This is to find zombies, this is simply to send to death!

As soon as Ma Ma Di stepped away, he was dragged back by Aunt Cane.

"Your Dao cultivation is so strong that you think you can be better than me, and you have said that Ren Tiantang is no longer afraid of Dao attacks!

You went so rashly, not to mention that you couldn't find it, even if you found it, would you still be able to come back alive?"

"This... "

I was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

The business is messed up and the crush is married, which is definitely a heavy blow to Ma Ma Di at this time!

"Senior Brother Ma, we all understand that you are sad in your heart, but what should we do if you go to death like this, let us be the same family?

Ye Tian bowed his head numbly and was silent, and he also walked closer and patted his shoulder to comfort.

Then Aunt Cane sat back in her seat and spoke:

"Right now, only wait for tomorrow night's Tengu Eclipse Moon, when the yin energy in the world will be reduced to the lowest, I have seen the location of this Renjia Town, sitting north to south, I have taken the lead!

As long as we lure Ren Tiantang out at the right time, and cooperate with the right time, place and people, we will definitely be able to completely eliminate it!"

Aunt Sue's words are just like what Uncle Nine said in the movie, but in Ye Tian's opinion, he has other opinions.

"Senior sister, I think it's better not to delay it any longer!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and explained: "If this Tiantang is not eliminated for a day, I don't know how many innocent people will suffer because of this, I think it is better to do it tonight!"

"Do you do it tonight?" Senior Brother Ye, have you figured it out?"

Obviously, Aunt Sue was very surprised by Ye Tian's suggestion, and together with Ma Madi, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

"Think it through!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then continued: "Don't forget, now in addition to Ren Tiantang, there is also a Western doctor who was bitten to death and is missing!"

Ren Tiantang, we can solve it, but I don't know where that Western doctor is!"

The humans who were bitten to death by Ren Tiantang would all turn into zombies without corpse qi, which would not work at all for Ye Tian and others to hug and track the corpse qi.

At the moment, only one of the zombies can be eliminated to minimize the casualties caused by the zombies.

"yes, how did I forget about it!"

After Ye Tian's reminder, Aunt Sue also remembered that there was still a zombie, but she was still a little worried, and asked:

"Senior Brother Ye, you have thought about this matter, are you really sure?"

"If you don't try it, you'll know, anyway, aren't there two people here to help!"

Ye Tian looked relaxed when he heard this, which surprised Aunt Sue and Ma Madi.

Seeing this, Aunt Sue patted her chest and said loudly: "No problem, Senior Sister will carry this matter with you!"

"And me, I'm going to do my part!"

I don't know if it's because of emotional injuries and I have to change my mind, but the hemp land at this time always makes Ye Tian and Aunt Sue feel a little different from before.

At midnight, at this time, in a clearing not far from Renjia Town.

Ye Tian had already set up a magic circle here early to prevent accidents.

The four of them, Su Gu, Ma Madi, Hua Yanyan and Qiu Sheng, stood in four different directions, watching the situation in front of them tightly.

Ding Dong Dong...

Ding Dong Dong...

As Ye Tian opened the pocket watch, a burst of pleasant music slowly sounded.

Although the sound was not loud, it was very clear and loud in this silent and empty clearing.



I saw another black figure not far away, constantly approaching his side.

Although there is no corpse qi, everyone knows that this figure is Ren Tiantang!

"Everyone, be careful!"

Ye Tian shouted softly, and then several people stood aside one after another as Ye Tian said, and stopped making a sound.



I saw that Ren Tiantang jumped more than ten meters away, and in an instant, he had already come to the center of the open space where several people were.

As if he liked the pleasant music from the pocket watch on the ground, Ren Tiantang at this time no longer acted, but listened quietly, with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Trick Gate Golden Needle!"

Ye Tian raised his hand and waved, and several golden needles came out in unison, followed by the sound of metal crashing.

Knort! Knort!

As soon as those golden needles pierced Ren Tiantang's body, they were all shattered and flew out without any damage.

At this time, Ren Tiantang had also returned to his former ferocious appearance, looking at Ye Tian in front of him, roaring out.

The two sharp claws seemed to be able to tear through the air, and they came to Ye Tian's approach.

"Senior Brother Ye be careful!"

Seeing that the tricky golden needle didn't cause any harm to Ren Tiantang, Aunt Su and Ma Ma couldn't help but scream on the side.

And Ye Tian also expected such a situation, and at that moment, his whole body was churning with qi and blood, and a punch was blasted out, hitting Ren Tiantang's chest.


I only heard a loud noise, and the approach of Ye Tian and Ren Tiantang actually set off a wave of qi, and in an instant, both sides were forced to retreat a few steps.

Although Ren Tiantang's chest was smashed a lot, it still returned to its original appearance in an instant.

"It's a bit of a skill! This hormone zombie is so powerful!"

Ye Tian shook his arm that was a little numb, attacked the front again, and immediately flew out with a punch, hitting Ren Tiantang's face, and in an instant, he flew out and hit the ground.

"How can Senior Brother Ye's current cultivation be so high! It's incredible!"

"Yes, we have already reached the realm of the Fifth Rank Heavenly Master, no wonder they won't let us help!"

The two of them looked at Ye Tian's cultivation momentum at this time, and they all felt amazed and amazed.

And Qiusheng and Hua Yanyan were also dumbfounded from the sidelines, it was the first time they had seen such a strong battle situation as Ye Tian.


After Ren Tiantang was knocked down, he got up again and flew up, and his two arms were broken from his shoulders, and he quickly grabbed Ye Tian's approach like a marionette.

"Oh my God! how can this zombie still play like this!"

Qiusheng looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaim.

Although the body of a zombie can heal quickly, I have never heard of a zombie who can fly out with his two arms to kill someone!

What a zombie is this, this is a monster!

"His head flew out too!"

As soon as Qiusheng's voice fell, Hua Yanyan couldn't help but scream.

Just as Ren Tiantang threw out his arm and attacked Ye Tian, his head full of sharp fangs also flew out in an instant.

As if the whole body could be torn apart, it had been divided into several directions, and they were all attacking towards Ye Tian.

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