After Zhang Daring came out of the teahouse, he walked quickly all the way towards the ancestral hall of the Ma family.

Now that Ye Tian has helped him find out who is in contact with his wife, this makes Zhang Daring's heart feel no longer so depressed, and even his mood is much better.

Thinking that he could win Master Liu's ten oceans tomorrow after sleeping for one night, Zhang Dadao's heart was as happy as smearing honey.

Just as Zhang Daring came to the woods outside the town, a thin middle-aged man came from the other side and came to Zhang Daring's approach.

This person is the junior brother of the Maoshan Taoist priest Qian Daochang who is ready to kill Zhang Daring, Xu Daochang!

"This brother, may I ask how you get to the Ma family ancestral hall?"

"Ma Family Ancestral Hall?"

Zhang Daring was a little curious, and looked at Xu Daochang suspiciously: "You also go to the Ma family ancestral hall?"

"yes, I'm going to do something!"

"Just right, I'll also go to the Ma Family Ancestral Hall, I'll take you with me!"

The bold Zhang walked forward and asked with a smile, "Brother, what are you doing in the Ma Family Ancestral Hall?"

"Go collect the corpse!"

"Collect the corpse, what corpse?"

As soon as Zhang Daring heard what Daoist Xu said, he immediately stopped him and asked curiously.

"There is a fat man who wants to sleep in the ancestral hall of the Ma family for one night at night, he is dead, and I will go to collect the body tomorrow!"

"Huh, that's me?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Daring was frightened and said nervously: "You won't also be a Maoshan Taoist, right?"


Xu Daochang didn't understand what this bold statement meant, and why he added a "also".

After coming out of Senior Brother Qian Daochang last night, Xu Daochang has been waiting for Zhang Daring on the way to the Ma family ancestral hall.

In order not to hurt the friendship between the same family, I plan to tell Zhang Daring some countermeasures in the Ma family ancestral hall tonight, so as to avoid the killing of his senior brother Qian Daochang.

"Have you seen any other Maoshan Taoist priests?"

Xu Daochang looked at Zhang Daring seriously, as far as he knew, in this town, apart from himself, only his senior brother Qian Daochang was a Maoshan Taoist.

"That's right! His name is Ye Tian, and he is also a Maoshan Taoist priest!

After that, Zhang Daring took out the golden needle given by Ye Tian from his arms, held it in front of Xu Daochang, and said in a low voice:

"That Doctor Ye said that I would have a catastrophe tonight, let me take this golden needle to defend myself!"

"Golden needles?"

Xu Daochang took the golden needle and looked at it carefully, but he didn't see anything special, and said suspiciously:

"What does that man look like, I met him there!"

"He's a young man in his early twenties, dressed in a white robe, and he looks like a former dynasty showman!"

Zhang Daring took back the golden needle in Xu Daochang's hand, carefully put it into his arms, and continued:

"I went to Renjia Town yesterday to buy things and ran into him in a medical hall, who knew that I saw him again in Shili Town today, do you think it's a coincidence?"

"The Hospital... The Golden Needle... "

Xu Daochang frowned, muttered in a low voice, and then suddenly realized, and said in surprise:

"I know who he is! somewhere did you meet him in Ten Mile Town!"


Seeing Daochang Xu so surprised, Zhang Daring was a little surprised, but he still replied:

"In Yongyue Teahouse, there is a girl next to Dr. Ye, named Hua Yanyan. "


When Xu Daochang heard this, he turned around and ran, no longer paying attention to this boldness.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you running, am I going to die tonight!"

"No, don't worry!"

Looking at Xu Dao's long head and shouting loudly, Zhang Daring felt a little inexplicable, shrugged his shoulders and said to himself:

"Could it be that Dr. Ye has some big deals? This guy seems to be quite happy when he hears it!"

Zhang Daring muttered quietly as he continued to walk towards the Ma family ancestral hall.

"Whatever, it must be Master Liu's guy who is looking for someone to deliberately scare me, so I won't be fooled!

Thinking of this, Zhang Daring instantly stopped his waist and continued to walk towards the Ma family ancestral hall with his toes high.

Soon, Zhang Daring came to a dilapidated house, and Master Liu was already standing impatiently waiting outside the door.

Seeing Zhang Daring coming, Master Liu hurriedly approached and urged:

"Zhang Daring, why are you only here now, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Master Liu, why am I coming so late, you don't know?"

"What do you mean?"

"Forget it, don't forget to come and send me money tomorrow, I'm in!"

"Okay, okay, I'll send you money tomorrow!"

Master Liu had a wicked smile on his face, and then pushed Zhang Daring into the Ma family ancestral hall, and then locked it in a big lock.

"Hmph, send money, Lao Tzu will go back and burn money for you!"

After locking the door, Master Liu glanced back at the lock with disdain, sneered and left here.

"Hey, it stinks in here!"

It seems that because of Ye Tian's appearance and help, Zhang Daring's mood and courage are much better today.

Although looking at the coffins in front of him and the ground covered with dust and cobwebs, Zhang Daring did not dislike it.

Then he sat down on the ground, gulping down wine and meat.

Humming a little song, singing a minor tune, and when he woke up, he won ten oceans from Master Liu.

It's so beautiful when you think about it!


Here, Zhang Daring has already walked into the full set set up by Master Tan and Qian Daochang.

On the other side, after Xu Daochang learned of the existence of the owner of the golden needle, he hurried towards the Yongyue Teahouse.

Although he studied under the outer gate of Maoshan, he still has some understanding of the inner door and the golden needle.

In Xu Daochang's opinion, if he can get acquainted with the heirs of the golden needle of the inner gate of Daomaoshan.

This will be of great help to my future practice and future!

Thinking of this, Xu Daochang had already rushed to the front of this Yongyue Teahouse.

glanced at the past, and according to that bold description, he found the figures of Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan.

"Excuse me, are the two doctors from Renjia Town?"

Seeing a strange man step forward, Hua Yanyan frowned, while Ye Tian looked at each other with a smile and said:

"yes, what's the matter?"

"It's really you, Doctor Ye, Doctor Hua?"

Daoist Xu was very happy when he heard this, so he immediately bowed down and saluted Ye Tian respectfully:

"Maoshan junior Xu Tian, meet the seniors of the inner gate!"

"Xu Tian?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, but he quickly remembered the identity of the other party, and immediately got up to return the salute, and said with a smile:

"Heavenly Void True Disciple, Ye Tian!

"Senior, I don't dare to be a friend of this way!"

When Xu Daochang heard Ye Tian call himself like this, he waved his hand again and again in a panic, and he was sincerely afraid.

For a disciple of the outer sect of Maoshan like Xu Daochang, the identity of the heir of the inner sect is extremely noble.

Therefore, after meeting the inner disciples, Xu Daochang gave the ceremony of meeting the juniors, and he did not dare to make a mistake.

Therefore, for the sky to call himself a Taoist friend, Xu Daochang will be so cautious.

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