"Aunt Zhang, don't worry, if you have something to say, speak slowly!"

Here, Wang Million was about to send someone to drive Ye Tian back, looking at the anxious look on his sister-in-law's face, he hurriedly asked.

"Hey, Xiaofan is gone! I searched from house to house, but I couldn't find him! What can I do? "

Sister-in-law Zhang's anxious face was full of tears, and she kept stomping her feet again and again, looking very anxious.

"This eldest sister, what happened? Can you tell? "


Looking at Ye Tian looking at herself with a smile, Sister-in-law Zhang was a little surprised, and looked up curiously.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, let me introduce you, this is Doctor Ye Tianye, the master of ghost hunting in Maoshan Sect! The matter here in our family is settled by him! "

Seeing that Sister-in-law Zhang didn't understand Ye Tian's identity, Wang Million was very proud to help Ye Tian tout on the side.

"Maoshan faction?"

Sister-in-law Zhang didn't know much about the Maoshan faction, but seeing that Wang Million respected and respected the other party so much, she grabbed Ye Tian's hands and cried and begged:

"Doctor Ye, please help me find our family Xiaofan, he is only five years old! There can't be any accidents! "

"Doctor Ye, you can help him, this sister-in-law has been widowed for many years, and it is not easy to take care of a child, if you are paid, I can help!"

As a squire in the village, Wang Million also helps the villagers on weekdays, and has a good reputation.

Seeing Sister-in-law Zhang's sad appearance, she followed along and said good things together.

"Leave the remuneration aside for now!"

Ye Tian helped Sister-in-law Zhang up and asked, "Sister-in-law Zhang, may I ask, what happened when the child disappeared?" "

"That's right!"

When Sister-in-law Zhang heard this, she hurriedly said:

"I was doing needlework at home, as usual, while Xiaofan was playing in the yard by himself.

I heard Xiaofan say that a rabbit ran into the yard, and I heard the sound of him going to catch the rabbit.

When I went out to call him, I found that I couldn't find his shadow!

Doctor Ye, will Xiao Fan be caught by monsters! "

The haunting of the Wang family in this mountain village is known to the whole village.

Now that this Xiaofan is missing, Sister-in-law Zhang naturally links this matter with ghosts.

"Well, sister-in-law Zhang, let's talk about Xiaofan's birthday!"

"Good, good!"

Seeing this, Sister-in-law Zhang hurriedly reported her son's birthday, and waited anxiously for Ye Tian's answer.

Hearing about Xiao Fan's birthday, Ye Tian took out a piece of yellow rune paper, and then bit his finger to write and draw on it.

"Hundred Miles of Tracing Technique! Chi! "

After the rune paper was written, Ye Tian snorted lightly, and saw that a burst of flames rose from the rune paper in an instant.

Then five big golden characters appeared in the air.

"Xishan mass grave!"

"Xishan mass grave! How did Xiao Fan get there! "

Sister-in-law Zhang almost fainted when she saw these five words appear.

And Wang Million was full of fear and surprise, shook his head again and again and said:

"That place is not said to be at night, even if you pass by during the day, it is cloudy and windy, how could Xiao Fan go there!"

"Doctor Ye, Xiaofan went to the mass grave in Xishan! What to do! What to do! "

Sister-in-law Zhang was pacing back and forth anxiously, and there were often haunted things in the mass graves in Xishan, and the entire Taishan Village was changing color about where to talk.

Now my own children have run there at night, but I am afraid that it will be more auspicious!

"Sister-in-law Zhang, don't worry about it first, since the hundred-mile tracing technique still works, it means that Xiaofan's life is safe for the time being!"


"Of course it's true!"

Ye Tian comforted Sister-in-law Zhang, and then asked Wang Million on the side: "Where is the mass grave in Xishan?" "

This is Ye Tian's first time in Taishan Village, and he is not very familiar with the mountains and rivers around here.

"On a barren mountain five miles to the west, there is still a ghost fire at night!"

When Wang Million answered, his eyes revealed the fear of the mass grave in Xishan.

"Good! Sister-in-law Zhang, you wait for me here, I'll help you bring Xiaofan back! "

"Doctor Ye, is it too dangerous for you to go alone?"

As soon as he heard this, Wang Million asked a little anxiously.

"Master Wang, why don't you go with me?"

"Huh? Not good! "

"Haha, wait for news at home!"

Ye Tian laughed, turned around and walked out of the Wang family's mansion, heading towards the mass grave in Naxi Mountain.

At this time, it was already late at night, the moon rabbit was hanging high, and the stars were dotted.

Ye Tian had already come to the foot of the barren mountain at this time, looked at the messy grass in front of him, and slowly walked forward.



Just when Ye Tian had just taken two steps, a rabbit instantly appeared in front of the other party's eyes.

Standing upright, his white fur stands out at night.

"Looks like it's you!"

Ye Tian laughed and immediately walked towards the rabbit.

Seeing Ye Tian approaching, the rabbit didn't move at all, but just when Ye Tian was about to touch the rabbit, the rabbit ran out seven or eight meters away in the blink of an eye.

Then he turned around and stood there straight, waiting for Ye Tian to get closer.

Just like just now, this time Ye Tian was just about to touch the rabbit, and was escaped by the other party again.

In this way, round after round of rabbit catching games were staged on Ye Tian's body.

In less than a moment, Ye Tian had already come to the front of a small village.

And the rabbit that had played with Ye Tian all the way turned over in an instant and disappeared.

At this time, the village is lit up with lights, and the sound of gongs and drums is heard, which is particularly lively in the quiet night.

When Ye Tian walked in, he could see that the village was surrounded by red color bars, and there were big "Shou" word cutouts hanging on top of the color bars.

The open space below the color bar is filled with more than a dozen square tables, each of which is also surrounded by people wearing various costumes.

Everyone's faces were filled with happy expressions, and they tasted the food on the table.

"It looks like a ghost is doing Shou!"

Ye Tian muttered to himself, and walked towards the lively group of "crowds".

"Eat more, everyone!"




Everyone didn't seem to notice that Ye Tian was approaching, eating the food on the table by themselves, and kept shouting.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, glanced back and forth, and finally fixed on the little boy not far ahead.

The little boy, like everyone else, was eating happily at this time.

Now I'm holding a big pig's trotter and gnawing on it, not to mention how happy I am!

"Xiao Fan?"

Ye Tian walked closer, patted the little boy's head, and asked with a smile.

"Huh? Big brother, do you know me? "

Xiao Fan swallowed a piece of meat in his mouth hard, blinking his eyes and looking at Ye Tian curiously, full of questions.

"yes, it's getting late, your mother asked me to come home for you!"

"Oh, big brother is right, I've been out for so long, my mother will definitely be in a hurry!"

Hearing Ye Tian say this, Xiao Fan put the pig's trotter in his hand back on the table, and said with a smile:

"Big brother, let's go!"

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