"Oh, Dr. Ye, you're right, it's really like this!"

When the middle-aged man heard what Ye Tian said, he hurriedly walked forward and nodded constantly.

"How about it, I'll just say it! My uncle's ability is definitely no worse than my master!"

Wen Cai on the side seemed to be very proud, so he stepped forward to explain to Ye Tian:

"Uncle Shi, this is the steward of Master Wang's family in Taishan Village! The new house of Master Wang's family is haunted, and many Taoist priests have been invited to go but it has not been settled.

This time, I heard the name of the master, so I came to Renjia Town. But the master is still in retreat, and the master said that this matter will be handed over to you!"

"I see, then I understand!"

Uncle Nine has been in retreat for nearly a month, and now Yizhuang is managed by Aunt Sue, thinking that Aunt Cane is unwilling to toss too much, so she lets this matter be handled by herself.

"In that case, Steward Zhou, please lead the way!"

"Okay! The carriage is ready, Doctor Ye, please come here!"

Taishan Village is not a short distance from Renjia Town, and by the time Ye Tian arrived at Wang Wanwan's new house in a carriage, the moon was already hanging in the sky.

"Doctor Ye, this is our master's newly built mansion!"

Looking up, a gorgeous courtyard sits in front of it, gilded and green tiles, magnificent.

Although it is only a small village, it is much more gorgeous than Ren Fa's house in Renjia Town.

"Your master's yard is well repaired, but this yin qi is a little heavier!"

Although this courtyard is extremely gorgeous, there is a thick yin aura around it.

There was not a single insect or spider near the wall, and there was no sound of frogs or insects chirping.

Obviously, these insects and ants were afraid of the ghosts in this courtyard, and they all retreated, not daring to approach.

"Yes, Doctor Ye, please inside!"

The housekeeper shrank his neck a little frightened when he heard this, but he still led Ye Tian into the courtyard quickly.

At this time, there were already many people standing in the courtyard, and standing in the middle of the courtyard was the gorgeously dressed Wang Wanwan Wang family.

To Ye Tian's surprise, there was also a middle-aged man wearing a Ming zodiac robe standing next to Wang Wan's family, who was starting to arrange the altar of practice.

"Master, I'm back!"

Steward Wang shouted, and led Ye Tian to walk quickly to Wang Million.

"Why did you come back?"

Wang Million complained to the other party unhappily, then looked at Ye Tian, and said with some curiosity:

"You are the ninth uncle of Renjiazhen, you look so young!"

"Hello Master Wang, my senior brother and Uncle Nine are in retreat, and I will help deal with the affairs of your house this time!"

Ye Tian looked at each other with a smile and explained the matter.

"So that's the case, then it's hard for you, Doctor Ye!"

Hearing this, although the person Wang Million saw was not Uncle Jiu, he didn't mind.

However, the middle-aged man in the Ming zodiac robe walked over with a displeased face, glanced at Ye Tian, and then looked at Wang Million and said:

"Master Wang, what do you mean by this, didn't you say that this matter was handed over to me tonight?"

"Chief Mao, don't get me wrong!"

When Wang Million heard this, he waved his hand again and again and said: "Didn't I find nine Taoist priests before, but I couldn't solve this matter, so I thought of this method in case of emergency!"


The middle-aged man known as Mao Dao Chang snorted very unhappily, and then came to Ye Tian and said:

"Which Taoist priest are you?"

Ye Tian looked at the other party's appearance and attitude, and felt very funny.

How could a cultivator see the other party asking about the other party's origin like this, he shook his head helplessly at the moment, and said with a wry smile:

"Then which Taoist priest are you?"

"I'm scared to death if I say it!"

Mao Dao Chang patted his chest with a full face, and said loudly: "I am the authentic descendant of Maoshan Ming Mao Dao is also!"

Maoshan Ming?

Ye Tian instantly understood the identity of the other party, and dared to love this guy turned out to be the half-hung pit goods Mao Shanming in the movie!

This guy didn't know where he learned a little Maoshan technique, and relied on the two ghosts he raised to play some tricks to fool people, and lived a hungry and full life.

"Maoshan authentic heir?"

Ye Tian was a little puzzled, and asked, "I don't know if Mao Dao Chang is a descendant of the inner door or an heir of the outer gate?"

"What are you talking about?"

Obviously, for what Ye Tian said, Mao Shanming is a well-thought-out Jianghu.

The world's Xuanmen has the saying that the inner door and the outer door are passed down.

Heirs like Ye Tian, Ninth Uncle, and Four-Eyed Daoist belong to the inner sect.

Those who practice are the supreme exercises that have been passed down from generation to generation in Maoshan, and the number of inner disciples is also very rare.

The outer disciples are those who are new to the court, or the disciples who are the disciples of the inner sect, just like Qiusheng and Wencai.

Without the approval of the high-level of the Xuanmen, he could only practice some basic spells.

Where Maoshan Ming's Maoshan technique came from, Ye Tian didn't know.

But Ye Tian can confirm that the other party is definitely not an inner disciple, it is very likely that he worshipped an unknown outer disciple and learned some fur.

"Nothing, just ask!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian did not expose the other party, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, inexplicable!"

Mao Shanming still looked arrogant, and said to Wang Million:

"Master Wang, since I came first, there is no need to bother others about this matter tonight! Let him go!"

"This... "

To be honest, what is the ability of Ye Tian and Mao Shanming, Wang Million has no bottom in his heart.

It's not that I haven't asked a Taoist priest to deal with this matter before, but without exception, all of them were cleaned up by the other party, and in the end, they all ran away.

Although Uncle Jiu's statement is very loud in Renjia Town, there are not many people who know him in this mountain village.

Now Uncle Nine himself has not come, only the other party's junior brother has come.

Therefore, for what Mao Shanming said just now, Wang Million felt a little difficult to do.

In case Ye Tian was driven away in advance, and Mao Shanming didn't solve this matter in the end, then no one would be able to solve it.

"I'll stand still and don't speak, let's see the excitement!"

Ye Tian spread his hands out, showing a very uncaring appearance.

Seeing this, the hostility in Mao Shanming's heart was reduced a little.

In his opinion, this Ye Tian was just a white-faced scholar, and when he heard that Wang Million called him "doctor" just now, he didn't take it seriously.

It's ridiculous that a young doctor has to come to join in the fun and catch ghosts!

"In that case, then I won't say anything more!"

After that, Mao Shanming stood back in front of the Taoist altar, picked up a handful of grapefruit leaves, soaked some water, and sprinkled them on everyone.

"That! I'll use grapefruit leaves to open your yin and yang eyes now, and when the time comes, I will see a ghost, don't say that I am fooling you!"

I recommend a few books to everyone, they are all very good, if you are interested, you can take a look!

"Online Game Naruto: Peak Player"

"Me: The Invincible Male Second at the Beginning"

"Halberd: My Daughter is Erina"

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