The escape of a hundred ghosts is definitely a headache for the residents of Renjia Town.

At night, residents are either tapped on the shoulder by ghosts in the streets, or they encounter ghosts wandering around their homes.

For this reason, Uncle Nine and Ye Tian could only continue to distribute evil charm and exorcism talisman to each family to ensure that the lives of the residents were not threatened.

But fortunately, although these ownerless lonely souls always cause some trouble, fortunately, they do not harm people's lives.

Why did a hundred ghosts enter the town overnight, Uncle Jiu, Ye Tian and the others were tight-lipped and did not tell the truth.

Even Ren Fa himself didn't know that this incident was caused by the fact that he invited the troupe to sing ghost plays.

In the next few days, the joints of Renjia Town began to appear one after another.

And after Ren Fa heard that Uncle Nine and Ye Tian were going to gather their fellow brothers to hunt ghosts together, he also took out the mansion he had just bought for the use of Uncle Nine and his fellow disciples.

If nothing else, I just want to catch these ghosts as soon as possible, and Renjiazhen will be restored to its original state, so that its business will improve.

Seeing that the senior brothers from the past came one after another, a bright smile appeared on the faces of Uncle Nine and the others.

I didn't expect that the mistakes made by my two apprentices could make Maoshan's fellow disciples and brothers gather so neatly, which was also beyond Uncle Jiu's expectations.

"Ha, Senior Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for many days, and your appearance doesn't look like it has changed at all!"

A chubby Taoist priest walked in with two apprentices, and when he saw Uncle Nine standing at the gate of the courtyard, he laughed heartily.

"Haha, Senior Brother Song is still so rich! It didn't work at all! "

Song Daoren laughed when he heard this, and immediately said hello to Ye Tian and Aunt Sue, and then entered the inner hall to salute the other senior brothers.

"Master, I didn't expect it to be so lively this time, I'm really happy!"

"Master, do you still have to thank our brothers?"

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai dared to say this, Uncle Nine angrily kicked the buttocks of the two of them, and said angrily:

"Two things that don't have a long memory, hurry up and welcome the guests!"

"You two, you're so boring!"

Hua Yanyan watched the two of them make two mistakes on the side, shook her head helplessly, and immediately walked to Ye Tian's side, and said with a smile:

"You see that your senior brothers have all brought apprentices one by one, why have you not confiscated any apprentices now?"

"What? Do you want to be my apprentice? "

Ye Tian was curious, and looked at Hua Yanyan with an interesting expression.

"Phew! Whoever wants to be your apprentice, don't be ashamed! "

Hua Yanyan stuck out her tongue and grimaced at Ye Tian, and said disdainfully:

"I'm the heir of the Hua family, how can I be a disciple of you Maoshan, joke!"

"Well, maybe!"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders, saying that this matter had nothing to do with him.

At this time, the courtyard was bustling with activity, and there was a lot of noise everywhere.

Doudou, who likes to lie on Ye Tian's shoulders on weekdays, now seems to be dyed by this lively atmosphere, standing on the roof of the building and looking excitedly at the crowd below, he is also very happy.

"Senior Brother Lin! Senior Brother Ye! I'm coming! Hahaha! "

From a distance, Ye Tian and Uncle Nine heard the sound of the four-eyed Daoist shouting.

I saw him pulling Qianhe Daoren into the courtyard together, followed by Jia Le, Jingjing and Dafa.

Looking at Ye Tian who was standing not far away, Jingjing's cheeks instantly turned a little red, and her heart suddenly became numb.

However, he noticed the girl standing next to him, and for a moment his heart was full of suspicion and imagination.

"Four eyes, your big voice hasn't changed at all after all!"

Although Uncle Nine had a complaining tone, his face was full of happy smiles.

Seeing that the Thousand Crane Dao people were also standing beside him, he said with concern:

"Chizuru, I heard that you were attacked by that royal zombie last time, and I heard about you afterwards, I was scared for a long time!"

"Thank you Senior Brother Lin for your concern, fortunately, Senior Brother Ye's golden needle rescued me, otherwise, I wouldn't have had a chance to see you again!"

"What Senior Brother Chizuru said is this, it's all his own brother, and it should be so!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and stood aside.

And Aunt Sue came forward angrily and complained:

"Hey, you four guys are all together, why did you forget about me!"

"Holy! Sister, why are you here too! "

The four-eyed Daoist people were shocked, and they couldn't believe it when they saw Aunt Sue standing in front of them.

Uncle Nine is the most afraid of meeting Aunt Sue, and when he came, he made a bet with the Thousand Crane Daoist that this Aunt Cane would definitely not come.

Who knew that this was good, but I was really slapped in the face by reality!

"You little four-eyed, can't I come?"

Aunt Sue glared at the four-eyed Taoist angrily, and then reached out and grabbed Uncle Jiu's palm, and looked at the other party with a smug expression.

Chizuru Michito: !!

Four-Eyed Taoist: !!

"Senior sister, hurry up and receive the other junior brothers, I have something to say with a few junior brothers!"

In front of everyone's eyes, Aunt Cane grabbed his palm, and Uncle Nine couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

And Aunt Sue glared at him angrily, pouted and said:

"Hmph, no conscience!"

Although Aunt Cane said so, she still followed Uncle Jiu's instructions and went to entertain the other senior brothers.

Seeing the situation in front of them, the Four Eyes Dao and the Thousand Crane Dao looked at each other in disbelief.

"Senior Brother Lin, is the matter between you and Senior Sister Sue finished?"

"Ahem, let's talk about these things later!"

Seeing the four-eyed Taoist asking, Uncle Nine coughed twice in embarrassment, then changed the topic, pointed to a few young people behind the two and said:

"Who are these two? Are you two new apprentices? "

Uncle Jiale Ninth recognizes it, but Jingjing and Ah Fa, Uncle Nine has never seen it.

"Come, I'll introduce you!"

Seeing this, the four-eyed Taoist began to introduce the few people behind him one by one.

"This is Jia Le, senior brother, you've seen it!"

"Uncle Lin is good!"

"This is the apprentice of Senior Brother Qianhe, Ah Fa!"

"Uncle Lin is good!"

"As for this girl!"

When it came time to introduce Jingjing, the four-eyed Taoist pouted very reluctantly and said:

"Her name is Jingjing, she is the apprentice of the old monk, I don't know what's going on, this old monk has to ask me to bring her here, saying that it is an experience! I don't know! "

"Hello Lin Dao!"

Jingjing nodded respectfully towards Uncle Jiu, then strolled to Ye Tian's approach, and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye, long time no see!"

"Jingjing, long time no see!"

Ye Tian was also surprised when he looked at Jingjing in front of him, but he still showed a welcoming smile.

"This girl, is she Dr. Ye's apprentice?"

Seeing Hua Yanyan standing next to Ye Tian, Jingjing looked at Ye Tian curiously, guessing the identity of the other party.

"How could I be his apprentice! It's just to be his assistant for the time being! "

Hua Yanyan puffed out her mouth when she heard this, and opened her mouth to explain.

And Uncle Nine saw that Hua Yanyan's identity had not yet been introduced, so he opened his mouth to explain to everyone:

"This is Hua Yanyan, the niece of Senior Sister Cane, and also the heir of the Hua family, a family of medical Taoists, and now works as an assistant in Senior Brother Ye's medical hall!"

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