"Hehe, there's money to spend!"

Watching the third woman and Xiao Ran throw stacks of yellow paper money into the brazier, the two ghosts cried out excitedly.

Immediately, a gust of wind came from the two ghosts, heading straight for the brazier in front of them.


Suddenly, the paper money, which was still burning slowly, instantly rose into a vigorous flame.

Frightened, Xiao Ran and the third woman retreated again and again, panicking.

"How did it come to be!"

The third woman was shocked, looking at the old Gao who was burning with the flames in the brazier, and didn't know what to do.

"Third woman, this guy is too big to extinguish!"

Xiao Ran was going to try to extinguish the flames in the brazier with thick paper money, but it didn't work at all.

The paper money burned even more vigorously after coming into contact with the green flame, as if it would not be extinguished at all.

"Haha, money! Money! That's a lot of money! "

The two ghosts watched stacks of paper money being burned, and clapped their hands excitedly.

"No, if this fire continues to burn like this, I'm afraid it will run away!"

Seeing this, the third woman picked up another empty basin and ran into the house quickly.

"Big brother, this old woman wants to douse this money with water!"

One of the ghosts saw the intention of the third woman, and hurriedly pulled the old ghost next to him and said loudly.

"It's all you, why are you so excited?"

Seeing that the yin wind on the ghost's body was still bursting, the old ghost patted his head angrily.

"Why do you blame me! The yin qi in your body is not smaller than mine! "

The ghost felt very aggrieved, but he still stabilized his mind, and the yin wind on his body was much weaker.

Seeing that the flames in the brazier had decreased a lot in an instant, Xiao Ran felt a little curious and didn't understand what was going on.

"It's coming, it's coming! The water is coming! "

At this time, the third woman trotted out with a slow basin of water.

"Third woman, the fire is small, there is no need to extinguish it!"


The third woman's reaction was a little slow, and her legs and feet were not very sharp, so she saw that Xiao Ran suddenly stopped herself.

At that moment, as soon as his legs and feet slipped, his body fell into Xiao Ran's arms, and the basin of water happened to be poured into the brazier that was still on fire.


A puff of black smoke rose, and the brazier was instantly annihilated by a basin of water.

Seeing that all the paper money that was about to arrive had turned into nothing, the two ghosts were trembling all over, staring at the third woman in front of them viciously.

"Big brother, this old thing has ruined our good deeds!"

", kill her!"

"Okay, kill her!"


Suddenly, a gust of wind struck, and I saw that the two ghosts appeared in front of Xiao Ran and the third woman in an instant.

"Ahh Hell! "

Seeing this, the two of them lost their voices and shouted.

And the old ghost looked at the third woman fiercely and shouted loudly:

"Old thing, you are bad for me, I want your life!"

Truly, abruptly!

After that, the old ghost instantly threw himself towards the third woman's body.

The other ghost also stepped forward, waved the sharp claws in his hand, and grabbed the third woman's face.

"Three women!"

Seeing the two ghosts pounce on the third woman, Xiao Ran screamed in fear.



However, at this moment, two golden rays of light instantly pierced through the air, and they all fell on the bodies of the two powerful ghosts.



The two powerful ghosts let out a miserable scream, and they were instantly shocked by the talismans, and then the yin qi in their bodies quickly collapsed, and they completely disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 3 oceans! "

"Ding! Destroy a ghost and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Six Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 960/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"It seems that tonight's harvest is quite big, which is very good!"

Seeing that after killing a lot of harmful ghosts in one night, the merit value is about to reach the scope of upgrading.

Ye Tian felt beautiful in his heart, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Third woman, Xiao Ran, are you all right!"

"Doctor Ye, thanks to you, otherwise my old bones would have been here today!"

The third woman had been helped up by Xiao Ran at this time, and when she saw that the two powerful ghosts who had harmed her were eliminated on the spot, she felt grateful again and again.

"It's just a trivial matter, if you burn paper again in the future and encounter such a situation, remember not to splash water again!"

"Yes, yes! Be sure to remember! "

Xiao Ran and the third woman hurriedly agreed, not daring to hesitate.

Tonight's incident is really scary, and the lesson to the two of them is also very profound, and they will definitely not do it again in the future.

"Finally found you!"

Here, Ye Tian solved the matter of the three women and the two women, and continued to stroll on the street.

Hua Yanyan's voice came from her ears, and she saw her walking briskly from the other side, and said with a smile:

"How? How many harmful ghosts have you done? "

"It's ok, not a lot!"

"Haha, this girl has gained a lot tonight, and just now she saved the life of the sixth aunt's son from the hands of a hanged ghost! I'm amazing! "

"Well, awesome!"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and continued:

"It's too late, you can go back to Yizhuang if you have nothing to do, so as not to worry about the senior sister and senior brother!"

"I'm not going back!"

Hua Yanyan pursed her lips and pouted:

"Uncle Jiu, Aunt Xiao and Qiu Shengwen know about Yin Ming Paper, if I go back, I will definitely be pulled by them to do coolies, it is better to follow you to kill ghosts and have fun!"

"Today is the Midyear Festival, and the senior brother is also the errand of the underworld paper printer, of course he has to be busy!"

Ye Tian was helpless and opened his mouth to explain.

After more than a month of retreat, Uncle Nine finally came out.

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that Uncle Nine had successfully broken through the bottleneck of the third-grade Heavenly Master by virtue of the effect of gathering spirit fruits, and now he had reached the peak strength of the fourth-grade Heavenly Master.

This made Uncle Nine himself unable to believe that it would be true, but after hearing that Ye Tian had become a five-grade heavenly master and had unexpectedly obtained the divine power of Samadhi True Fire, Uncle Jiu's jaw seemed to be shocked.

As everyone knows, Ye Tian at this time is about to advance to the realm of the Seventh Rank Heavenly Master, but I am afraid that after the Ninth Uncle knows, he will definitely regard Ye Tian as a demonic existence.

In the three years that he came to Renjia Town, Uncle Jiu would be busy all night during the Midyear Festival every year, and Ye Tian would also parade the streets to kill those harmful ghosts.

This year, as usual, I still wandered the streets, but with one more person around me, I didn't feel so bored.

"I didn't expect that Uncle Nine was still working as an errand in the underworld, and my aunt's vision was really not wrong!"

Hua Yanyan said approvingly, then looked at Ye Tian, and said with disdain:

"Why are you not as good as Uncle Jiu, you haven't even mixed up with the errand of the underworld, it's really pitiful!"

"I'm the youngest of the brothers in Maoshan, so it's not my turn to do such an errand, what's so strange!"

"Cut, hard mouth! Ay! Don't go so fast, wait for me! "

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