As Ye Tian said, although this Qiao Liuzi was very disgusted with the two on the surface, he still recorded what the two said in his heart.

Hua Yanyan is right, with such a look and appearance, it is indeed not practical to marry a gentle and virtuous, beautiful and generous woman like Xiaohong.

Even the villagers around him whispered about it behind their backs.

It's just that this Qiao Liuzi pretended to be stupid and pretended not to know.

Thinking of this, Qiao Liuzi bought a lump in his heart, and until he finished dinner, he looked sullen.

"Sixth brother, what's wrong with you? Feeling unhappy? Is something wrong? "

When night fell, Xiaohong came to the courtyard and looked at Qiao Liuzi, who was looking at the sky in a daze, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little tired!"

Seeing this, Qiao Liuzi hurriedly waved his hand again and again, covering up what he was thinking.

"Well, it's okay, let's go into the house and rest early!"

After that, Xiaohong gently kissed Qiao Liuzi on the cheek, with a smile on her face.

"Ah, I almost forgot!"

Qiao Liuzi pretended to be very flustered, and said:

"Wu San at the entrance of the village shouted at me to play cards, I almost forgot!"

After that, regardless of whether Xiaohong agreed or not, she quickly ran out of the yard and disappeared.

"Why are you so surprised?"

Xiaohong was a little surprised, but she didn't take it to heart, turned around and entered the house.

Qiao Liuzi didn't actually ask Wu San to play cards, but just found an excuse to run out.

After nearly half an hour had passed, he sneaked in from the other side of the courtyard and crept outside.

Thinking of what Ye Tianbai said, Qiao Liuzi put two willow leaves on his eyebrows.

Along the gap in the window, Qiao Liuzi could clearly see that Xiaohong was combing her hair with the comb given by her father for a long time.

He was humming a little song softly in his mouth, as if he was very happy.

Looking at these, Qiao Liuzi couldn't help but have a nameless fire in his heart, and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

"This bastard actually said that our little red is a ghost, it's really hateful!"

After that, Qiao Liuzi was about to take off the willow leaves on his eyebrows, turned around and walked into the house.

But that inadvertent glance made Qiao Liuzi instantly break his mind.

I saw that Xiaohong, who was sitting in front of the dresser, had become an extremely terrifying appearance at this time.

Following the mirror on the dresser, Qiao Liuzi could clearly see Xiaohong's green fangs and red eyes.

At this time, Xiaohong was holding a human head and slowly erecting the scattered hair.

One after another, Qiao Liuzi's legs were trembling with fright, and his clothes were already wet with cold sweat!

At this moment, Qiao Liuzi finally believed what Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian said.

At the moment, without saying a word, he went straight to the house where the old man was, shouted the old man who was still sleeping, and ran towards the outside of the courtyard with his shoulder on his shoulder.

Qiao Liuzi's shouting alarmed Xiaohong, and the other party ran out of the house instantly when he saw this.

Seeing Qiao Liuzi running out with the old man in a panic, he shouted behind him in a little hurry:

"Sixth brother! Where are you going! "

"Sixth brother! Did you listen to what someone else said? "

"Sixth brother! Sixth brother! Wait for me! "


For Xiaohua's pursuit behind, Qiao Liuzi didn't dare to answer at all, so he could only carry the old man and run quickly outside the village.

As a result, one of them was careless and crashed into the body of a figure in front of him.


Seeing that figure was Ye Tian, and beside him stood Hua Yanyan.

Qiao Liuzi hurriedly knelt down, pointed behind him and said loudly:

"Two mages, help me, my daughter-in-law is really a ghost! Scared the hell out of me! "

"I told you a long time ago, you didn't believe us! Now I saw it with my own eyes, believe it! "

"Believe it! Believed! "

Seeing that Hua Yanyan scolded herself angrily, Qiao Liuzi dared to complain, so he could only beg for mercy again and again.

This is that Qiao Liuzi's father also came to his senses, watching Qiao Liuzi begging for mercy towards Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Sixth son, what are you doing here? What do you want them to do? Who are they? "

"Daddy, Daddy! Little flowers are ghosts, little flowers are ghosts! "


The old man was a little surprised, and he didn't quite believe what Qiao Liuzi said.

"Sixth brother! Sixth brother! Where are you going with your father? "

Just when the old man was puzzled, the little flower had already rushed closer.

Seeing that there was a pair of strange men and women standing next to Qiao Liuzi and the old man, he glared at the two of them very vigilantly, and said:

"Who are you, why do you want to bewitch my relationship with Sixth Brother?"

"Strange, no ghost aura on your body?"

Looking at the appearance of the little flower, there was no ghost aura on her body, Hua Yanyan was a little surprised, and immediately looked at Ye Tian on the side.

"It should have been covered up by someone with a spell!"

Ye Tian nodded, then strode forward and spoke:

"Girl, people and ghosts have different paths, and I know you have no intention of harming their lives! But if you continue to live with them like this, I'm afraid that sooner or later they will run out of yang energy and die! "

"Nonsense, where did the demon come from, he is talking nonsense here!"

Xiaohua always refused to admit her identity, but hurriedly looked at Qiao Liuzi, and said with a sad face:

"Sixth brother, they lied to you, I'm not a ghost, really not, let's go home!"

"Yes, child, this little flower is so good to us, how can it be a ghost?"

Even the old man on the side couldn't help but persuade Qiao Liuzi beside him.

However, Qiao Liuzi is the one who has seen Xiaohua as she really is, and now although he listens to the persuasion of the other party, he has already expected the identity of the other party's ghost.

At that moment, he could only drag the old man back and said loudly:

"Daddy! She's really a ghost! I saw it with my own eyes! She sat in front of the mirror with a head and kept combing her hair, and that scared me to death! "


Regarding Qiao Liu's words, the old man always had a skeptical attitude.

"Sixth brother, why, why do you want to do this to me!"

Listening to these words, the little flower no longer had its original weaker appearance, and instead it was just like what Qiao Liuzi saw just now.

Blue-faced fangs, red eyes, hideous and terrifying appearance.

"Ghosts! It's really a ghost! "

When the old man saw Xiaohua in its original form, he fainted directly on the spot.

And Qiao Liuzi dragged the old man behind Ye Tian and the others, pointed in the direction of Xiaohua, and shouted loudly:

"Why! Why do you want to hurt me? "

"Hurt you? When did I hurt you? "

The little flower showed her dark teeth, and her eyes seemed to be filled with tears, and she said angrily:

"When you buried my bones, I saw that you had a good heart, so I committed myself to you.

It has even earned you a lot of family property, and now you are saying that I am harming you, which is ridiculous! "

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