"The mouth is quite hard!"

Seeing that the little ghost who was the leader still looked menacing, Ye Tian snorted coldly, and then snapped his fingers.


I only heard an explosion, and the little ghost who was the leader was instantly blown into a cloud of blood mist and completely disappeared in front of him.


The other four imps gasped in unison, and their eyes widened as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 3 oceans! "


At the same time, in a small village not far from here.

An old man was busy with the paper in his hand with his eyes squinted, and instantly felt his heart tighten.

Then his whole face became extremely ugly, and he looked coldly out the door.

"Who! Killed my ghost boy! "

The old man looked at a diminutive paper figure in front of him, and a fire instantly rose and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Then he slowly stood up, looked at the starry sky outside the door, and said in a cold voice.

"If you can break my bloody paper man, it seems that the other party's strength should be no worse than mine!"

The old man's face was a little excited, and then he coughed and whezed repeatedly, and a mouthful of black blood sprayed out instantly.

"Damn it!"

The old man angrily wiped away the bruises from the corners of his mouth, his palms quickly sealed, and a holographic picture like a 3D stereoscopic projection was presented in front of him.

In front of the old man, a young man, a young girl, and a man holding a mourning stick are presented.

Seeing this, the old man's brows furrowed, and he said with some surprise:

"Shadowy? These bastards have provoked the shadows? "

But soon, the old man quickly reflected and said suspiciously.

"No, even if it's a bad thing, that guy Dabao won't be beaten like this!"

At this time, the young man was looking at the remaining four trembling imps seriously, and asked loudly:

"Say, who is your so-called grandfather? Where is he? "

"Can't say! Can't say! "

The four little ghosts were already frightened at this time, and when they saw Ye Tian talking coldly, they shook their heads in fear.

"Don't you say yes?"

Ye Tian sneered, and then snapped his fingers again.

One of the imps was instantly blown into a cloud of blood mist and scattered in the air.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 3 oceans! "

"What! The heir of the golden needle of Maoshan Weimen! "

Looking at the moment when the little ghost exploded in the picture, the old man's originally slitted eyes instantly opened the boss.

looked at the young man in the picture with a serious face, and said in disbelief.

"Ahh We say! We say! Grandpa, he is in the paper shop in Quanshan Village! "

The other three imps saw that their companions were eliminated by two of them in the blink of an eye, and they were so frightened that they kept bowing and begging for mercy.

"Quanshan Village Paper Shop?"

Ye Tian frowned, he didn't know much about this Quanshan Village.

I didn't expect that there was an evil magician who raised little ghosts, but it was a little surprising.

"We told you Grandpa's address, can you let us go?"

Seeing this, the three little ghosts all threw hopeful glances at Ye Tian, begging the other party to let them go.

"You devour living beings, you have a lot of blood debts, and it is absolutely impossible to let you go!"

After that, Ye Tian's fingertips moved, and in the blink of an eye, the three little ghosts were just like their companions just now, and they all exploded into a blood mist.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 3 oceans! "

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 3 oceans! "

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 3 oceans! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Six Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 770/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones


I saw that the three little ghosts were all wiped out, and the scene in front of the old man's eyes disappeared.

Couldn't help but show an extremely angry and hideous expression on the old man's face, and then clenched his fists and slammed them heavily on the table beside him.

"Damn! The five imps I managed to raise were wiped out! It's really damnable! "

The old man stood up and roared angrily, but as soon as his chest moved, another mouthful of black blood spurted out and spilled onto the ground.


The old man scolded angrily, then panted again and again, and said resentfully:

"Old man, I am now suffering from internal injuries, and I am definitely not the opponent of this Maoshan Trick Sect Golden Needle Heir!"

With that, the old man trembled out of the courtyard, and then raised his hand and threw it, and a black talisman fell on top of the simple thatched house.

"Black Fire Order, up!"

The old man muttered coldly, and the thatched hut was instantly engulfed by a fierce fire as if it had been sprinkled with gasoline.

Seeing that everything in the room had turned into nothing, the old man glanced coldly at the direction in which the little ghost had been eliminated, and said in a deep voice:

"Maoshan boy, we'll have a meeting later! Ahem, ahem... "

With that, the old man continued to shake his weak body, and disappeared into the night step by step.

On the other side, Ye Tian and the three of them finally learned the whereabouts of the evil sorcerer from the mouth of the little ghost.

Immediately said goodbye to Yin Cha Wang Qian, and hurried towards the village of Naquan Mountain.

By the time the two of them came to this Quanshan village, the sun had already risen.

At this time, all the villagers gathered around the old man's burned house, whispering and shouting, not knowing what they were discussing.

"Looks like we're a step too late, that sorcerer must have run away!"

As soon as he entered the village, Ye Tian noticed the courtyard that was still emitting a little black smoke, and shook his head and said.

"Run really fast, otherwise I will definitely kill that old man and eliminate harm for the people!"

Hua Yanyan glared at the courtyard not far away with disdain, and said angrily.

"You two are not from this village, are you?"

Just as the two of them were about to move forward to check the situation, an old man with gray hair approached.

Looking at Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan on crutches, he asked curiously.

"Uncle, we are on our way, passing by here!"

Ye Tian smiled and explained, then pointed to the burned courtyard, and pretended to be curious and asked:

"There's a fire there! It looks like it's burning badly! "

"Hey, who's to say it isn't!"

The old man sighed when he heard this, and then continued to explain:

"That yard belongs to Liu Sanhuai, who is a paper maker in the village. On weekdays, I do some white things, paper business, and I don't like to talk much. "

After that, the old man shook his head helplessly, and said with a sigh:

"Who is this Liu Sanhuai who has a feud with, and I don't know how this fire burned!

That Liu Sanhuai, who had no children and no daughters, was burned to death like this, and no one collected the body, what a pitiful! "

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