looked at Qiusheng and Wencai's eyes begging for mercy, and looked at Uncle Jiu's extremely angry appearance.

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly after all, and a stack of bills of exchange appeared in his hand and handed it to Uncle Jiu.

"Senior brother, I know that you have very little savings on weekdays, so these two thousand oceans are counted on me!"

"Senior brother, what are you doing! Not to be! "

To be honest, Uncle Nine was also surprised why Ye Tian had always been so rich, but it was not easy to ask.

Now seeing that the other party actually took out another 2,000 ocean bill of exchange to himself, he waved his hand again and again, refusing to accept it.

"Senior Brother Ye, tell you the truth, how much money do you have! How do you feel like you're spending your money! "

Aunt Sue is not like Uncle Jiu, it is difficult to suppress the curiosity in her heart, and even Hua Yanyan on the side also looked at Ye Tian curiously.

"Hey, secret! Anyway, I'm rich! "

Ye Tian didn't explain, and then stuffed the bill of exchange into Uncle Jiu's arms, pointed at Qiusheng and Wencai and said:

"It's good to punish them for copying the Tao Sutra a hundred times, if you deduct the money again, these two people will drink the northwest wind!"

"You guy, I'm talking like I'm abusing both of them!"

Uncle Nine glanced at Ye Tian angrily, but he still accepted the bill of exchange, glared at Qiusheng and Wencai and said:

"Why don't you hurry up and copy the Tao Sutra!"

"Yes! Be! "

Qiu Shengwen didn't dare to hesitate, copying the scriptures a hundred times is much more cost-effective than being deducted from his salary for a lifetime.

nodded in agreement, and in a blink of an eye, he ran into the inner hall study and began to write a big stroke.

"Senior Brother Ye, although this matter has been settled for the time being, it still hasn't been resolved! The two of us alone can't catch so many ghosts! "

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that Uncle Nine was talking to himself, Ye Tian pretended to be puzzled and asked.

"I want to use the teleportation charm to inform all the senior brothers, and when the time comes, all the senior brothers will help together, and we will definitely be able to subdue these ghosts! I don't know what you think? "

"That's great!"

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile: "When the time comes, Senior Brother Simu and Senior Brother Qianhe are here, we can have a good drink!" "

"That's nature!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, his face was also full of happiness.

"Look at your beauty, the four brothers are all together, aren't they?"

Aunt Sue teased Ye Tian and Uncle Nine on the side, and said:

"Senior brother, you still haven't noticed? That guy's temper is very arrogant! "

"Of course you have to be informed! He's a big brother! "

Although the senior brother Shi Jian is arrogant and domineering, he has never taken these senior brothers in his eyes.

But after all, he is everyone's senior brother, except for Mao Xiaofang, who is the true heir of the family, he has the highest qualifications.

If you don't call him to come to help, I'm afraid that the other party will be left behind and say that he and others are not on good terms.

"Just think about it, I don't have an opinion!"

When Aunt Su heard this, she shrugged her shoulders and took Hua Yanyan back to her room to rest.

"In this way, in addition to the true transmission Mao Xiaofang who is still in retreat in Maoshan Mountain, there is also the dragon slayer who was killed by you, Senior Brother Ye, this gathering of our fellow disciples will definitely be very lively!"

"yes, yes!"

The Dragon Slayer Daoist was personally killed, and he had already returned to his master with a spell.

The reply given by the master was only four words: don't care.

This made Ye Tian feel a little puzzled, and he didn't understand why the master didn't continue to pursue the matter.

Now this Maoshan gathering, I don't know if the senior brother Shi Jian will become as vicious as he was in the movie, and he will kill each other.

If this really happens, I'm afraid that the other party will inevitably become the target of the entire Maoshan family!

"In that case, as soon as it dawns tomorrow morning, I will use the messenger to notify the senior brothers!"

"Okay, this is the matter, then I'll go back to the medical hall first and wait for your news!"


The jade rabbit fell, and the golden crow rose.

Jia Le got up early and made breakfast, and saw that Jingjing in the courtyard next door had just come back from carrying water, and walked quickly to meet it.

"Jingjing, I went to fetch water early in the morning, I must be tired! Come, I'll wipe your sweat! "

"No thanks!"

Jingjing glanced at Jia Le with a flat face, and then quickly filled the bucket and walked to the kitchen.

"Jingjing, stop cooking, I'm done, call the master to eat together!"

"Thank you Knorr, the master and I ate lightly, and we still make our own breakfast and eat well!"

Jingjing didn't raise her head, ready to start cooking on the fire.

Seeing that Jingjing was very indifferent to herself, Jia Le's heart was very uncomfortable.

Thinking about how to find a topic to chat with the other party, I saw that Master Ikyu had already walked out of the room at this time.

"Jia Le, Jingjing and I can cook and eat by ourselves, you better go back and eat with Simu!"

"Master, aren't you coming here to eat? I've done a lot! "

"No, we'll just eat it ourselves!"

Master Ikyu glanced at Jingjing, who was about to cook on the side, and sighed helplessly.

Ever since Ye Tian left the dojo, Jingjing had been sullen and thoughtful.

is even more indifferent to the warm welcome of Knorr on weekdays.

How could Master Yixiu not know what this Jingjing was thinking in his heart, seeing that his feelings were unbreakable, after all, he could not inherit his Buddhist mantle.

"Knorr! Knorr! Where did you run away again, you! "

At this time, the shouting of the four-eyed Taoist sounded in the courtyard, and then he quickly ran to the courtyard of Master Yixiu, twisted Knorr's ear and said:

"I knew you kid was lazy here, hurry up and pack your things, we're ready to go!"

"Master, where are you in such a hurry?"

"Four eyes, are you in such a hurry to go out this morning?"

Jia Le and Master Ikkyu were very surprised, when would these four-eyed Taoists go out so anxious?

Even Jingjing put down the things in her hand and walked out of the kitchen to look at the four-eyed Taoist curiously.

"My two apprentices of Senior Brother Lin are in trouble, and they call our senior brothers to help!"

Seeing this, the four-eyed Taoist explained the ins and outs of the matter, and several people were amazed when they heard it.

"Okay, I won't tell you, Knorr, hurry back with me to pack my things and get ready to go on the road!"

"Yes, master!"

Jia Le heard the seriousness of this matter, and immediately followed the four-eyed Taoist, and quickly returned to the dojo.

"Master, should we also go and help?"

Seeing the two of them leaving, Jingjing thought for a while, and whispered to Master Yixiu beside her, her eyes flickering slightly.

"This is their same thing, it's not appropriate for me to go!"

Master Yixiu shook his head when he heard this, but when he saw Jingjing's lost appearance again, he sighed.

"But you can follow the Four Eyes Dao people and them to go through the experience, and it will also help your cultivation!"

"Really? Master! "

Jingjing couldn't believe what her master said, and excitedly confirmed it aloud.

"Of course, let's go, I'll take you to Simu to say!"

Master Yixiu finally smiled happily when he saw Jingjing for so long, and his smile was bright, and he was very happy in his heart.

"Okay, good, thank you, master!"

Jingjing kept nodding happily, and her heart was flooded with the figure that left a deep impression on herself.

The smile on his face became even brighter.

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