"This... "

To be honest, it was the first time Ye Tian had seen such a change that had taken place after the demon clan absorbed Neidan.

However, as soon as Ye Tian wanted to observe Doudou's further changes, he saw that as soon as his eyes were closed, he fell in front of him in an instant.


Ye Tian was shocked and hurriedly picked up Doudou, fortunately, Doudou did not die at this time, but fell into a deep sleep.

"This little thing! scares me to death!"

Ye Tian angrily flicked Doudou's nose, looked at its golden fluff now, and couldn't help but caress it.



It seemed that he slept very soundly, and this Doudou actually shouted from his nose.

Immediately, the small lightning sign at the center of the eyebrows began to appear with five-colored light, and the frequency of breathing kept flashing.


In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian opened his eyes, and to his surprise, this Doudou was still asleep, and there was no sign of waking up.

It seems that wanting to completely consume this Jiaolong Neidan is a long-term thing for Doudou.

In the next few days, Ye Tian and the others had been looking for the whereabouts of Dr. Xiyang for a long time.

But after a week of searching, no trace of the Western doctor was found.

Eventually, everyone gave up on this idea and stopped doing useless toil.

Aunt Sue returned to Yizhuang to take care of Qiusheng and Wencai's cultivation.

And Hua Yanyan still chose to stay in the hospital hall to be Ye Tian's assistant, there is no way, she is willing to lose the bet!

As for Na Ma Madi, he left Renjia Town with two apprentices.

Not only because of the emotional injury, but also because of the shame of the Ren family, in short, he didn't leave any letters, and left.

"Why is this Doudou still sleeping! It won't wake up!"

In the medical hall, Hua Yanyan carefully looked at Doudou, who was still sleeping, and didn't understand what had happened.


Ye Tian patted Hua Yanyan's head angrily, then hugged Doudou into his arms, and said:

"Doudou is cultivating, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"


Hua Yanyan looked at Ye Tian with a look of disbelief, shook her head and said, "How don't I feel like it! To be honest, did you feed it some poison, and the color of its fur has changed!"

"I really admire your brain circuits!

"Brain circuits, what's that?"

Hua Yanyan blinked her big eyes and looked at Ye Tian curiously.

"It's nothing, say you're smart!"

"Hey, that's nature!"

As soon as she heard this, Hua Yanyan raised her eyebrows, and said proudly with her waist in her waist: "Miss Ben's cleverness, that's definitely not blowing!"

"Brother Ye!"

Just when Ye Tian was too lazy to worry about Hua Yanyan, Ren Tingting's moving voice came from the door.

"Tingting, why are you here!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian walked closer in a few steps, stroked Ren Tingting's head, and said with a smile.

"Well, I've got something to talk to you about!"

Seeing that Hua Yanyan was still in front of her, Ren Tingting's cheeks were crimson and she whispered.

"Ha, don't bother you two, I'll go out for a walk!"

Hua Yanyan looked at this scene, pretended to smile evilly, glanced at Ye Tian, immediately said hello to Ren Tingting, and ran out of the hospital.

"This girl doesn't have a good line every day!"

Ye Tian looked at Hua Yanyan's disappearing back, and couldn't help muttering.

"Sister Hua is very good, I think she is quite good!"


"Brother Ye also likes Sister Hua!"


Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and then took Ren Tingting's hand to the table, and said:

"What's the matter, what's the matter with me?"

"Brother Ye, I'm going to the provincial capital!"

"Going to the provincial capital again?"

Ye Tian was stunned and felt a little surprised.


Ren Tingting nodded and continued:

"The second grandfather is gone, and my father said that the business in the provincial capital lacks a person in charge, so let me take over the business there!"

"Are you going to be in a hurry?"

Ren Tingting has just turned eighteen years old now, although she has grown up with Ren Tiantang since she was a child.

But for things in the business field, Ren Tingting still seems to be much immature.

"It's okay, after I arrive in the provincial capital, the people in the family will help me, and my father will often visit me, don't worry!"

"That's right, that's fine!"

"Brother Ye, will you be reluctant to me. "

After speaking, Ren Tingting hurriedly grabbed Ye Tian's hands, with tears in her eyes, and asked reluctantly.

"Silly girl!"

Ye Tian stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the other party's eyes, and said with a smile: "It's not that you won't come back, it's like parting with life and death!"


When Ye Tian said this, Ren Tingting instantly laughed, and then tightly grabbed the other party's hands and whispered:

"Then you must think about me often, and when I have time, I will definitely come back to you!"

"Well, okay, I promise you!"

"Brother Ye, you close your eyes, I'll give you a gift!"

After speaking, Ren Tingting looked at Ye Tian shyly, and her voice was as small as a mosquito.


When Ye Tian heard this, he closed his eyes and said no more.

Slowly, a scent of aroma smeared on the mouth.

Sweet, beautiful.

Although Ye Tian didn't open his eyes, he could clearly feel Ren Tingting's flustered heartbeat.

For a while, a sweet feeling enveloped the two of them, unable to be dissipated.

"I'm dripping mom!"

Suddenly, a man's voice came from the door.

Seeing this, Ye Tian and Ren Tingting instantly opened their eyes and looked up.

I saw that Nawen had appeared at the door at some point, covering his eyes and not daring to look.

And behind him, there was also a middle-aged man who looked like an old city, looking at Ye Tian and Ren Tingting looking at him, and smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Brother Ye, I'll go first!"

Ren Tingting only felt that her cheeks were hot at this time, as if she was burned by fire.

Then he immediately got up and ran out of the house with his cheeks covered, as if fleeing for his life, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Seeing that Ren Tingting ran away, Ye Tian stood up and coughed lightly twice.

Hearing this, Wen Cai put down his hands that had been covering his eyes and walked in with envy on his face.

"Uncle Shi, isn't it too inappropriate for you and Miss Ren to be so kind to me in this public!"

After that, Wen Cai pointed to the open door behind him, and said sourly: "Also, you closed the door!"

"What a time for you to show up!"

Ye Tian glanced at him angrily, then stood up and looked at the middle-aged man who was following Wen Cai, and said:

"You have a faint ghost aura on you, isn't there a lot of peace in the house recently?"

I recommend a few books to everyone, they are all very good, if you are interested, you can take a look!

"Variety: Starting from the Moon"

"Urban: Infinite Fear in the Love Apartment"

Demon High School: Becoming the Master of the Celestial Realm at the Beginning

Demon High School: A Lock to the Sky

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