"Senior brother!"

As soon as the power of the thunder dissipated here, Aunt Sue and her party hurried to the front.

Ren Tiantang, who was so strong, was completely killed by Ye Tian in three or two clicks, which really made Aunt Su and the others unbelievable.

If it weren't for a few of my own people who saw it with their own eyes, I was afraid that I would not believe it to be true if I let others say it.

"This... Ren Tiantang was really defeated?"

Looking at the pit of black smoke still emitting from the ground, it felt like everything was like a dream.

Only Aunt Cane hurriedly pulled Ye Tian's sleeve and asked loudly:

"Senior brother, how can you summon such a powerful Samadhi True Fire!"

At this time, Aunt Sue still couldn't believe that the Samadhi True Fire that Ye Tian had summoned just now would be real!

How could a junior disciple who cultivated in the realm of a five-rank heavenly master summon such a powerful Taoist divine fire!

"Well, I can't tell you clearly, but I'll master it after taking the Gathering Spirit Fruit!"

Ye Tian knew that this matter of Samadhi Fire could not be contained, so he simply pushed all of his brains onto the body of the Gathering Spirit Fruit.

"No kidding!"

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Tian's words fell, Hua Yanyan on the side couldn't sit still.

"I know the effect of the Spirit Gathering Fruit, but if you want to say that you can summon Samadhi True Fire, it must be false!"

"Yes, junior brother, your statement is a bit too far-fetched!"

Even Aunt Sue felt that the reason given by Ye Tian just now was very unreasonable.

"That's just the way it is!"

Ye Tian spread his hands and showed that he didn't care: "Maybe this is my personality charm! Master Zu appeared and gave me Samadhi True Fire!"

Aunt Sue: .

Hua Yanyan: .

Ma Ma Di: .

Qiusheng: I'm so envious! Uncle Shi is so handsome!

"But... "

Aunt Sue here wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Ye Tian:

"Senior sister, let's hurry up and look for the traces of that Western doctor nearby! I think the battle just now is very likely to attract him!"

"That's right!

Aunt Su patted her head and said with annoyance:

"Yan Yan follow me, you take Qiusheng with you, Senior Brother Ye, you are alone, let's look around in three ways!


Everyone spoke in unison, and then quickly split up and acted.

However, after searching for nearly two hours, no trace of Dr. Na Xiyang was found, which clouded everyone's hearts with a bad premonition.

Helpless, several people could only give up and go back to rest.

Because this Yizhuang is the Ninth Uncle's Dojo, Ma Ma Di is reluctant to live.

However, Ren Fa thanked Ye Tian for his timely help, so regardless of his previous suspicions, he approached the three masters and apprentices of Ma Ma Di and stayed down.

Back in the medical hall, Ye Tian summoned the system as soon as possible and ordered:

"System, repair and upgrade!"

"Okay, confirm the host request!

"Ding! The host is upgraded completely!"

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Six Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 40/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi True Fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones



In just a moment, Ye Tian only felt that the bones in his body were constantly rattling, and the aura around his body was much fuller.

Unconsciously he has entered the realm of the sixth-grade heavenly master, and he has also surpassed the realm of the fifth-grade heavenly master of the original senior brother Shi Jian!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, and then with a wave of his palm, a Neidan exuding demonic aura appeared in his hand.



Doudou, who was still lying in the corner and sleeping quietly, woke up in an instant, and then flew to Ye Tian.

Looking at the Neidan that exuded a multicolored luster, he kept chirping, as if he was very excited.

"You little one, are you so anxious?"

The demon clan Jiaolong Neidan, who had been cultivated for fifty years, had no effect on Ye Tian, and with a wave of his fingers, the Neidan fell into Doudou's arms.


As if he could smell the tempting aroma from this inner dan, Doudou inhaled hard.

In an instant, a five-colored aura submerged into Doudou's body.

After a while, there was also the sound of a dragon's groan.



Immediately, there was a sound of bones shattering from Doudou's body, and then he kept struggling, and even the snow-white hair on his body stood upright.

"No, this Jiaolong Neidan contains dragon energy, and it's not something you can control!"

Seeing such a situation, Ye Tian frowned, the current situation of Doudou was obviously unable to withstand the rich dragon qi that had just been inhaled into his body!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian felt a little regretful, so he reached out and approached to take back the Neidan in Doudou's arms.



However, just as Ye Tian was about to touch the Naedan, white lightning burst out from Doudou's body and surrounded it.

Instead of throwing out the dragon Neidan in his arms, Doudou wrapped all his thunder and lightning around Naedan.

For a moment, the originally colorful Neidan suddenly turned into a small ball of thunder and lightning!



At this time, Doudou's body was covered with lightning, and his eyes changed from black to purple-gold.

Immediately, a big mouth opened, and a white thunderbolt erupted again, hitting the Jiaolong Neidan.


I saw that a pale yellow gas rose from the dragon Neidan, and faintly, there seemed to be a dragon roaring.

Ye Tian looked carefully, this was the dragon qi that was making a difference in Doudou's body just now!

I saw that the dragon qi flew out, and in an instant, it was trapped by Doudou's thunder and lightning, and then turned into streams of milky white energy, all of which were inhaled into his nose.

This scene, Ye Tian was a little surprised.

Doudou's performance and behavior this time are indeed breathtaking, and they are completely different from ordinary demon cultivation methods.

Could it be that Doudou, the lightning marten clan, has a different inheritance method among the demon clan?

Just when Ye Tian was stunned, the Jiaolong Neidan began to emit streams of white gas, as if it had life, and it was all sucked up by Doudou.

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!

As if his bones were constantly breaking, Doudou's size had increased several times at this time, and the lightning on his body surrounded him, exuding extremely powerful power.


In an instant, Doudou roared into the sky, and streams of black gas came out of his eyes, mouth, nostrils, and ears.

Then the fur of the body seemed to be brittle and shattered, constantly falling and detaching.

In just a few seconds, Doudou's snow-white hair had fallen out.

Instead, it was a form covered with golden fluff and purple and gold eyes.

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