"This Liu Sanhuai is a light pole, my father and mother died early, and I have no other relatives!"

Maybe it was because Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan helped solve the doubts of the villagers for so many years, and they looked at the two of them cordially.

At the moment, he pulled Ye Tian's wrist and said with a smile:

"Let's stop standing like this, my old arms and legs can't stand it. You two must not have breakfast yet, right?

Let's go, come home with me, and let your aunt get you something to eat!" "


Maybe it was really said by the old village chief, Hua Yanyan's stomach suddenly screamed, and she looked at Ye Tian with some embarrassment.

"Well, I'm sorry for you, village chief!"

"What's the trouble, let's go! Let's talk! "

Breakfast in the mountain village is very simple, multigrain porridge, cornmeal nest, and pickled vegetables at home.

When you eat it in your mouth, it has a unique flavor.

"Girl, eat slowly, it's not enough!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan's refreshing eating, the old village chief took down the cigarette pouch and pot in his mouth and said with a smile.

"Well, good!"

Perhaps it is the first time to eat these authentic mountain village flavors, which are definitely more delicious than the big fish and meat at home for Hua Yanyan.

For a while, there was no such thing as a daughter, and she was like a flower child who had not eaten for three days when she was hungry.

"I said, you eat slowly, don't go back to the village chief's family to eat poor!"

"It smells so good!"

Hua Yanyan laughed with a mouth full of food, and continued to drink the multigrain porridge in the bowl, not to mention how happy she was.

"Seeing that the girl is handsome, she doesn't dislike our farmhouse meal, it's a blessing for the son to marry such a daughter-in-law!"


The old village chief's words almost didn't choke Hua Yanyan to death, and when she heard this, she quickly wiped off her mouth full of multigrain porridge and said loudly:

"I'm not his daughter-in-law, village chief, don't talk nonsense!"

"Isn't it?"

The old village chief looked at the two of them with some doubts, unable to believe it.

"Village chief, you misunderstood, this is my niece, not my daughter-in-law!"

"No, it doesn't look like it!"

Although this kind of thing is common in the eyes of the old village chief, seeing Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian together, they always feel like a young couple.

"Of course not, he's not my uncle!"

Hua Yanyan glared at Ye Tian angrily, and at the same time did not forget to step on him under the table with her foot.

"I see!"

Seeing that the old village chief was going to continue to chat, Ye Tian quickly changed the topic and said:

"Village chief, tell us about Liu Sanhuai, we want to catch him as soon as possible! That way, he will not continue to harm others! "

"Liu Sanhuai!"

When the old village chief heard that he had smoked two cigarette pouches and pots, he talked about Liu Sanhuai.

It turned out that Liu Sanhuai was a cheerful person in his early years, who was not afraid of heaven and earth.

Later, because of some things, he fell out with his family, and he threw out the village and disappeared.

This time it has not appeared for more than 20 years.

Suddenly, one day, this Liu Sanhuai returned to the village, and his father and mother had already died early.

In this way, Liu Sanhuai lived in his former home, but did not go out to work.

Instead, they prepared bamboo strips and paper, and started a paper business.

Since then, Liu Sanhuai has become silent and never takes the initiative to interact with the villagers.

And other villagers have funerals at home, and Liu Sanhuai also took the initiative to send paper people and paper horses, symbolically collecting some money, never asking for more.

In this way, Liu Sanhuai continued to live in this Quanshan Village for more than ten years.

That is, until yesterday, this Liu Sanhuai burned down his house and disappeared.

"It seems that something must have happened in the twenty years since he disappeared!"

After listening to the introduction of the old village chief, Ye Tian had many questions about Liu Sanhuai's affairs in his heart.

And Hua Yanyan finally had enough at this time, patted her little belly and waved her hand and said:

"Forget it, in that case, let's have a chance to catch him again in the future! Leave it to fate! "

After speaking, Hua Yanyan took out a few pieces of ocean from her arms and handed them to the old village chief, and said with a smile:

"Old village chief, sell me some of your pickles and tortillas, it's delicious!"

"What's the matter, those are worthless things, if you like to eat, I'll give you some, why give me so much money?"

Rural people's lives are basically self-sufficient, and seeing Hua Yanyan suddenly gave herself a few oceans of such a huge amount of money.

The old village chief felt flattered, and kept waving his hand to refuse, refusing to accept it.

"Just take it!"

After several pushes and delays, the old village chief finally accepted the ocean given by Hua Yanyan, and he was even more cordial to Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan in his heart.

At the moment, he hurriedly told his wife to take out all the pickles, and specially asked her to make some more corn tortillas and give them to Hua Yanyan.

"Mung bean cake! Delicious mung bean cake! "

Just when the village chief's wife was working hard to make tortillas, a cry of selling came from the mouth of the village.

When I looked up, I saw a young man carrying a flat pole and walking into the village with a smile on his face.

For a while, all the villagers gathered around, scrambling to buy the mung bean cake in the flat bar.

"Ha, this Qiao Liuzi is here to sell mung bean cakes again!"

When the old village chief saw the young man walking into the village, he drooled a little greedily for a while, and hurriedly turned back to his wife and shouted:

"Boss, hurry up and buy some mung bean cakes, don't be robbed by others, buy more!"

"Good! Good! Here it goes! "

The village chief's wife also seemed to smell the fragrance of the mung bean cake, and couldn't help swallowing and spitting, and ran out of the yard quickly with the money.

"Village Chief, is this mung bean cake so delicious?"

Seeing everyone scrambling to buy mung bean cakes, Hua Yanyan seemed to be infected, and couldn't wait to ask the old village chief beside her.

"Aren't you full? I still have to eat! "

"What! I don't want to try it! "

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian dissatisfiedly, then gave him a blank look, and continued to look at the village chief.

"Yes, this Qiao Liuzi's mung bean cake is really delicious!"

Seeing this, the old village chief gave a thumbs up and said: "This Qiao Liuzi has a new daughter-in-law, and it is said that the recipe for this mung bean cake is made by his handsome daughter-in-law!" "

"Obediently, this is marrying a daughter-in-law, this is picking up a mountain of money!"

Seeing this Qiao Liuzi selling mung bean cakes in the flat dan without stopping, Hua Yanyan couldn't help but admire.

"Who's to say it isn't! But this daughter-in-law was not married by him, but picked up! "

"Picked up?"

Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were very curious, this was the blessing they had cultivated in their previous lives.

"That's right, I picked it up!"

The old village chief saw that the two were puzzled, so he opened his mouth to explain.

It turned out that this Qiao Liuzi was a villager in Liuquan Village next door, and he was a vegetable farmer who did his duty on weekdays, picking vegetables to sell in the town to earn some living subsidies.

Just two months ago, when Qiao Liuzi returned to the village from the town, he brought back a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman.

Handsome, white and clean, just like a girl in the city.

Everyone asked where Qiao Liuzi got such a good-looking wife, Qiao Liuzi just smiled and said that he picked it up on the road.

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