"Burned? No way! "

Hua Yanyan was skeptical of what the old man said.

She didn't believe that this sudden fire would burn the sorcerer behind the scenes.

Obviously, this guy burned down the house here and ran away.

"This fire burned so fiercely, even the house burned down, people must have burned to death!"

The old man seemed to insist on his opinion like this, and Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan didn't want to argue with each other about this.

"Village Chief, Village Chief!"

At this time, a villager ran over and hurriedly said to the old man:

"Village chief, we have searched the burned yard, and we have not found Liu Sanye's body, nothing!"

"Huh? It's true! "

Seeing this, the old village chief breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank God, it's good that no one died!" It's good that no one died! "

Looking at the old village chief's appearance, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan glanced at each other, and then stepped forward, looked at the old village chief and said:

"Village Chief, if I'm not mistaken, your health is not good all year round, and every once in a while you feel weak, chest tightness and shortness of breath, right?"

The old village chief listened to Ye Tian's words like this, his eyes widened in shock, and he said in disbelief:

"Young man, how can you know so well! Are you a doctor? "

"That's right, we're both doctors!"

Ye Tian nodded and said, then looked at the villager beside him who had just come to report the news, and continued:

"You have the same condition as the old village chief, am I right?"

"Yes, yes!"

The villager kept nodding his head and said excitedly:

"Don't hide it from the two doctors, in fact, it's not just me and the village chief. Everyone in our village suffers from this disease! "

"Then you don't suspect the origin of this disease?"

Hua Yanyan looked at the villager and asked.

"Why don't you doubt it!"

The village chief shook his head helplessly and said:

"We went to the town next door to see the doctor, but they said that we were not sick at all, and we were in good health!

We didn't believe it, and then we found a few more Lang Zhong to see the disease, but the conclusion was the same! "

"Yes, everyone goes to the doctor every time they get sick, but they never see anything!"

The villager looked at it and added:

"But this disease doesn't seem to be in the way, it's just that the body feels a little weak and can't use the strength, and the rest doesn't matter!"

"Two doctors, since you have seen this strange disease in our village, can you tell us what kind of strange disease you have?"

Seeing the village chief asking the two of them with a concerned face, Ye Tian looked at Hua Yanyan and said:



Hua Yanyan nodded when she heard this, then took a step forward and said:

"People have three souls and seven souls, and the loss of one of them can cause coma or dementia. And if you lose a soul, you will be weak and powerless!

The whole state of your village is due to the loss of a soul! "

"Huh? Lost a soul? "

Hua Yanyan spoke directly, and the village chief and the villager also listened carefully.

The two of them couldn't believe that the strange illness of the villagers they and the others was actually caused by the loss of one of the three souls and seven spirits, and they were really a little surprised.

At this time, the other villagers also saw the situation here, and the two village chiefs were shocked.

They all gathered around, not knowing what they were talking about, very curious.

"That's right, it's a loss!"

Hua Yanyan saw that the villagers were gathering more and more, so she was also interested, and continued to speak:

"The lost one of the three souls and seven spirits can be made up after a period of time.

But the harm to your body will bury hidden dangers, and the old people who were originally healthy and able to live to be 100 years old may only live to be 80 years old! "

"Huh? What the! So serious! "

The old village chief is seventy-four years old this year, and if he really loses his life as Hua Yanyan said, the old village chief suddenly felt afraid.

At that moment, he hurriedly grabbed Hua Yanyan's arm and said urgently:

"Doctor, doctor, how can I get this lost soul back! I don't want to die early! "

"Yes, doctor, we don't want to die early!"

"Doctor, please help us recover the lost one!"


For a while, the villagers were all scared because of Hua Yanyan's words, and immediately surrounded Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan in the middle, begging bitterly.

After all, as the saying goes, it's better to die than to live.

Especially in this chaotic society, it is a luxurious fact to be able to continue to survive.

No one wants to die early for no reason, isn't it fragrant to live?

"I understand everyone's feelings!"

Looking at the anxious appearance of the villagers, Hua Yanyan opened her mouth and continued:

"But with all due respect, you won't be able to get your lost soul back, because it's all been taken away!"

"Huh? Taken! Who is it? Who is it! "

When the villagers heard Hua Yanyan say this, they all looked around, and they couldn't believe that the person who did this would be from their own village.

"To tell you the truth, this Doctor Ye and I came to your Quanshan Village after killing five little ghosts.

Those little ghosts told us that the master who raised them lived in your Quanshan Village! "

"Doctor, could it be that the person you are talking about is Liu Sanhuai?"

Although the village chief is very old, his brain is very bright, and when he heard Hua Yanyan say this, he immediately put the target of his suspicion on Liu Sanhuai.

After all, the fire of Liu Sanhuai's house burned so weirdly that it burned down the house silently, but Liu Sanhuai himself was nowhere to be found.

"Eight achievements are him!"

Hearing this, Hua Yanyan nodded and replied: "He should use your spirit to supplement his own cultivation and vitality, so as to achieve the goal of immortality."

But he's also smart, and he's not alone in every spacing.

As a result, everyone felt exhausted, but no one died. "

"Oh, this bastard Liu Sanhuai, on weekdays, I thought that this guy was gloomy when he engaged in these white business, but I didn't expect to harm our whole village behind his back!"

"This dog's day, Lao Tzu looks at him pitiful on weekdays, so he has nothing to do to send him some vegetables to eat! Grass! I'm so blind! "

"Damn, I said that I feel uncomfortable every once in a while, dare to love this Liu Sanhuai who treats us as a tonic, just do it once!"

"Bastard, Lao Tzu is pushing the yard of his house now, and he will be angry when he looks at it!"

"Let's go, I'll go too! Everyone! "

"Grass. This old dead thing, the next time I see him, I have to peel his skin! "


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Hua Yanyan's words caused all the villagers' attitudes towards Liu Sanhuai to change from sympathy to hatred.

However, if anyone knows such a reason, they will never forgive Liu Sanhuai for using evil magic to harm people.

Seeing that the village chief was also about to turn around and go to Liu Sanhuai's courtyard to insert a kick, Ye Tian immediately stopped the other party and asked:

"Village chief, you just said that this Liu Sanhuai has no children and no daughters, so does he have any relatives and where will he go, do you know?"

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