

The sound of jumping came from ahead, and it was getting closer.

Zhang Daring cautiously walked forward, not knowing what was going on.

"What's going on? It's getting stinky and smelly!"

Zhang Daring muttered with a frown as he continued to walk forward.

At this moment, a straight figure flashed in front of his eyes, and the foul smell emanated from the figure.

"Damn! zombies!"

Looking at the figure covered in rotting minced flesh and the foul smell all over his body, Zhang Daring instantly understood what was happening, and shouted desperately.


The suddenly resurrected zombie smelled the scent of the living, and then jumped up and jumped straight in the direction of Zhang Daring's escape.

"How can there be zombies here!"

Zhang Daring only felt a gust of wind on the back of his neck, and ran to the door quickly in an instant, wanting to open the door and run out. I don't know if he forgot or didn't take Ye Tian's instructions to heart, Zhang Daring at this time was completely focused on running away, how could he still remember the golden needle on his body.


However, this gate has already been locked by Master Liu with a big lock outside the house, and it is specially wrapped with a thick iron chain, and the lock is strong.


Just as Zhang Daring was desperately pulling the door, the zombie came behind Zhang Daring in an instant.

Seeing this, Zhang Daring hurriedly dodged to the side, but was hit by the zombie and flew straight out.

"! It hurts me so much!"

Zhang Daring covered his injured back, shouted and cursed, and then saw the zombie come in an instant.

Zhang Daring's heart moved, and he stood up in an instant and raised his foot to kick, instantly hitting the zombie's neck.


I heard the sound of a brittle version of the bones, and the zombie's head was tilted directly to the side of the shoulder, as if it was about to fall.

Unlike other zombies, this zombie is a walking corpse controlled by Qian Daochang with the secret method of Maoshan Mountain.

It's just that some side methods have been added, so that this walking corpse has some of the abilities of zombies.

Therefore, this zombie was hit by Zhang Daring's kick and broke his neck instantly.

"Haha! Come on, make you arrogant again!"

Seeing that the zombie's neck was kicked off by himself, Zhang Daring laughed out loud and carried away.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and provoked the other party directly, grinning and saying:

"Little zombie! Lao Tzu, I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I can't say that I can't talk about the north and south with kung fu, but there is absolutely no problem with a dozen or ten!

You zombie looks very murderous, but in fact you are an embroidered pillow, which is really useless!"

As if he could understand what Zhang Daring said, the zombie actually stretched out his hand to support his neck, and then broke it hard.


I only heard a crunchy sound of bones, and the zombie actually straightened its neck.

The head that had been hanging down also stood up again, and looking at Zhang Daring in front of him, it seemed that there was a faint smile on his face.


I saw that the zombie stomped on the ground in an instant, and in an instant, the entire ground under his feet was crushed.

Cracks spread out like spider webs, heading straight for the bold one.

"Oh my God, why are you so strong!"

Zhang Daring was startled, and immediately retreated several times in a row, hiding straight to the side.

Then, before he could make a move, the zombie had already attacked him in front of him, and he punched towards the front door.


Zhang Daring's eyes were quick, and he turned sideways in an instant, and the zombie's strong punch hit the coffin behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the coffin was shattered and scattered all over the ground.

"Bastard! Kung Fu is so good!"

Zhang Daring was also very surprised, watching the zombie attack him with one punch after another, and he secretly matched the martial arts routine.

At the moment, he could only fight back and resist, and couldn't help but scold.

"Damn, when did you Ma family come out with such a powerful guy, I don't even know!"

Zhang Daring punched the zombie in the chest.

In an instant, the zombie was knocked out and fell to the ground, while Zhang Daring covered his swollen wrist and shouted.


Although the zombie was knocked to the ground, it had a spell cast by the rich Taoist on its body.

Then his whole body stood up straight like a carp, and struck again, heading straight for the bold face.

In this way, Zhang Daring actually fought with the zombie punch and kick, and it seemed that the two sides seemed to be inseparable, and the winner was inseparable...


"Daoist Qian, you can't do it! After doing it for so long, why haven't you killed that guy Xiao Zhang?"

Here in the Tan family's compound, Master Tan was already a little impatient at this time and began to urge Qian Daochang.

When the other party heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he explained:

"Master Tan, don't worry, although this zombie is not as vicious as ordinary zombies, it is better than others, and it is also good at skill!

That bold kung fu can only last for a while, and it won't be long before he will be defeated!"

"After talking for a long time, how long will it take!"

"Well... It depends on how long Zhang Daring can hold out!"

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not a Taoist priest, you're still so grinding and chirping to kill someone! I'm a little impatient to wait, old lady!"

Zhang Daring's wife here was also waiting anxiously, seeing that Qian Daochang had been delayed for a long time and still failed to take that Zhang Daring's life.

stood up directly from the chair at the moment, came to Qian Daochang, pointed at the other party's nose and shouted.


The Qian Dao Chang glared at Zhang Daring's wife angrily, and the other party was so frightened that he retreated again and again, not daring to say more, and hid behind Master Tan.

Seeing this, Master Tan had a slight apology on his face, and said with a smile:

"Daoist Qian, women are not sensible, don't be like her! I just hope that you will solve that Xiao Zhang's life soon!"

"Hey, hey, easy to say, easy to say!"

When Qian Daochang heard this, he just smiled and nodded, but he didn't react.

Seeing this, Master Liu on the side walked quickly to the front, took out a bill of exchange from his arms, and said:

"Daoist Qian, can you solve it now?"

"Ha, this is naturally no problem!"

When Qian Daochang saw the bill of exchange in his hand, he instantly showed a bright expression.

Then he returned to the altar and ripped off the head of a rooster and threw it aside.


At this time, on the locust tree outside the courtyard, Hua Yanyan watched as the Qian Dao Chang actually held the headless attack in front of him and swallowed the chicken blood sprayed.

Then he sprayed on the small coffin in front of the altar, frowning a little disgustingly.

Seeing this, Xu Daochang felt a little worried, and said with a serious face:

"My senior brother is trying to aggravate the corpse qi on that zombie's body, I don't know if Zhang Daring's kid can bear it!"

"Don't worry, there's no problem!"

Ye Tian patted Xu Daochang's shoulder, and immediately his hands kept sealing, and there were words in his mouth, not knowing what he was saying.

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