Listening to Xiaohong scolding herself like this, Qiao Liuzi was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Xiaohong is right, since she married herself, it can be said that the life of the family is getting better and better.

Originally, I didn't have to work so weekdays, as long as I took out the mung bean cakes and sold them, I could get back a lot of remuneration.

"Kid, what a ghost is this little red!"

At this time, the old man also woke up, and looked at the little red with his hair scattered and blue fangs in front of him.

I couldn't believe that the other party was the gentle and virtuous daughter-in-law on weekdays, so I hurriedly grabbed Qiao Liuzi and asked loudly.

"Dad, it was these two Dao Masters who discovered that Xiaohong is ghost!"

Qiao Liuzi pointed to Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan beside him, and opened his mouth to explain.

Looking at Qiao Liuzi and his son here, they didn't know what to do for a while, and Xiaohong was still glaring at them angrily.

Hua Yanyan stepped forward and said:

"We know you're here to repay your kindness, but have you ever thought that people and ghosts have different paths.

They are all ordinary people, and if they continue to live with you like this, they will die early! "


Hearing this, Xiaohong roared angrily, pointed at Hua Yanyan's nose and shouted:

"The third master gave me a charm, and he won't let the yin qi in my body hurt the sixth brother's father and son!"

"Third master? Liu Sanhuai: Is it? "

When Ye Tian heard this, he opened his mouth to ask, and when he saw that Xiaohong was just staring at the two of them silently, he had an answer in his heart.

"You're right, this Liu Sanhuai may have given you a charm that can make you active during the day and cover up your ghostly energy!"

"But after all, Liu Sanhuai's Taoism is not enough, and your cultivation is very low, and the effect of this spell is also beginning to fade!"

After speaking, Ye Tian pointed to Qiao Liuzi's father and son, who were sitting on the ground trembling all over, and said.

"Maybe these six sons are full of yang qi and haven't been affected much by you, but haven't you noticed that this old man already has a faint ghost qi on his body?"


Of course, Xiaohua found that this old man already had a ghost spirit, but he still didn't want to leave, and said loudly:

"I can find the third master to strengthen the charm for me again, so that it won't affect my father!"

"You said Liu Sanhuai, right? He's burned down his house and gone! "

Hua Yanyan heard Xiaohua's thoughts and added on the side.

"What! How so! "

When the little flower heard this, she instantly felt very helpless, and then the whole person fell to her knees and cried bitterly.

Looking at this scene, Qiao Liuzi actually pulled Ye Tian's wrist and said loudly:

"Dao Chief, Dao Chief, please don't take Xiaohua away, she is sincere to me, she has never hurt me!"

"Yes, Dao Chief, my old bones are so old, it doesn't matter if there is a ghost or something! Please be merciful and spare my daughter-in-law! "

Unexpectedly, the father and son of Qiao Liuzi actually grabbed the two of them and begged for mercy loudly, which made Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan feel a little embarrassed.

The two couldn't help but glance at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Sixth brother, Dad! Don't ask for it, I'm already satisfied that I can accompany you for so long! "

At this time, Xiaohua changed back to her handsome appearance, slowly came to the two of them, helped them up, and said with a smile.

"Xiaohua, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Qiao Liuzi hugged Xiaohua tightly and refused to let go, while the old man also wiped his tears on the side, choking and crying.

"Hey, forget it, forget it!"

Ye Tian sighed and said helplessly:

"You take this talisman and stick it on your body, you can ensure that your ghost qi will not leak out and hurt their father and son within three years! After five years, leave on your own! "

Seeing Ye Tian's actions, Hua Yanyan was very surprised, blinking and looking at each other.


Xiaohua couldn't believe it, took the talisman handed over by Ye Tian, and then moved to tears, and said loudly:

"Thank you, thank you! I will cherish the time of these three years and live up to the kindness of the Taoist! "

"Okay, I know you're not a ghost, so I'll make an exception to help you this time!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and said to Qiao Liuzi on the side:

"Cherish the time of three years, don't try to leave Xiaohua behind after three years, if you do this, it will only hurt you and your father!"

"Yes, yes, I must keep in mind the entrustment of the Taoist chief!"

Although it was only given five years, Xiaohua and Qiao Liuzi were very happy and excited.

"Just remember!"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Xiaohua and continued: "Also, don't sell the mung bean cake made of your saliva anymore, it's a ghost thing after all, and too much contact with mortals will also have an impact!" "

"Yes, yes, the little girl must obey the instructions of the Taoist!"

Qiao Liuzi's father and son didn't understand the meaning of Ye Tian's mouth, while Xiaohua kept nodding her head, not daring to have a trace of melancholy.

"In that case, tell me everything you know about Liu Sanhuai!"


Hearing this, Xiaohua said:

"I haven't had much contact with the third master, no, Liu Sanhuai. But one day he suddenly found me and realized that I was a ghost!

Then he gave me a charm to keep my spirit going. "

With that, the little flower put her hand into her shirt, took out a black talisman and handed it to Ye Tian.

"Extreme Dao Alliance!"

Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were very surprised and shocked when they saw the symbols marked on the black talisman.

They never dreamed that they would find traces of the Extreme Dao Alliance again.

"Extreme Dao Alliance? What is that? "

Xiaohua was puzzled by Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan's surprise, and asked curiously.

"Don't care about these for now, then Liu Sanhuai gave you this talisman and asked you to do something for him?"

"No, I didn't do anything, I was just given this talisman!"

Hearing Ye Tian's inquiry, Xiaohua kept shaking her head.

"Strange, nothing for you to do?"

Hua Yanyan also felt strange on the side, this good Liu Sanhuai found Xiaohua, it was impossible to help the other party like this without trying to do anything.

"Really, the two Taoist leaders, then Liu Sanhuai really didn't let me do things, I really didn't help him!"

Seeing that Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan didn't believe it, Xiaohua said loudly on the side, as if she was very excited.

"Well, I believe you didn't!"

Ye Tian could see that this little flower was telling the truth, so he didn't continue to ask, but pointed to the entrance of the village in front of him.

"It's getting late, go back and rest! Remember, only three years! If you don't leave for three years, I won't spare you! "

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Chief! Thank you, Chief! "

Xiaohua and Qiao Liuzi, father and son, thanked them again and again, and then walked back to the village quickly, for fear that Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan would regret it.

"I can't imagine that you'll still help ghosts?"

Looking at the distant figure, Hua Yanyan looked at Ye Tian curiously on the side.

"Do you think I'm such a hard-hearted person?"

Ye Tian glanced at Hua Yanyan, turned around and walked in the direction of Renjia Town, and said no more.

"Hmph, watch out!"

Hua Yanyan muttered, but she still quickly followed Ye Tian, and began to chatter around him again.

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