After chasing the walking corpses all night, the Chizuru Daoist at this time only felt that he had no strength in his body.

Lazily stretched his waist and whispered to the young man beside him:

"Ah Fa, go back and put the body in the morgue, I'll go rest for a while!"

"Yes, master!"

Hearing this, the young man smiled and nodded.

The young man's name is Ah Fa, and he is a newly accepted apprentice of the Thousand Crane Dao people.

For the master in front of him who is strong and unsmiling, Ah Fada feels respect in his heart.

"Get it done with you guys, and I'll be able to sleep!"

Ah Fa leaned against the wall with the walking corpse standing in front of him while talking to himself.

"Ah Fa, Ah Fa! Hurry up! "

Just as Ah Fa had just set up all the walking corpses, a loud shout came from the other party's room not far away.

"What's wrong! Master, is something wrong? "

"Shut up the morgue and go out with me! 100,000 urgent! "

"It's so serious! Didn't a thief come to the door? "

"You stupid thing!"

Seeing that Ah Fa actually thought it was a thief who came to the door, Qianhe Daoren patted his head angrily and said loudly:

"Something happened to your Uncle Lin, and you urgently recruited our fellow disciples to help! You've just joined us, so it's time to go and meet those uncles together! "

"Hah! Are you sure! That's great! I'm going to clean up! "

Ah Fa was overjoyed when he heard this, since he entered the door of the Thousand Crane Daoren, he had never seen other elders and brothers of the same sect in Maoshan.

Now listening to Chizuru Daoren talking like this, he was very happy in his heart at the moment, and he agreed and ran away.


On the other hand, since Ma Ma left Renjia Town, the whole person has languished.

didn't even take the business of chasing corpses all day long, and the two apprentices, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, had already left each other and went their separate ways.



Seeing a paper crane glowing with golden light appear in front of him, he frowned numbly, but still took the paper crane into his hand.

"Huh? A hundred ghosts escaped... Lin Fengjiao? "

Looking at the words presented on the paper crane, he frowned numbly and read it all.

Immediately, the paper crane was crumpled into a ball and thrown aside.

"Cut, I'm not going!"

Thinking of this, he yawned lazily again, and then also made a summons and wrote it.

Seeing that the messenger had disappeared in the form of a paper crane, he lay back on the bed and fell asleep.




In the courtyard, blue thunder and lightning continued to burst out, as if the courtyard was wrapped in thunderclouds.

I saw a middle-aged man with a serious looking face punching in unison, slamming into the stone piles in front of him.



I saw the middle-aged man punch out, and a blue thunderbolt came out and hit the stone pile.


The stone pile was struck by lightning and instantly exploded into powder, raising puffs of smoke and dust.

The middle-aged man retracted his fists with satisfaction, and then the blue lightning disappeared into his arms and disappeared.

If there is a person in the inner gate of Maoshan who is present, he must recognize the identity of this person.

This middle-aged man is none other than the great disciple of the Great Elder of Maoshan, Shi Jian!

"Dad, your lightning thunder fist is now at the pinnacle! Ha ha! "

A handsome young man in white with bangs covering half of his face walked in.

looked at Shi Jian in front of him, and gave a thumbs up again and again, full of admiration.

"Hmph, you bastard, you didn't come back all night, where did you go!"

"No, it's nothing, Dad!"

The young man in white is named Shi Shaojian, and he is Shi Jian's apprentice to the outside world, but in fact, his real identity is Shi Jian's son.

If the inner disciples of Maoshan get married, the identity of the other party must be recognized by the elders.

This is also done to prevent traitors from seducing inner disciples with beauty and causing unnecessary trouble.

This Shi Shaojian was born to Shi Jian when he was young with a peasant girl, and Shi Shaojian died of dystocia and hemorrhage after the peasant girl.

And Shi Jian took his son with him and taught him Maoshan skills as a master.

Shi Shaojian is still working hard, and now at the age of twenty, he is already the cultivation of the fourth-grade earth master!

It can be said that under Shi Jian's protection and guidance, Shi Shaojian's future is bright.

But what makes Shi Jian feel the most headache is that this Shi Shaojian is extremely addicted to women's affairs.

often uses the Maoshan technique to play the soul out of the body, and spoils the lady of the good family who has a fancy to it.

For this reason, Shi Jian wiped Shi Shaojian's buttocks behind his back.

Now that he didn't see Shi Shaojian's figure this night, Shi Jian didn't have to think about it, he knew why his son went.

Although Shi Jian was very angry, he was his own son after all, and when he saw this, he would no longer pursue it.



Suddenly, a paper crane flew into the courtyard and landed in front of Shi Jian.

Seeing this, the other party frowned.

This is the messenger of Maoshan Tongmen, since he has been down the mountain for so many years, it is the first time he has received this messenger, and he can't help but be a little surprised.

"Daddy! What is this? "

"It's the messenger of this door!"

Shi Jian unfolded the paper crane, looked at the words presented, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a sneer.

"Humph! Lin Fengjiao! I can't believe you'll have the time to ask me! "

"Daddy? Is Lin Fengjiao the uncle you once said that you didn't deal with you well? "

Seeing Shi Jian sneering, Shi Shaojian asked in a low voice, for fear of attracting the other party's displeasure.

"That's him!"

Hearing this, Shi Jian said coldly: "Not only him, but also Ye Tian, Simu, and Qianhe!" These four people never took me seriously!

What I didn't expect was that this time they begged me to come here! "

"Dad, since that's the case, then Uncle Shi's busyness, let's not go!"

"Not going?"

Shi Jian turned his head and glared at Shi Shaojian fiercely, and said in a deep voice:

"This time, Lin Fengjiao summoned Maoshan to go to help each other, as a senior brother, now Mao Zhen can't pass on the mountain, I am the highest first person in my generation!

If I don't go, won't I let those cats and dogs fall into the truth! Say that I, the senior brother, disregard the friendship of my fellow disciples, and don't help if I am in trouble? "

"Then let's go!"

Seeing Shi Jian's explanation, Shi Shaojian nodded and said:

"Let's not only go, but also swagger away, and then you will press them as a senior brother to see which of them dares to disagree!"

"That's right, after so many years, it's time for these short-sighted guys to remember the majesty of my senior brother Maoshan!"

Shi Jian nodded approvingly, then looked at Shi Shaojian, and said solemnly:

"I want to remind you, when you get to Lin Fengjiao, don't cause these troubles again! If something happens, don't say that I, the father, can't save you! "

"Ha, don't worry, Dad, I have my own measure, and I will never give you anything bad!"

Shi Shaojian said this, but he was thinking about something else in his heart.

The beautiful girls in this town have basically been tried by themselves, and now they are in a different place, how can they waste this great opportunity?

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