What's going on?

Ren Fa and Ren Tingting greeted the black man with a full face, how can the good old lady become a zombie, and the second old lady also becomes a zombie?

Could it be that you are a zombie family?

Hua Yanyan on the side immediately saw through Ah Qiang and Ah Hao's trick, and took the lead in raising the sword, which was directly on the neck of Ah Qiang, who was just about to get up.

And Ah Hao was wearing a shroud, struggled to stand up, covered his aching lower abdomen, and said angrily:

"Grandma's, you dare to hit me!"

With that, Ah Hao raised his fist and rushed towards Ye Tian with a roar.

Who knows, before Ye Tian came near, he was instantly put in front of more than a dozen spears.

"Grandma, dare to touch my brother Tian, you are impatient!"

Chang Wei walked up to Ah Hao angrily with a pistol, and then directly pressed it against his chest, and said angrily:

"Fight, if you have the ability, you can continue to fight! Look at the speed of your fists, or the speed of Lao Tzu's gun!"

This time, Ah Hao was completely honest, he didn't have any confidence that he could slip away from under so many guns.

And Ah Qiang was still held by Hua Yanyan with a sharp sword to his neck at this time, and when he saw that the matter was revealed, he had to beg for mercy loudly:

"Master Ren, we were wrong! Let us go! We don't dare anymore!"

"What the hell is going on!"

Now, Ren Fa finally figured out what was going on, it turned out that these two people had teamed up to deceive themselves by pretending to drive corpses.

For a while, Ren Fa only felt angry, and without saying a word, he gave each of them a mouthful.

The two people who beat were bitter and didn't dare to fight back.

"Say, where is my second uncle's body?"

"I... I don't know!"

Ah Hao was completely panicked now, that Ren Fa was the soil emperor of that Ren family town on weekdays, and the momentum of the person in power instantly pressed on Ah Hao's body.

The other party only felt that his legs were weak, and he knelt directly on the ground, crying while telling what happened.

is similar to the situation in the movie, Ma Ma was lazy and handed over the task of driving the corpse to the two apprentices, but who knew that he encountered an ambush on the way, which led to the theft of the corpse.

So the three of them thought of this plan, and first fooled the Ren family.

As for where Ren Tiantang's body is now, the three masters and apprentices really don't know.

"Yes, yes!"

Ren Fa's hands were trembling, and he picked up the crutches in his hand and hit the two of them hard, and scolded loudly:

"I gave you money to send my second uncle home, but you lost my body!

After that, Ren Fa turned his head to look at Ye Tian, and asked with a displeased expression: "Doctor Ye, these two people are also your nephews, how to deal with them?"

Although Ren Fa was very angry, these two people were from Maoshan Sect after all, in order not to make it difficult for Ye Tian, Ren Fa still opened his mouth to ask the other party's opinion.

"Master Ren, you can do it, don't kill or cripple, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Senior Brother Ma!"

Ye Tian has no feelings for Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, and the two of them have caused such a big disaster, and suffering a little can be regarded as a lesson.

Ah Qiang and Ah Hao were shocked when they heard the conversation between Ye Tian and Ren Fa, and then they kowtowed again and again, begging for mercy loudly:

"Uncle Shi, please intercede with Master Ren and let us go! We will definitely get the body back!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi, you and our master are brothers, you can't die without help!"

Ye Tian ignored the two, but looked at Chang Wei and ordered, "Don't be too heavy!"

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, I have my own measure!"

Chang Wei smiled when he heard this, and then led the members of the security team to drag Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, who were crying and making trouble, away.

Seeing that Chang Wei had taken away the two apprentices of Ma Ma Di, Ren Fa looked at Ye Tian very anxiously and hurriedly asked:

"Doctor Ye, what should I do with my second uncle's corpse? Will he become a zombie!"

Of course, Ye Tian knew that Ren Tiantang had turned into a zombie at this time, but he still pretended to be puzzled, frowned and said:

"Well, it's possible!"

"Hey, what a misfortune for the family! Why do things always happen like this!"

Ren Fa stomped his feet again and again when he heard this, and this kind of thing happened one after another in the house, in case there was another zombie disaster, I was afraid that I didn't know how to explain to the parents and villagers in Renjia Town.

"Brother Tian!

Chang Wei, who had just gone out here, ran in again in a hurry, looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and hurriedly shouted loudly:

"There are zombies in Yihong Courtyard!"


Everyone was shocked, and Ren Fa grabbed Chang Wei and asked loudly:

"Is it my second uncle?"

"I don't know, I just got the news, so I rushed over!"

"Let's go, I'll go with you!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian was not sure if the zombie was really Ren Tiantang, so he could only go and see the situation first.

"Doctor Ye, if it's really my second uncle, please leave a whole corpse!"

"Okay, I'll do my best!"

Ye Tian agreed, and arranged for Hua Yanyan to stay at Ren's house, and he and Chang Wei quickly rushed to Nayi Red Courtyard.

At this time, there was a panic in Yihong Courtyard, and the girls fled in all directions, and the screams and cries for help were even more connected.

By the time Ye Tian arrived at Yihong Courtyard, many people in the hall on the first floor had already been bitten and fell to the ground.

"Doctor Ye, save me!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he looked up and saw that Xiao Erzi, the son of the owner of Yihong Courtyard, was staying on the beam at this time and shouting for help.

Underneath him was a bloodied, hideous-looking zombie.

However, the appearance of the zombie is that he is in his twenties, and he is not an old man like Ren Tiantang.

The zombie was roaring angrily at this time, and he got up to catch the little second son above.

Fortunately, the little third son was nimble and jumped on the highest beam, otherwise he would have been caught by the zombie and killed on the spot.

Seeing this, Ye Tian stepped forward quickly, and a cloud of samadhi fire instantly stained the zombie's body.

In an instant, the golden flames rose instantly, and before the zombie could resist, it was completely devoured by the Samadhi True Fire and turned into ashes.

"Ding! Destroy a zombie and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean!"

Ye Tian dragged the little second son off the beam, pointed to a pile of ashes on the ground, and asked loudly:

"Say, what is your relationship with this zombie?"

When zombies are resurrected, they will immediately go to their relatives who are related to them or the people closest to them.

Judging from the various performances of the zombie just now, it is obvious that the relationship between this little second son and the zombie before his death is not ordinary.

And this zombie has no corpse on his body, which is the same as Zhang Youcai's situation at that time.

Therefore, catching the little second son is equivalent to grasping the clue.

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