"Well, follow me!"

Ye Tian glanced at the surrounding "crowd" and saw that they were still eating as always, so he didn't say anything more, but pulled Xiao Fan to turn around and leave.

At this moment, an old lady with a rickety figure, sharp-beaked monkey gills, and eyes the size of mung beans approached.

Seeing that Ye Tian was about to leave with that Xiao Fan, he showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and said with a smile:

"Xiaofan, why don't you eat it? Is it that the things here are not to your liking!"

"No, mother-in-law!"

Seeing this, Xiao Fan first thanked him very politely, then grabbed Ye Tian's palm and said with a smile:

"It's getting late now, and I've been out for so long, it's going to worry my mom.

No, my big brother is here to help my mother take me home!"


The old lady squinted her eyes and looked at Ye Tian carefully, then swallowed hard in her throat and spit, grinning:

"What a handsome offspring, the skin is very fair, why don't you stay and eat something together, how about it?"

After speaking, seven or eight black-faced men with short stature suddenly ran in front of the old lady.

In less than a while, another table of food was placed in front of him, pointing to a glass of wine in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Today is the birthday of the old body, if you don't mind, it's not too late to drink a glass of birthday wine and leave!"

"Old thing, did I give you a face?"

Ye Tian looked at the old lady with a smile on his face, but his tone was cold.

Sure enough, after saying this, all the people who were eating stopped their chopsticks in an instant, turned around one by one and stared viciously in Ye Tian's direction.

For a while, even Xiao Fan felt the changes in the surrounding environment and the cold eyes of everyone, so he was so frightened that he tightened Ye Tian's hand, and said timidly:

"Big brother, what's wrong with them? It feels like they're going to eat people!"

"Jiji, Xiaofan, you think too much, how can we eat people!"

The old lady's eyes were glowing with cold, and then she gently slapped her palms on the table, and said with a smile:

"Housheng, don't toast and don't eat and drink!"

"Huh, huh?"

Ye Tiantian smiled, then squatted down and touched Xiao Fan's head, and said:

"Xiaofan, will you sleep well?"


Xiao Fan was a little confused, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what happened next.

Seeing that Ye Tian gently patted the back of Xiao Fan's head, and let him fall asleep, Mrs. Lai sat down and drank a glass of wine alone, and said with a smile:

"It turns out that he is a little Taoist priest with some ability! But do you know that today is my Granny Huang's birthday, so if you don't give face, isn't it a slap in my face?"

"Hit it, a rat spirit, is there anything to be proud of?"

Ye Tian carried Xiao Fan on his shoulders, and then ignored Granny Huang at all, turned around and walked forward.


Granny Huang gave an order, and the surrounding crowd rushed forward one after another, surrounding Ye Tiantuan.

Everyone's faces showed a hideous and vicious look, and some of them were even covered with blood, as if they wanted to intimidate Ye Tian.

"What are you doing?

"That's right, I'm going to bully you!"



I saw that Granny Huang slapped her palm on the table, and in an instant, the whole table, along with the wine and delicacies, was turned into crumbles.

Immediately, Granny Huang stepped forward, came to Ye Tian's side, and said coldly:

"Little Taoist, today is my Granny Huang's birthday! I don't care if you live or die, but this child, Mother-in-law and these ghost friends are decided!"

"Yes! It's done!"

"It's been a long time since I've eaten boy meat!

"Haha! Yes, yes, yes! Today, with Granny Huang, I can finally get my wish!"


"I wanted to go back and clean up your group of demons!

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and his body trembled in an instant, and the eighteen golden needles emitted dazzling golden light, and in an instant, they appeared in front of a group of powerful ghosts.

"Maoshan Trick Gate Golden Needle! You are the descendant of the Trick Gate Golden Needle!"

Granny Huang, who was still arrogant, trembled with fright and was terrified after seeing such a situation.

Immediately turned around, turned into a black mouse the size of a tanuki, and fled desperately.

"Want to escape?"

A samadhi true fire flew out between Ye Tian's fingers, and in the blink of an eye, he came behind the mouse.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

The rat was so frightened that as soon as he turned around and let out a sound of surprise, he was instantly swallowed up by the true fire of samadhi, leaving not even a trace of dust behind.

"Ding! Destroy a rat spirit, get 100 merit points, 100 oceans!"

Granny Huang's rat spirit was wiped out by Ye Tian in an instant, and all the lonely ghosts and ghosts who watched it were frightened.

Especially after seeing the appearance of the samadhi true fire, they all fled in all directions, for fear that the next person to be destroyed would be themselves.

Unfortunately, they were too slow to escape!

Eighteen golden needles of the Trick Gate turned into golden rays of light and continued to fly out in the air, and in half a minute, more than thirty lonely souls and wild ghosts were all wiped out by the golden needles.

For these lonely souls and wild ghosts who collude with rat spirits and vainly try to eat human flesh and suck yang energy, Ye Tian has never been merciful!

"Ding! Destroy a terrible ghost, get 10 merit points, 1 ocean!"

"Ding! Destroy a terrible ghost, get 10 merit points, 1 ocean!"

"Ding! Destroy a terrible ghost, get 10 merit points, 1 ocean!"


Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Six Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 520/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi True Fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"It's easy to make more than half of the merits, and it's not so easy to find such an opportunity!"

Ye Tian laughed at himself, and as he spoke, he carried Xiao Fan, who was still unconscious, and walked down the mountain.

Whew, a gust of wind swept through.

Where else are there villages and banners, food and delicacies.

What catches your eye is a mass grave overgrown with weeds and littered with tombstones.

It's just that tonight's mass grave no longer has the ghost fire and gloom of the past, but instead of it, there is a little golden light, as if flickering in the air.

"Doctor Ye, you're finally back!"

Sister-in-law Zhang and Wang Wan's family were looking forward to Ye Tian's arrival at the door early at this time, and now they are watching each other's figures gradually approach.

Sister-in-law Zhang couldn't hold back her excitement and walked up quickly.

Looking at Xiao Fan, who was held in Ye Tian's arms and unconscious, he asked anxiously: "Doctor Ye, what's wrong with Xiao Fan?"

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