In the ancestral hall of the Ma family.

At this time, Zhang Daring had been fighting against zombies for more than a dozen rounds, as if he had aroused his fighting spirit.

He completely forgot that he was fighting a zombie, not an ordinary person.

"Grandma's, it's been a long time since I've played so well!

Although his body had been smashed by the zombie's fist several pieces at this time, he couldn't help shaking his thick arms again and again, shouting excitedly.

After all, it's a zombie controlled by spells, and the gap between it and ordinary zombies is not half a point.

Otherwise, with the zombie's bloodthirsty instinct and sharp claws and fangs, Zhang Daring at this time was afraid that he would have been completely torn apart by it.


I saw Zhang Daring punching again, hitting the zombie in the chest.


For a moment, the zombie retreated again and again, knocked over several chairs, and then stopped, falling to the ground.

"Haha, what rubbish! I thought the legendary zombies would be so powerful, it really scared me for nothing!"

Seeing that the zombie fell to the ground and didn't get up, Zhang boldly laughed out loud, and then suddenly remembered the golden needle that Ye Tian had given him.

couldn't help but take it out of his arms, and said with some contempt:

"I'll just say that this Doctor Ye is making a fuss, just a little zombie, you have to give me a golden needle, it's really redundant!"


Suddenly, it was the time when Zhang boldly mocked the zombie.

A gust of wind burst out of the zombie's body in an instant, and then the zombie stood up straight from the ground, its eyes showing a bloodthirsty red.

"What's the situation!"

Originally, Zhang Daring was still laughing insolently, but after seeing the zombie's eyes change color, he suddenly felt a cool air hit his back.


I saw the zombie roar angrily, and two sharp fangs grew from the corners of its mouth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A thick breath of corpse breath erupted, and the zombie's originally shriveled body instantly grew a lot, as if it was even stronger.

"Oh my God!

Zhang Daring is not stupid, the zombie in front of him at this time is obviously very different from just now.

Especially the terrifying red eyes in the dark night, like the symbol of death, shocked his heart.

"Hmph, this time I see if you're still dead!"

In the courtyard of the Tan family, Qian Zhenren looked at the small coffin surrounded by black qi and spreading yin qi on the altar in front of him, and said coldly.

Seeing this, Master Tan, Zhang Daring's wife, and Master Liu on the side cast curious glances.

However, he didn't make a sound, for fear of disturbing Qian Zhenren's practice.


On the other side, since the zombie changed its form, the corpse qi around its body exploded for a while.

Then a man came up to Zhang Daring, his sharp claws like steel claws, as if they could tear through the barrier in the air.

With just a wave of his hand, the coffin in front of Zhang Daring was completely shattered and scattered all over the ground.


Zhang Daring was stupid, how could the zombies who were all on the ground by himself just now suddenly become so hideous and tough.

Suddenly he screamed in fright, and then he forgot the golden needle in his hand, spread his hands, and threw the golden needle aside.


This time, the zombie's bloodthirsty instinct began to explode, opened its bloody mouth, and jumped again in the direction of Zhang Daring's escape.


However, as soon as the zombie got up, a golden light instantly lit up in midair.

The zombie was hit by the golden light in an instant, and suddenly it was knocked several meters away and fell to the ground.



Qian Daochang, who was still snickering, would have thought that there would be such a change in this Ma family ancestral hall, and he was still staring coldly at the small coffin in front of him just now.

In the next second, the whole person flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

"Daoist Qian, are you okay?"

Seeing this, Master Tan and the three of them hurriedly felt closer, helped up the fallen Qian Daochang, and asked eagerly.

"Damn, someone is secretly helping that Zhang Daring!"

Qian Daochang knew what was going on for the first time, and now someone is attacking the zombies in the ancestral hall of the Ma family.

His spell was counterattacked, and then he was thrown out and fell to the ground.

"Huh, somebody help him?"

"That's right, it must be my bastard brother!"

Only a few of them knew about Zhang Daring's affairs, and Xu Daochang also knew about it.

Therefore, for this person who was secretly helping, Qian Daochang expected that it was Xu Daochang's doing.

"Then Chief Qian, what should I do now?"

Master Tan panicked, seeing that there was a mistake and mistake in this matter, he hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, my junior brother's cultivation is not as good as mine, and when I do it again, I will definitely be able to kill that bold!"

Here, Qian Daochang had already stood up again with his aching back, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Who knew that as soon as Daoist Qian arrived on the altar, he was once again shocked by a nameless force.

A fat body was thrown out again, flying farther and harder than just now.

"Ha, if this fat man is thrown down again, I'm afraid that his bones will fall apart!"

Hua Yanyan and the others saw it from the tree, and when they saw that Qian Daochang had just gotten up and was thrown out again, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh quietly.

"Senior brother, he aided in the abuse, this is his own fault, and he can't blame others!"

Xu Daochang on the side couldn't help but let out a low voice.

Just now, Daochang Qian suspected that he had shown a murderous aura, and he saw it very clearly, and Daochang Xu had already forgotten about the friendship between the two.

"Almost, don't play with this guy anymore!"

Ye Tian pointed his sword with both hands, and a cloud of golden gas hovered left and right.

Then he groaned, and the golden light instantly rose to the sky and disappeared.


At this time, in Yizhuang, Zhang Daring, who was still flustered, was obviously stunned.

The zombie who was still full of corpse qi and had tremendous strength was unexpectedly struck by golden light one after another, and retreated in defeat one after another.

And Zhang Daring also looked carefully, that golden light was the golden needle that Ye Tian gave him.

I saw that the zombie was already in tatters at this time, and clumps of green slime were constantly flowing down from his body and falling to the ground.

Call... Call...

Originally, this zombie was controlled by the magic of this Qian Dao Chief, but now it was attacked by this golden needle, and the corpse qi of the zombie showed a great collapse.

As a result, Qian Daochang, who was far away in the Tan family's compound, was also repeatedly attacked by the spell, as if he was already covered in injuries, how could he still use the magic to cast the spell again.

In this way, this zombie is almost a puddle of rotten meat at this time.

I saw that the golden needle in the air suddenly bloomed, and then a golden flash of light suddenly fell, hitting the zombie's body.


There was a bang, accompanied by the golden light.

The zombie was smashed into pieces in the blink of an eye, scattered around every corner of the village.

And Zhang Daring hid to the side and watched everything that happened in front of him in a daze, from beginning to end, he didn't know why there was such a sudden reversal.

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