It turned out that Aunt Sue was going back to Wujia Village today to get the magic utensils and change clothes, but who knew that on the way back, she encountered a zombie.

Aunt Sue had seen Ren Tiantang's photo and knew what the other party looked like, so she recognized the identity of the zombie at first glance, it was Ren Tiantang who had lost the Ren family!

Because at this time, Aunt Cane was carrying a lot of magic weapons, so she had the determination to subdue it.

But who knows, whether it is the corpse suppression talisman, the five thunder talisman, the yellow talisman arrow, or the money sword and other magic weapons, all of them have no effect.

If it weren't for Aunt Sue's wit, she jumped into the river from the shore, I was afraid that she would have died in the mouth of Ren Tiantang at that time.

Therefore, as soon as Aunt Sue returned to Yizhuang, she immediately changed her wet clothes and rushed to Ye Tian's medical hall.

"Oh my God, wouldn't that zombie be a flying zombie if it could appear in the daytime?"

Hua Yanyan listened to Aunt Sue's words, and covered her mouth in fright, surprised again and again.

"No, if it's a flying zombie, I'm afraid that Senior Sister won't have a chance to survive at all!"

"That's right, I suspect, it's the hormone of the Western doctors!"

After Hua Yanyan returned to Yizhuang last night, she told Aunt Sue about Ren Tiantang, so Aunt Sue knew about the mutant zombies.

"Be honest!"

Just when Ye Tian and the others were discussing things, Chang Wei walked in quickly.

Behind him, there were two other members of the security team, and at this time the two were escorting a middle-aged man who was tied up with hemp rope.

Ye Tian saw the identity of the other party at a glance, it was Senior Brother Ma Madi!

Chang Wei pointed to the hemp field behind him and said to Ye Tian:

"Brother Tian, this old guy came to the security team early in the morning and asked me for someone, saying that his two apprentices were arrested by me!

I guess he must be your unreliable senior brother!"

Although Ma Madi is Ye Tian's senior brother and Maoshan Taoist, what this guy does is extremely unreliable to Chang Wei's ears!

The zombie disaster in Renjia Town is completely caused by this insensible laziness and irresponsibility!

Therefore, Chang Wei's attitude towards this Ma Ma Di is also extremely unfriendly.

"Ye Tian! What the hell are you doing, what are you doing arresting my two apprentices! I tell you, you quickly release them, otherwise I... "

Ma Madi's heart was full of anger at this time, not only were his two apprentices sent by his junior brother to be imprisoned in the security team.

Even he was tied up with five flowers and pointed a gun at his heart.

Now that he saw Ye Tian in front of him, he must have scolded him.

But who knows, before he opened his mouth and didn't say a word, he saw a back turn around.

Immediately, Ma Madi's heart began to beat wildly, and even his cheeks instantly turned crimson and hot.

"Or what?"

Aunt Cane turned around and glared at her fiercely.

"Little cane cane... Why are you here?"

"Little cane?"

Hua Yanyan exclaimed on the side, it was the first time she had heard such a sensual name.

"I've said it so many times, don't call me that!"

Aunt Sue looked displeased, slapped the table and said angrily.

"Hey, don't you like my aunt too!"

Hua Yanyan gently pulled the corner of Ye Tian's clothes and asked in her ear in a low voice.

"Good eyesight!"

Ye Tian nodded and continued to look at the two in front of him.

After seeing Aunt Sue present, Ma Ma Di twisted like a little woman at this time, and Chang Wei on the side was covered with goosebumps.

"Senior sister, we haven't seen each other for many years since we came down the mountain, how are you doing?"

It seems that the matter of the two apprentices has long been thrown out of the clouds, and at this time, in Ma Madi's eyes, it is all the shadow of Aunt Cane.

"I'm doing well!"

Aunt Cane stood up, walked up to Ma Ma Di, frowned, and said:

"Why are you still so dirty, your body stinks!"

"Uh... "

Ma Ma Di was a little embarrassed, and replied embarrassedly: "I usually develop a habit, I'm sorry!"

"Nothing to be embarrassed about!"

Aunt Sue waved her hand, then looked at Chang Wei, and said with a smile: "Captain, let's loosen my senior brother first!"

"This... "

Chang Wei was a little embarrassed and looked at Ye Tian.

"Untie it, and bring his two apprentices here!"


With Ye Tian's confirmation, Chang Wei asked his subordinates to untie the rope on Ma Madi's body, and then turned around and took the two back to the yamen.

"Senior sister, I miss you so much, do you know!"

As soon as the three of Chang Wei left, they hurriedly grabbed Aunt Sue's hands and said lovingly:

"Are you doing well, have you ever thought about me?"


Aunt Su glared at the other party unhappily, then withdrew her hand, pointed to her numb nose and said:

"Do you know that Ren Tiantang has turned into a special kind of zombie, and Taoist spells and charms have no effect on him at all! Even I was almost killed by him!"

"Huh, are you hurt, let me see!"

When Ma Ma heard this, he wanted to check the injuries of Aunt Sue, but before he could meet Aunt Sue, he was stopped by Hua Yanyan in the middle.

"Hey, why are you doing something to my aunt!"


He was stunned for a moment, then showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and said with a smile: "I am your aunt's senior brother, I care about her, why do I do it?"

"Huh, your mouth stinks!"

Hua Yanyan covered her mouth as soon as possible, stepped back in extreme annoyance, frowned and said:

"I warn you, stay away from my aunt, Uncle Nine has already agreed to marry my aunt!"

"What! Lin Fengjiao, he actually agreed!"

Ye Tian seemed to be able to hear a cracking sound coming from Ma Madi's body, and when he looked at the other party at this time, he no longer had the shyness just now.

In its place, there is a disheartened decadence!

"That's right, senior brother has agreed to the marriage, and after August 15 next year, the two of us will get married!"

Obviously, once again got the affirmation of Aunt Sue, at this time, Ma Madi's legs were already a little weak, and he sat on the chair in an instant and stopped talking.

A full minute passed, and Numa didn't speak, just staring out of the room with empty eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Tian, Aunt Sue and Hua Yanyan looked at him like this, although they were a little sympathetic, they couldn't comfort him.

"Forget it, I know that Senior Sister still likes Senior Brother Lin all the time!"

Finally, he spoke up again, stood up immediately, and said to Ye Tian:

"Senior Brother Ye, this incident of Ren Tiantang's corpse transformation is the result of my laziness.

I'm doing things alone, Ren Tiantang, this zombie, I will definitely capture him and hand him over to you!"

After that, he was about to turn around and leave with a resolute face, and rushed out to find Ren Tiantang's whereabouts!

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