Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Five Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 830/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

When Ye Tian came out of the house, he saw that the wealthy wife was pestering Qiusheng and Wencai to ask them to apply glutinous rice to the wound on their buttocks.

made the two of them dodge again and again, if it weren't for Ye Tian being here, the two would have run away in the carriage.

"Come on, little brother, don't be shy! I'm not afraid, you two are so afraid! "


Ye Tian coughed twice in embarrassment, stopped the enthusiastic Zhang Facai wife, and said:

"Eldest sister, hurry back to the house and put glutinous rice on it, otherwise I will have to destroy you when I turn around and attack the corpse poison!"

"What! Destroy me! "

Zhang Facai's wife didn't say a word, turned around and ran into the house, followed by the sound of ghosts crying wolves and shrews scolding the street.

When the villagers who had been hiding in their homes saw this, they all came out again, cautiously gathered around, and looked curiously.

Why did Zhang Facai become a zombie, Ye Tian had no clue.

And after Zhang Facai turned into a zombie, he would be so weird and without corpse energy, Ye Tian was even more full of doubts.

At that moment, he had to tell the villagers to be careful, and then gave each family some zombie charms in their hands, and told them how to use them if they saw zombies.

In this way, the danger of disaster can be minimized, after all, you can't stay in this village all the time.

After arranging everything, Ye Tian ordered Qiusheng to drive the carriage away again.

And Zhang Facai's wife was very reluctant to chase to the head of the village, and the pain of losing her husband just now seemed to have been thrown out of the clouds.

It was nearly half a day's journey, and by the time a few people arrived quickly in Renjia Town, it was already evening.

This time, Ye Tian did not go back to the medical hall directly, but went to Yizhuang with Qiusheng Wencai.

"Hey, why is there no one?"

"Auntie? Auntie? "

Unexpectedly, when a few people arrived at Yizhuang, they found that there was no one empty, except for the retreat room of Uncle Jiu, there was no movement, and there was no shadow of Aunt Su anywhere.

"It's strange, where did my aunt go?"

Qiusheng searched around the yard, but never found any trace of Aunt Cane.

Ye Tian carried Wen Cai back to the room, told him about the precautions for the injury, and then turned around and walked out of Yizhuang.

If you want to know the whereabouts of Aunt Sue, I'm afraid that now only Hua Yanyan, who practices medicine in the Shenlong Medical Hall.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the Shenlong Medical Hall, and at this time, Hua Yanyan was sitting at the consultation table, holding a medical book in front of her, and she didn't know if she was asleep.

"Doctor, see a doctor!"

Ye Tian was helpless, so he sat down on the chair and spoke.

"Hah! It's finally time for business! "

When Hua Yanyan heard that someone came to the door, she laughed happily, but as soon as she threw away the book in her hand, her originally happy cheeks instantly became unhappy.

"How can it be you! I thought there was a patient coming to my door! "

"Of course it's me!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, looked at Hua Yanyan who was pouting, and asked curiously, "Isn't there any business in the medical hall recently?" "

"Hmph, no!"

As soon as she heard this, Hua Yanyan immediately clasped her hands to her chest and complained:

"These villagers are really, seeing that the doctor in this medical hall is not you, they all went to other medical centers, and it has been almost a week, and only two patients have come, but I am really angry!"

"Haha, it's normal that the people of your hometown don't believe you!"

"Hey, hey, you have to figure it out, I'm from the Hua family, and I don't have to say anything about my medical skills!"

Hua Yanyan patted her towering chest very unpleasantly, then looked at Ye Tian with curiosity, and asked:

"Well, did you run into any interesting things along the way? Tell me, I'm suffocating here! "

"Let's not talk about that!"

Ye Tian waved his hand to interrupt the other party, and then asked, "Where did Senior Sister go, why didn't I see her when I went to Yizhuang just now?" "

"Oh, you said aunt!"

Hua Yanyan opened her mouth to explain: "There is a funeral in the Ren family, so she went to arrange the funeral." "

"There is a funeral in the Ren family? Who's in trouble? "

Ye Tian was stunned, there are only Ren Fa and Ren Tingting left in this Ren family, could it be that something happened to the two of them?

"Tut-tut, I'll just say, you must have a story with that Miss Ren!"

Seeing that Ye Tian asked herself a little worriedly, Hua Yanyan pretended to smile evilly, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not your Miss Ren, it seems to be some second old lady of their family, called Ren Tiantang!" "

Ren Tiantang?

Ye Tian instantly understood what was going on, but he didn't expect to enter the plot of "Music Zombie".

I can't help but think that it has been haunting my heart, and the matter of Zhang Facai's zombie has finally been clarified.

In the movie, Ren Tiantang became extraordinarily domineering because he was injected with a mysterious hormone by Dr. Western, and he was not afraid of any Taoism.

Even if the head is cut off, you can continue to fight unharmed.

In the end, it was Uncle Nine who stabbed the other party's body with 1808 steel needles during the Tengu Eclipse and released hormones, which made it return to an ordinary zombie.

Combined with the encounter with Ma Ma Di and the Zhang Fa Cai zombie, Ye Tian has reason to believe that that Zhang Fa Cai was bitten to death by this Ren Tiantang before his death.

It is precisely because of this hormone zombie that Zhang Facai has no corpse gas on his body after becoming a zombie.

It's just that I don't know how many zombies that were bitten to death by Ren Tiantang are left outside, which is really difficult.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Ye Tian was silent and didn't speak, Hua Yanyan waved her hand twice in front of the other party and asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'll go to Ren's house and take a look!"

"I'll go, I'll go!"

As soon as she heard that Ye Tian was going to Ren's house, Hua Yanyan hurriedly got up and followed behind her, sitting here bored for the past few days, and her body was about to stiffen.

Soon, the two came to Ren's mansion.

At this time, there were two white lanterns hanging at the entrance of Ren's mansion, and the mourning shed was also set up in the courtyard early.

Seeing Ye Tian appear, Ren Tingting walked up quickly, and said with red eyes:

"Brother Ye, my second grandfather has passed away! Woooooo "

"Okay, don't cry, mourn and change!"

Ye Tian took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away the right tears, and walked into the hall together.

At this time, Aunt Sue had just arranged everything needed for the funeral, and Ren Fa was also sitting sadly on the side.

Seeing Ye Tian come in, Aunt Sue smiled.

"Senior brother, is everything going well when you come back so soon?"

"Well, well!"

Ye Tian nodded in response.

Seeing this, Ren Fa also got up and approached, said hello to Ye Tian, and explained to him what happened to Ren Tiantang.

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