The next day, Zhang Daring came to the teahouse to drink tea and eat snacks as usual, and after a glance, he found two familiar figures.

"Ha, why did the two doctors come to this ten-mile town!"

Zhang Daring smiled as he came to a table.

At this time, there were already two men and a woman sitting at the table, it was Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan.

Ye Tian didn't expect to meet Zhang Daring here, looking at him with a happy face, he said:

"Zhang Daring, what a coincidence!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect the two doctors to come to Shili Town, it's really good!"

After that, Zhang Daring turned his head very happily and shouted: "Man, let's have another pot of Pu'er, that little melon seed snack!"

"Zhang Daring, are you going to have a treat?"

"Ha, this is nature!"

Looking at Hua Yanyan and asking herself with a smile, Zhang Daring patted his chest and said: "That's for sure! The three of us are so fateful, since we have come to Shili Town, of course I want to do my best to be a landlord!"

After speaking, Zhang Daring refilled Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan with tea, and said with a smile: "I don't know the names of the two doctors, you two have never said it!"

"My name is Ye Tian, and this is Hua Yanyan!"

"Doctor Ye is good, Doctor Hua is good!"

Zhang Daring said hello to Ye Tian and the others on this side, and the guy from the teahouse on the other side brought the tea and snacks.

Seeing this, Zhang Daring took some copper plates and handed them to the guy, and said, "Man, you can bring me another jar of wine and half a catty of beef!

"Hey, it's so rich, what are you going to do!"

Listening to Hua Yanyan ask herself, Zhang Daring straightened her waist very proudly, and said with a smile:

"Two doctors, I won't tell you anything, I made a bet with Master Liu in Master Tan's mansion today, if I go to the Ma Family Ancestral Hall to sleep for one night tonight, I can win ten yuan tomorrow!

Sure enough, as Ye Tian knew, this bold was framed to go to the Ma family ancestral hall for one night.

Although the ancestral hall of the Ma family is called the ancestral hall, it is actually not much different from the Yizhuang of the ninth uncle.

Because the Ma family has long since died, the ancestral hall of the Ma family has long been out of worship and worship.

Today's Ma family ancestral hall is equipped with many Ma family spirit tablets and coffins, which is a really eerie and terrifying place.

"You're betting again! I'm not afraid of encountering ghosts again!"

Hua Yanyan looked at the bold and happy look, and pretended to ask seriously on the side.

"Hah! It's okay!

Zhang Daring kept waving his hand and said with a smile: "I have been to the Ma Family Ancestral Hall, except for a few rotten coffins and broken tablets, there is nothing!"

Besides, I can get ten oceans for one night's sleep! That's enough for half a year's salary!"

"In that case, you should wear this golden needle on your body!"

In the movie, this bold luck survived one night with the help of Xu Daochang.

However, this Qian Daochang and Master Tan still kept torturing each other behind their backs, making Zhang Daring complain.

Since Ye Tian knew what would happen next, he categorically would not let the rest of the matter continue to happen.

"Golden needles?"

Zhang Daring took the golden needle handed over by Ye Tian and said curiously: "What's the use of this golden needle!

Zhang Daring laughed happily, but after seeing Ye Tian's serious expression, he instantly put away his smile in embarrassment, and no longer dared to continue laughing insolently.

"You stupid guy, you took such a good thing and said that you wanted to tie the soles of your shoes, and I also obeyed you!"

Hua Yanyan glanced at Zhang Bold speechlessly, and said angrily.


Hearing Hua Yanyan say this, Zhang Daring hurriedly pushed the golden needle back in front of Ye Tian, not daring to take it.

"I didn't say that I would send you, let you take the self-defense for the time being! When it is dawn tomorrow morning, I will go to the Ma Family Ancestral Hall to find you and get it back!"

"Oh, that's good, then I'll take it, thank you Dr. Ye!"

"Remember, throw the golden needle out when you are in danger, and ensure that you are safe until dawn!"

"Haha! Doctor Ye, you're laughing again, what's the danger!"

Zhang Daring didn't think much of Ye Tian's words, but he still carefully put the golden needle into his arms.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Tian with some embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "Doctor Ye, you are a doctor and a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, can you do me a small favor?"

"What's the busy?"

"This... This one... "

Seeing Ye Tian asking, Zhang Daring looked at Hua Yanyan on the side with some embarrassment, and was reluctant to speak.

"What the hell are you doing mysteriously!"

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan slapped the table very dissatisfied, and scolded: "I'll tell you anyway, I won't go away!

"Okay, then I'll finish speaking, the two doctors can't laugh at me!"

"Hurry up, grind and chirp!"

"Good, good!"

Zhang Daring saw that Hua Yanyan was about to get angry again, and hurriedly said:

"Yesterday I came home early and found that my wife seemed to be fooling around with a man, and when I rushed in, the man was gone again!"

"Aren't you dazzled!"

"How is that possible!"

Zhang Daring looked at Hua Yanyan and shook her head again and again, and continued to whisper:

"It's not that I can't hear the voices of men and women, that mother-in-law is obviously stealing people behind my back!"

"My God, your heart is really big, there is such a big thing in the family, and you still come out to bet with others, I don't know what to say about you!"

Listening to Hua Yanyan's ridicule of herself, Zhang Daring scratched her head helplessly, and continued:

My wife is very fierce to me on weekdays, but I didn't catch any evidence yesterday!

So I thought Dr. Ye, can you do me a favor and help me find out who the wild man who fooled around with my wife is!

When I finish the matter of the Ma Family Ancestral Hall tomorrow, I will go back and settle accounts with him!"

"Okay, I've got you covered!"

Seeing Ye Tian's promise, Hua Yanyan asked in surprise on the side:

"You're not mistaken, how can you help with this favor! Could it be that the Maoshan Dao Law can still help people catch traitors?"

"Anyway, I should take this matter, Zhang Daring, tell me about your wife's birthday!"

"Okay, good, thank you Dr. Ye!"

Zhang Daring thanked him again and again when he heard this, and then told Ye Tian about his wife's birthday.

How to catch an adulterer?

Of course Ye Tian wouldn't do that!

The reason why I did this was just to confuse Hua Yanyan and Zhang Daring and make a show.

As for the adulterer who fooled around with his wife, of course Ye Tian knew the identity of the other party.

Hearing that Ye Tian promised to help him, Zhang Daring was very happy.

After chatting with the two for a while, he picked up the wine and beef, and walked out of the teahouse quickly.

"You're not really going to figure out who his wife is messing with, are you?"

As soon as Zhang Daring left, Hua Yanyan grabbed Ye Tian's wrist and asked in a low voice.

"Of course, it's already been calculated!"

Ye Tian was still drinking tea with a smile on his face, without a trace of waves.

"Ha, who is it, who is it, tell me quickly!"

"You'll find out by night!"

"I don't know what the hell you're doing!"

Hua Yanyan was very unhappy that Ye Tian was always halfway through speaking, so she didn't ask any more.

I just hope that the evening will come soon, and then we will see who the adulterer will be!

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