Looking at the anxious eyes of Sister-in-law Zhang and the others, Ye Tian put Xiaofan into Sister-in-law Zhang's arms, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, Sister-in-law Zhang, don't worry, Xiaofan, he's just asleep!"

After speaking, Ye Tian turned his head to Wang Million and said, "Master Wang, please bring a basin of water!"

"Butler, butler, basin!"

Wang Million still had a hint of hesitation, and hurriedly instructed the housekeeper beside him to quickly bring the basin of water.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, pick up Xiaofan!"


Although Sister-in-law Zhang was puzzled, she still held Xiaofan in her arms and straightened her body.

"Exorcise evil spirits, Edict!"

Immediately, Ye Tian's fingers tapped on Xiao Fan's eyebrows, and a faint golden light poured into the other party's brain.


I saw that Xiao Fan suddenly spewed out a mouthful of extremely black things, and then the entire courtyard was filled with a thick fishy smell.



After vomiting for half a minute, Xiao Fan vomited out all the filth in his stomach, and gradually gained some strength.

When you look at it, the basin is full of bed bugs, earthworms, maggots, and spiders.

The pitch black and sticky entanglement were entangled, and many people couldn't help but feel the feeling of turning the river and the sea in their stomachs when they saw this scene, and ran to the side.

"Mother, am I going home with my big brother?"

Xiao Fan opened his eyes, looked at Sister-in-law Zhang in front of him, and asked with some difficulty.

"Xiaofan, you're scared to death!"

Sister-in-law Zhang hugged Xiaofan's body and cried loudly, while Ye Tian stood aside and said comfortingly:

"Sister-in-law Zhang, Xiao Fan was bewitched by demons and went to the mass grave in Xishan and ate something unclean!

Go back and wash him with grapefruit leaves and willow leaves, and bask in the sun more on weekdays.

In three or five days, Xiao Fan will be able to fully recover!"

"Thank you, Dr. Ye, thank you, Dr. Ye!"

Sister-in-law Zhang didn't know how to say it at this time, so she could only hold the weak Xiaofan in her arms and keep kowtowing to Ye Tian.

"Okay, Sister-in-law Zhang, the child is weak, take it back and rest!"

"Yes, yes!"

Sister-in-law Zhang nodded, bowed again and again to thank her, and walked out of the yard with Xiaofan in her arms.

"Doctor Ye, Sister-in-law Zhang's matter is hard for you, I'll call someone to come to the money order, wait a minute!"

"No need, my harvest today is not small, and I don't need to break the bank for this money!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, and then said, "If you don't mind, send a carriage to send me back to Renjia Town!"

"Okay, okay!



In the medical hall, Hua Yanyan heard Ye Tian tell what happened last night, and she kept slapping the table excitedly.

It's as if I'm very annoyed that I didn't participate in this matter yesterday.

"Who made you run so fast, there is no trace of smoke!"

"Oh, blame me!"

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian angrily, and said unhappily:

"I'm creating an opportunity for you and your Miss Ren, am I standing here and getting in the way for you two?"

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong to blame you!"

"That's what it was!"

Hua Yanyan regained her smile and continued:

"You weren't here yesterday, your young lady Ren came to say goodbye to you, and waited for you for two hours, and then reluctantly left, it's really distressing to watch!"


Ye Tian looked at Hua Yanyan with some surprise and said curiously.

"It seems that if you two meet again, I don't know if it will be the Year of the Monkey!"

Hua Yanyan put on an indifferent look, frowned and said: "The relationship between men and women is the most troublesome, if I meet such a man in the future, I will definitely watch him tightly by my side and never leave a step!"

"Well, then it looks like I'm going to sympathize with him!"

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean!"

After hearing Ye Tian say this, Hua Yanyan stood up very unhappily.

Immediately stopped the waist, and a proud figure was excellently presented, exquisite.

"Miss Ben is the daughter of a wealthy family, she must have a good look, she must have a figure, and she must have the ability to do things! Who can be taken by me, it is definitely a blessing that he has cultivated in eight lifetimes!"


Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, it was the first time he had seen a narcissistic girl like Hua Yanyan.

"The girl is right, it's really beautiful!"

At this time, an unfamiliar voice came into the medical hall, and I saw a chubby young man walk in, walk quickly to Hua Yanyan, and give a thumbs up and say:

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful girl when I've grown so big!"

"Look, there are people who know the goods!"

Hua Yanyan patted Ye Tian on the shoulder and said earnestly.

"It's a pity, I already have a wife, otherwise I must chase the girl to my hands!"

"The little fat man can talk, this girl likes it!"

Hua Yanyan was overjoyed when she heard this, patted the young man's arm approvingly, and said with a smile:

"Are you here to see a doctor, this girl will personally treat you today!"

"Hey, you're talking, I'm here to see the injury!"

When the young man heard this, he lifted up his right leg and lifted it up and placed it on the table.

I saw a human tooth mark on the ankle, and there was still some bruise on the wound, faintly, and a faint trace of yin qi surrounded the left and right.

"Huh, how?"

Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan glanced at each other, then looked at the young man and asked.

"I think it's ridiculous! I'll explain it to you two slowly. "

The young man shook his head when he heard this, and explained: "Actually, my name is Zhang Daring, and I live in Shili Town, and this time Master Tan asked me to come to Renjia Town to buy something!"

"Zhang Daring?"

Ye Tian instantly understood the identity of the young man in front of him, who was the protagonist in the movie "Ghost Fight".

In the movie, this Zhang Daring's wife and his boss Mr. Tan got together, and was subsequently discovered by Zhang Daring.

Then Master Tan found a Maoshan Taoist priest to harm Zhang Daring, but in the end, Zhang Daring counterattacked.

"What? Do you know I'm bold?"

Zhang Daring looked at Ye Tian very unexpectedly, and said a little proudly: "It seems that my Zhang Daring's name is already so loud!"

"What a mess, what's your name!"

Hua Yanyan didn't understand this bold identity and why Ye Tian was a little surprised, and couldn't wait to ask on the side.

"Of course I'm bold!"

Hearing this, Zhang Daring patted his chest proudly and said loudly: "Girl, you don't know, in Shili Town, if you want to talk about guts, I Zhang Daring said second, no one dares to say first!"


"Don't believe it, don't you know by looking at the doctor's expression just now?"


Hua Yanyan was curious, turned her head and asked Ye Tian.

Seeing this, Ye Tian did not expose it, but opened his mouth to Zhang Daring and continued: "Talk about business. "

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