According to Chinese folklore, July is the Ghost Month, and July 15 is the Ghost Festival, and it is also the day when the Ghost Gate is opened.

On this day, those ownerless and lonely souls will be escorted by the ghosts and come up to receive the alms of the yang world.

The general custom will be on this day, put water lanterns, burn paper clothes, or put water cloth, ask the monks to recite the scriptures, and surpass the soul of the dead to get rid of the suffering early.

"Fly! Fly! Hee-hee! "

Xiao Ming held the plane made of yellow paper in his hand, shouting happily while shuttling through the streets.

"Oops, the plane is gone!"

As soon as his fingers slipped, the paper airplane flew out and landed in a brazier not far away that had not been completely extinguished.

"My plane!"

After the paper airplane fell into the brazier, it instantly ignited a fire, and then burned into a pair of black ashes.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel a little angry, and complained:

"It's all this brazier that makes trouble, see if I don't extinguish you!"

With that, Xiao Ming took off his pants and prepared to pee in the brazier.

"Xiao Ming!"

Xiao Ming was just about to pee when he heard someone shouting his name behind him.

Subconsciously, Xiao Ming looked back and replied:

"Who, who called me!"


Who knows, Xiao Ming just turned around and finished shouting, and he felt that the consciousness in front of him was a little blurred.

Then he lifted his pants again, turned around and walked slowly towards the alley not far away.

"Come on! Come on! Come here! Xiao Ming! "

In the dim alley, a resentful voice sounded in Xiao Ming's ears, as if it had magical power.

Xiao Ming has always taken small steps, and he has never been melancholy.

"Hee-hee, come on, there's something delicious here, there's something fun here! Come on! "

With the sound of demagogy, Xiao Ming's eyes showed a different kind of trick.

The scene in front of me was no longer the dim and deserted alley, but instead of green grass and flowers.

The sun shines on the earth, bringing warmth and warmth.

On the grass, there are many children chasing and playing, and everyone's face is full of happy smiles.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Ming smiled brightly and happily, and whispered softly:

"Everyone wait for me, I want to play with you!"

With that, Xiao Ming quickened his pace and trotted towards the grass in front of him.

"Hey, hey!"

Seeing Xiao Ming running briskly in his direction, a little ghost with a pale face and a tongue hanging down his chest squatted on the wall of the alley, laughing happily.

I saw that the little ghost was carrying a strip of colored cloth in his hand, and the lower end of the strip of cloth was wound into a circle.

Seeing that Xiao Ming's figure was getting closer, his head seemed to be about to stick into the cloth.

The smile on the little ghost's face became even brighter, as if his whole body was trembling with excitement.

"Come on, come on! Let's play with these friends! "

The voice of the little ghost continued to bewitch Xiao Ming's ears, and Xiao Ming had already come to the front of the cloth at this time.

Looking at the beautiful picture in the circle of cloth strips, Xiao Ming couldn't hold back his excitement anymore, and he got up and wanted to stride forward.

"Fire Spell, Edict!"

However, just as Xiao Ming's head was about to stick into the strip of cloth, a girl's voice came.

I saw a red firelight coming from a distance in an instant, and in an instant, it pierced through the body of the little ghost on the wall and turned into nothing.

"Huh? How did I end up here? "

With the little ghost being eliminated, the cheerful scene in front of Xiao Ming's eyes disappeared in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it was dark all around.

"Xiao Ming!"

I saw a shadow flashing, and the girl walked quickly to Xiao Ming, looking at him with some surprise, and then she was relieved.

"Sister Yanyan, why are you here? Did you bring me here? "

Xiao Ming recognized the girl's identity at a glance, it was Hua Yanyan, the assistant of Dr. Ye Tianye of the Shenlong Medical Hall.

Seeing Xiao Ming ask, Hua Yanyan patted his head with some displeasure, frowned and said:

"Today is the Midyear Festival, if you don't go home to sleep at night, your mother will be worried!"

"Well, yes, it's so late! I need to go back quickly! "

When Xiao Ming heard what Hua Yanyan said, he was also surprised, and immediately said goodbye, and quickly threw out the alley.

"That guy is really right, the number of lonely ghosts in this Renjia Town tonight is indeed quite a lot!"

Hua Yanyan looked at the strips of colored cloth scattered on the ground, threw out the talisman and set it on fire instantly.

He immediately held the sword in his hand and continued to walk slowly towards the outside of the alley.

At this time, another street in Renjia Town.

"Dad, mother, I don't make much money this year, don't be too little of these papers, I made money when I look back, and I must be burning something better for you!"

At the entrance of the street, the orphan Xiao Ran was smiling and chattering, while putting the paper man and paper horse beside him into the brazier and slowly lighting it.

"Xiao Ran, you burn so many things to your father and mother every Qingming Festival and Midyear Festival, they know everything, and they won't blame you!"

The third woman walked out of the house hunched over and took a lot of paper money and paper products.

"Third woman, you have prepared a lot!"

"Hey, aren't you afraid that my poor son will have a bad time down there, burn more things for him, and it can be regarded as reassuring my heart!"

After speaking, the third woman gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and sighed.

"Come, third woman, I'll help you burn!"

Xiao Ran's heart was also a little sour, and he said with a smile, and walked to the front of the third woman.

On the other side of the street, a ghost with a missing head and a bloody ghost stared at the other side, eyes straight.

"Tsk, is this old woman quite rich? Burn so many goodies! "

"Yes, look at those paper girls, how handsome they look, if only they could get them to serve us!"

"Think about good things, haven't you heard from others? This is burned for someone's son! "

"Look, is there a ghost of his son next to the old lady? Maybe I've been reincarnated a long time ago! "

"You mean, let's go pick up a bargain?"

"Nonsense, so many good things, I've been greedy for a long time! Besides, we are lonely ghosts, if you don't rob other ghosts, do you still expect your family to burn you? "

"Also, our family died earlier than me, how can anyone worry about me!"

"Let's go, this thing belongs to our brothers, half of it!"

"Good, good! It's all up to you! Hey! "

After that, the two ghosts reached an opinion, and then a flash came to Xiao Ran and the third woman.

Squatting on the side and looking at the two of them with a smile on their faces, looking at the paper man and paper horse and paper maid behind the third woman, the two ghosts were about to drool down, and they couldn't wait.

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