"I... I... I don't know him!"

Xiao Erzi looked flustered, and after seeing Ye Tian's fierce eyes, he hurriedly hid back, shaking his head constantly.

"Brother Tian, I just found out, a total of eighteen people were bitten!"

At this time, Chang Wei also ran over quickly and whispered in Ye Tian's ear.

"Well, take these glutinous rice!

Ye Tian nodded when he heard this, then raised his hand and waved, and a basket of glutinous rice fell to the ground.


Chang Wei understood, picked up the glutinous rice and turned to leave.

At this time, the boss of Nayi Hongyuan also ran over, and when he saw that Ye Tian had saved his son, he hurriedly thanked him:

"Doctor Ye, thank you for saving my son!

"Don't say thank you yet, Boss Wang, I have something to ask the little second son!"

Ye Tianyi waved his hand, then strode up to Xiao Erzi, and continued to ask, "Let me ask you again, do you know that zombie?"

"No... I don't know!"

Xiao Erzi showed a timid look on his face, and then his head kept shaking, as if he was unwilling to answer Ye Tian's question.

"I really don't know?"

Ye Tian stared at the other party coldly, and the coercion on his body gradually revealed.

"No... I don't know!"

"Doctor Ye, what are you doing here!"

Obviously, Ye Tian's repeated questions made Boss Wang very unhappy, and he stopped in front of his son at the moment and said loudly:

"My son was almost bitten to death by a zombie, he was a victim, why are you asking him like this!"

Boss Wang knew that this zombie was his son's fox friend and dog friend, but now that he refused to admit it, he must have realized that this matter was not simple.

Therefore, in order to protect his son, Boss Wang did not hesitate to confront Ye Tian head-on, hard against hard.

"Boss Wang, I advise you, if you do this, you will harm the entire Renjia Town!"

"I can't care so much, anyway, my son said he didn't know, that is, he didn't know!"


Ye Tianyi grabbed Boss Wang's collar, waved his big hand, and threw it aside directly, and said disdainfully:

"I respect you as the squire of Renjia Town, so I am so polite to you, but if you challenge my bottom line, I will not take you seriously!"

"Ye Tian! You! I'm going to the township office to sue you, I'm going to find the town mayor to sue you!"

Boss Wang was slammed to the ground, roaring loudly angrily, and just as he was about to get up and grab Ye Tiantheory, a displeased voice came from behind him.

"What's the matter, Boss Wang, who do you want to sue at the township office?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Ren Tingting walking in with Ren Fa in her arms, and Hua Yanyan also ran quickly to Ye Tian's approach, and whispered:

"They have to come, I can't stop them!"

"It's okay, it's done!"

Ye Tian looked at Hua Yanyan and said with a smile.

"Ren... Why are you here?"

Boss Wang looked at Ren Fa and suddenly lost his hardness just now.

There is no way, the Ren family is like a soil emperor here, even if the mayor of the town sees Ren Fa, he does not dare to slack off.

is an ordinary squire, and it is really not enough for the other party to see.

"Why, can't I come?"

Ren Fa glanced at the other party with disdain, then walked to Ye Tian and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye, just ask, if he dares to go to the township office to sue you, I will let him close Yihong Courtyard tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Master Ren!"

Ye Tian nodded and smiled when he heard this, in fact, even if Ren Fa didn't appear, he had a way to make the little second son speak.

Since the other party supported himself like this in front of everyone, Ye Tian had no intention of refusing.

"Tell me, do you know that zombie?"

"No... I really don't know!"

Seeing this, the little second son kept retreating, especially after seeing Ren Fa appear, he was even more frightened and didn't dare to say anything.

It seems that in his eyes, Ren Fa is more terrifying than Ye Tian.

"It's hard-mouthed!"

Ye Tian snorted coldly in disdain, and immediately raised his hand and waved, and a golden needle fell into the center of the little second son's eyebrows.

"Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the body. The cave is void, and it is too yuan. According to the five mountains, the eight seas know and hear. The ferocity dissipates, and the Tao Qi remains. The golden needle opens the mouth of the ghost, and the trick raises the people's words! Hurry like a law!


With a flash of golden light, the little second son instantly became a lot more wooden, and his eyes looked at the front with a pair of empty eyes, without any expression.


Ye Tian's operation surprised everyone.

Even Hua Yanyan watched from the sidelines, and couldn't help whispering in her ear:

"Hey, does this tricky golden needle still have such an effect?

"No way!"

"You're so stingy, huh!"

Hua Yanyan puffed out her cheeks angrily and no longer paid attention to the other party.

And Ye Tian looked at the little second son again, and said, "Anyway, what is the relationship between you and that zombie!"

"He turned out to be my partner ... "

In this way, under the influence of the golden needle of the trick, the little second son told what happened.

The third son in the movie was replaced by the second son, the son of the owner of Yihong Courtyard, and he was the main member who participated in the theft of Ren Tiantang's body.

The other two were Zhang Facai, who Ye Tian had destroyed, and the zombie just now.

That zombie was an orphan before he was born, and he had been mixed with his second son since he was a child, and he could be described as a real fox friend and dog friend.

Therefore, after the other party turned into a zombie, the first person to find it was Xiao Erzi.

After Ren Tiantang's corpse changed, he bit to death the two friends of Dr. Western and Xiao Erzi, and he escaped by luck and ran back home.

Who knew that I was just about to talk to a few girls today, and I ran into a partner who had been transformed into a corpse, so what happened just now.

"Okay, yes! So you're all doing it!"

Ren hit angrily, and immediately raised his crutches and hit the little second son's body, and Boss Wang also sat on the ground with weak legs.

Now that he has offended the Ren family, I am afraid that it will really be as he just said, and Yihong Courtyard will be closed.

"Doctor Ye, what should I do now!"

Although the source of all this is because of the little second son, the zombie is his second uncle after all.

In order to settle the matter as soon as possible, Ren Fa put all his hopes on Ye Tian.

"Now it seems that this zombie has undergone a mutation because it has been injected with hormones, and it has not appeared at Ren's house to find you for a long time!"

Ye Tian lowered his head and thought about it, then came to Ren Tingting's side and asked, "Tingting, did your second master give you any special gifts?"

After the zombie is transformed, it will definitely find its relatives as soon as possible, and after so long, Ren Tiantang has not appeared.

Obviously, it is not feasible to rely on Ren Fa and Ren Tingting to lure Ren Tiantang to appear.

Now it seems that only by relying on the music of the pocket watch to attract Ren Tiantang's appearance as played in the movie.

It's just that Ye Tian can't just say that he has a gift like a pocket watch, so he has to knock on the side and ask the other party.

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