
Looking at the golden flame, the female ghost and the group of ghosts behind her were surprised one after another.

And Maoshan Ming, who was thrown to the ground, looked at this scene and was a little curious: "Samadhi real fire?

"Uncle Ming, don't you even know what Samadhi True Fire is?"

Although it was a little far away from Ye Tian, Dabao at this time still showed deep intent after seeing the samadhi true fire.

With his current cultivation realm, just this little bit of samadhi true flame is enough to make his soul fly away!

"I don't know!"

Mao Shanming's head shook like a rattle!

These vulgar Maoshan techniques on the front line of my own were all learned from books I picked up from the stalls.

In order to hit his face, he also deliberately gave himself a compound surname of Maoshan and hung it in front of his name, so as to show the name of his Maoshan heir!

In fact, if it really talks about the cultivation of the Yin and Yang Realm, Mao Shanming is almost completely ignorant.

"This is the Taoist Divine Fire!"

Dabao said as he pulled Mao Shanming towards the corner of the wall, and asked with some concern:

"What should I do, Uncle Ming, Xiaobao must be in that person's hands, what can I do!"

"Cry a ball!

Mao Shanming couldn't help but turn around and curse Dabao, and continued to look forward at what was happening.

"It's okay, a little insightful!"

Ye Tian saw that the female ghost looked at him so frightened, and knew that this effect had been achieved, so he was no longer embarrassed, but put away the samadhi true fire flame.

Although the samadhi fire was put away, the female ghost family was so frightened that they trembled, and they stood aside and didn't dare to make a sound.

How can he still have the fierce and vicious appearance just now.

"Anyway, why don't you report to Yin Si after you die?"

"Immortal Chief!"

Seeing Ye Tian ask, the female ghost hurriedly saluted and explained:

"We are all people who have been affected by the war and died in vain, and only when the life and death struggle are exhausted can we return to the underworld!

"I see!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he came out of the cloth bag and stuffed a few talismans into the female ghost.

"This is the Maoshan Chen Qing Talisman, I will send you into the Yin Division Reincarnation in a while!

"Thank you, Immortal!

The female ghost was grateful when she heard this, her family was a kind person, and she died on the spot because of the war.

If you can enter the reincarnation of the Yin Division, it is the happiest thing for the family.

At the moment, he hurriedly nodded in agreement, and sent all the talismans to the hands of the family members one by one.

"Alright, this is the case, you can also go!"

Seeing that the powerful ghosts and all the ghosts were looking at him with an urgent look, several golden needles flew out of Ye Tian's fingers and landed on the eyebrows of the powerful ghosts.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and Qiankun borrows the law. Maoshan degree ghost needle, the ghost leads the soul. Haste as a law!"

Buzz! Buzz!

For a moment, a golden light flashed above the heads of all the ghosts.

Immediately, the ghosts bowed to Ye Tian one after another, smiling at each other.

Gradually, all the ghosts' souls slowly disappeared, turning into golden dots of luster, and disappeared.

"Ding! Transform a ghost, get 20 merit points, 20 oceans!"

"Ding! Transform a ghost, get 10 merit points, 10 oceans!"

"Ding! Transform a ghost, get 10 merit points, 10 oceans!"


A series of seven or eight system sounds came, and Ye Tian's personal attribute panel changed again.

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Six Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 120/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi True Fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"Doctor Ye, are all those ghosts gone?"

At this time, Wang Million walked over cautiously, although he saw with his own eyes that those powerful ghosts all turned into golden light and disappeared.

But without getting the exact answer given by Ye Tian, the stone in Wang Wanwan's heart still did not let go.

"Don't worry, Master Wang, those ghosts have been sent to the underworld by me, and they won't trick your family anymore!"

"Whew... That's great!"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Wang Million relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he took out a bill of exchange from his arms and stuffed it into Ye Tian's hand.

"Doctor Ye, this is a bill of exchange of five hundred oceans, and today's matter is thanks to you!"

"You're welcome!"

Ye Tian smiled, put the bill of exchange into his arms, and then said:

"Although those ghosts have been sent away by me, your family's new house is built on top of someone's ancestral grave.

In the future, it will be good for you and your family to burn more paper money to worship them during the New Year!"

"Yes, yes! I will do it! I will do it!"

"Master Wang, this... This one... Do you have any pay for me?"

Over there, seeing that Ye Tian had collected a bill of exchange of five hundred oceans, Mao Shanming's eyes were extremely red.

Thinking that he had put so much effort into it tonight but didn't receive a penny, he trotted to the front and looked at Wang Million with a smile on his face.


Wang Million laughed angrily, pointed at Mao Shanming's nose and scolded:

"You swaggering trash, if it weren't for Dr. Ye here, our family wouldn't know if we would be able to get out alive tonight!

Give you back the money!

"No, no!"

looked at Wang Million's menacing appearance, and looked at the family members behind him.

Mao Shanming only felt that his back was filled with cool breeze, and he kept waving his hands and begging for mercy.

Then he turned around and came to Ye Tian's approach, bent down and asked respectfully:

"This fellow Daoist, can you give me back Xiaobao?"

"You're talking about it, aren't you?"

Ye Tian smiled, and immediately a talisman flew out of his fingers, and the figure of Xiaobao appeared in front of him in an instant.

"Uncle Ming!

Xiaobao was obviously frightened, and hurriedly ran behind Mao Shanming, trembling, not daring to look at each other.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Maoshan Ming was overjoyed, and immediately used an oil-paper umbrella to put Dabao and Xiaobao in, for fear that this Ye Tian would regret it and arrest them again.

"Fellow Daoist, since that's the case, I'll take my leave!"

After this was done, Mao Shanming didn't want to stay any longer, he always felt uncomfortable standing beside Ye Tian.

"Fellow Daoists, go slowly!"

Ye Tian smiled and didn't say much, and Ye Tian didn't bother to ask more about the origin of Mao Shanming.

Whether he will encounter what continues to happen in the movie when he leaves here, Ye Tian also does not know.

After all, the plot of the horse thief in that movie has already been encountered by myself.

The essence of this Mao Shanming is not bad, and as for how to continue to live in the future, it is not a matter of concern to him.

Just when Mao Shanming had just slipped out of Wang's house, a woman ran into the courtyard quickly, her face full of tears and panic.

Looking at Wang Wanwan's family in front of him, he hurriedly asked, "Master Wang, did Xiao Fan come to you just now, I can't find him!"

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