
Hearing Ye Tian say this, Ren Tingting hurriedly took out a crescent jade pendant from her arms and held it in front of Ye Tian.

"This jade pendant was brought back by the second grandfather when he went to the Western Regions to do business, and it is said to be the royal treasure of the ancient Loulan Kingdom, and I have always worn it by my side. "

"Jade pendant?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, Ren Tiantang's most precious gift to Ren Tingting turned out to be a jade pendant instead of a pocket watch.

"What's the matter, Brother Ye, is there anything wrong with this jade pendant?"

Ren Tingting looked at Ye Tian curiously, not understanding what he meant.

On the other side, Ren Fa hurriedly took out a pocket watch from his arms and interjected:

"Doctor Ye, my second uncle also gave me a pocket watch, which I brought back from the West, I wonder if it can come in handy for you?"


Unexpectedly, he found this pocket watch in the original book on Ren Fa's body, and Ye Tian agreed again and again and took the pocket watch.

Just like in the movie, the watch was opened to the sound of beautiful music.

It's different from the music in the movie, but it's very pleasant.

"Master Ren, can you lend me this pocket watch?"

"Yes, I just hope that Dr. Ye can settle this matter quickly, and Renjiazhen can't be chaotic anymore!"

Ren Fa nodded again and again, without a trace of hesitation.


Ye Tian put away his pocket watch and began to think about his next move.


At this time, a small village twenty miles away from Renjia Town was still a lively scene during the day, but now, it was full of corpses.

Roar... Roar...

A zombie with the appearance of an old Western man walking on the path of the village covered in blood, looking for the breath of the living.

Da... Da... Da...

A sound of footsteps came from not far away, and in an instant, it attracted the attention of this Western zombie.

The breath of the living was extremely sensitive to this Western zombie at this time, and in an instant, the Western zombie waved its sharp claws, and rushed to the front of the figure with a roar.


I saw that the figure burst into a loud shout, and then several black talismans flew out of his body in an instant, sticking to the body of the Western zombie.

The Western zombie stopped moving in the blink of an eye, and stood straight in front of the figure, without any movement.

"I'm still a Westerner! "

At this moment, the figure removed the black cloth that wrapped his face, and a handsome young man appeared in front of him.

Looking at this Western zombie, the young man said with some surprise:

"There is no corpse?"

After that, the young boy sniffed the body of the Western zombie carefully, and then looked at the corpses of other Western zombies killed by the Western zombie.

Like this Western zombie, although these people were scratched and bitten all over their bodies, there was no corpse qi circling at all, which really shocked the young man.

"Tut-tut, it looks like I can study it again!"

A smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, and then his body moved, and a black shadow flew out of his body in an instant, transforming into the appearance of a black cat.


The black cat barked lazily, and its green eyes looked extremely dark in the night.


The black cat shook its body and jumped on the shoulders of the Western zombie.

Then the Western zombie began to jump forward step by step, as if driving out a corpse.

"When I find out the secret of this zombie, I will have a place in the alliance!hahaha!"

The young man's eyes burst out with two rays of light, and with a slight movement of his fingers, a black flame instantly touched a corpse at his feet.


The black fire boiled and engulfed the entire village in an instant.

And that young man, who had already taken the Western zombie, disappeared without a trace.


The next day, Ye Tian practiced medicine in the hospital as usual, while Hua Yanyan played the role of his assistant, treating two patients for each other from time to time.

In this regard, although Hua Yanyan was very dissatisfied, she had no choice but that those patients did not believe in herself, so she had to help aggrievedly.

Soon, the medical hall was quiet again, and only Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were left.

Seeing this, the latter stretched his waist greatly, and then came to Ye Tian's side and asked:

"Seeing that you don't care about it, don't you go to Ren's house to help catch zombies? That Miss Ren seems to be very interested in you!"

"Don't bother so much, I have my own plans for catching zombies!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, then squinted his eyes and looked at each other, shook his head and said:

"I didn't expect you to be so young, and you're quite gossipy!"

"Gossip, what's the matter with gossip, is there anything special about it?"

"No, just talk about it, don't take it too seriously!"

"It's so annoying, every time I say half of my words!"

Hua Yanyan's hands were crossed on her hips, and she said again: "By the way, I remembered, you don't plan to use that pocket watch to attract Ren Tiantang, right?"

"That's right!"

Ye Tian glanced at the other party approvingly, nodded and said.

"You're not mistaken, are you! You yourself said that Ren Tiantang was mutated because of being injected with hormones, and he didn't even look for his blood relatives, but he would look for this pocket watch? Don't tease me, okay!"

"It doesn't matter, just try it!"

"Okay, if you can really use the pocket watch to attract Ren Tiantang, I will be your assistant every day!"

"Aren't you now?"

"Hey, I'm telling you to be serious!"

Hua Yanyan straightened her waist very angrily, and a very good figure appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes.

"Hehe, it's quite material. "

Ye Tian was helpless, shook his head and smiled.

"Dead girl, it's not so big or small, is it?"

Aunt Sue's angry rebuke came from the door, and Hua Yanyan, who was originally quite upright, heard the other party's voice, and instantly didn't dare to continue to be stubborn, stuck out her tongue and hurriedly hid to the side.

"Senior brother, I've told you many times, if this dead girl is unreasonable to you again, you will beat her!"

"It's a girl after all, it's better not to do it!"

Ye Tian smiled and introduced Aunt Sue into the room, then glanced at the other party's wet hair, and said curiously:

"Senior sister, did you go swimming in broad daylight?

"Don't mention it, I almost lost my life just now!"

Aunt Sue complained very unhappily, then poured a cup of tea and drank it all, and said angrily: "I met Ren Tiantang just now!"

"Huh, did my aunt meet Ren Tiantang?"

Hua Yanyan, who was still hiding on the side just now, hurriedly ran to the front and looked at it carefully when she heard Aunt Sue say this.

"Auntie, are you hurt?"

"You stinky girl, aren't you hiding far away?"

Aunt Su glanced at Hua Yanyan angrily, but she still touched her forehead with great relief, and said:

"Your aunt and I are blessed with a great life, and I can't die!"

"Senior sister, what's going on?"

Ye Tian was a little curious about this, so he opened his mouth to ask Aunt Sue.

"That's right!"

When Aunt Su heard this, she opened her mouth and told the two of them everything she had encountered.

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