glutinous rice and put the wound on your buttocks, or you'll become a zombie like your man!"

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Tian's words fell, Zhang Facai's wife stopped crying in an instant, and as a result, Ye Tian handed over the glutinous rice, and said curiously:

"This glutinous rice can heal my wounds?"

"That's right!"

"That's good!"

When Zhang Facai's wife heard this, she held the glutinous rice, smiled and came to Qiusheng and Wencai, and said:

"Two little brothers, can any of you help me dress my wounds, I can't see it!"


Qiusheng and Wencai were so frightened that they retreated again and again, not daring to move forward.

And Ye Tian walked into the house quickly, and with a slight flash of the samadhi true fire between his fingers, he burned the zombie Zhang Facai to ashes.

"Ding! Destroy a zombie and get 10 merit points and 1 pound of glutinous rice! "

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