Seeing that the girl in front of him turned out to be from the Hua family, or the niece of Aunt Sue, the four-eyed Taoist and others were very surprised.

immediately looked at the other party's appearance and said jokingly:

"I didn't expect Aunt Sue to have such a handsome and smart niece, I don't know if Miss Yanyan can have a marriage match, my family is upright, honest, and a good candidate!"

Hua Yanyan: ???

Knorr: !!

Seeing that the master was going to pull the fiber for himself, Jia Le hurriedly waved his hand and said loudly:

"Master, I haven't wanted to get married so early!"

And Hua Yanyan also waved her hand and said with a smile:

"Uncle Four-eyed's kindness, Yan Yan understands it! However, when it comes to marriage, my father is in charge, and I don't dare to decide on my own! "

"Well, too, too! It's me who is abrupt! "

When the four-eyed Taoist heard this, he had to shake his head helplessly, and Jia Le also breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly stood beside Jingjing, and whispered:

"Jingjing, I don't like this Yanyan girl, you have to believe me!"

Jingjing tilted her head and glanced at Jia Le, and said with a white look:

"Who do you like and what does it matter to me?"

"Jingjing, Jingjing."

Seeing Jingjing standing back behind and ignoring herself, Jia Le was very sad.

"Senior Brother Ye, you are very blessed, there is such a girl with such a symbol in the medical hall as your assistant, I'm afraid your heart is happy!"

Seeing that the four-eyed Daoist couldn't be a matchmaker for his apprentice, the words changed and shifted to Ye Tian's body.

"It's a lot of trouble!"

Ye Tian shook his head with a wry smile and shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean! Do I hate you? "

When Hua Yanyan heard Ye Tian speak like this, she pursed her mouth angrily and glared at each other with displeasure on her face.

And Uncle Nine and the others also laughed when they saw this, only Jingjing stood alone, looking at Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan with some unpleasant feelings in their hearts.

"By the way, senior brother, I see that a lot of our senior brothers have already come, who else hasn't arrived?"

Seeing that the Thousand Crane Daoist glanced around and asked himself, Uncle Nine nodded and said:

"It's just Ma Ma Di and Senior Brother Shi Jian!"

When the Dragon Slayer Daoist was killed by Ye Tian, Elder Maoshan had already notified all the Inner Gate Descendants with a teleportation talisman.

Therefore, the inquiry just now naturally did not mention this person.

"Ma Ma Di this guy, don't come! When the time comes, the smell will be stinky, and the air will be polluted again! "

"Let him go!"

Uncle Nine smiled and waved his hand when he heard this, and numbly notified himself with a messenger earlier, saying that he was too busy to take a break.

How could Uncle Nine not know that this numbness was just sad because he was with Aunt Sue and couldn't bear to meet.

Therefore, I also understand the reason why he did not come to help.

"I don't care about Ma Ma Di, I just don't know if this senior brother will come!"

Qianhe Daoren shook his head, still with a serious face.

"Whatever! Love doesn't come! I like to do anything! This time, we might be ready to make the finale again! Ignore him! "

The four-eyed Taoist has a straightforward temper and never hides it.

If you want to say that in the entire Maoshan Mountain, who looks at the senior brother Shi Jian the most unpleasantly and has the most disputes, it must be this red-nosed four-eyed Taoist.

"Forget it, it's the senior brother after all, and it's up to him to play the prestige! Let's go in and talk to the brothers! "

Seeing this, Uncle Nine no longer continued to discuss Shi Jian's problem, but led everyone into the inner hall.

At this time, the inner hall was already full of Maoshan people wearing Taoist robes, looking at the senior brothers in front of them who had not seen each other for many years.

Uncle Nine first said hello again and again, and then told the ins and outs of the matter.

Everyone shook their heads helplessly when they heard this, and secretly said that this ninth uncle was rigorous, how could the apprentice be so unreliable.

"That's the way it is, now I invite you brothers and sisters to come, and please help me get through this difficulty!"

As the convener and host of this Maoshan gathering, Uncle Nine sat on the first seat, looking at everyone with a humble face, very humble.

"That's natural, our senior brothers will definitely help in this matter!"

The four-eyed Taoist is a loyal supporter of Uncle Jiu, and he was the first to express his support at the moment.

Immediately, Ye Tian, Qianhe Daoren, and other senior brothers also expressed their positions.

Only the chubby Song Daoren frowned and whispered:

"Senior Brother Lin, how about we wait for Senior Brother to come before making a decision?"

"Fat Song, you will shoot that fart with a big long face! Now the appointed time has come, and that guy hasn't come yet! I just didn't take everyone into account! Waiting for him to do anything! "

Seeing that Song Daoren was a little timid, the four-eyed Daoist couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Aren't I also thinking about the big picture...

"Humph! Sycophants! "

"Who's shouting here!"

Just when the four-eyed Daoist and the Song Daoist were arguing, a man's voice came from outside the door.

"Hello master!"

"Hello master!"


With the greetings of the juniors, I saw Shi Jian walking in with a serious face and a frown.

Shi Shaojian, who followed behind him, was also arrogant, as if they were the protagonists here today!

"Hello big brother!"

When everyone saw Shi Jian coming, they all stood up and nodded hello.

Even the four-eyed Taoist who had always been at odds with Shi Jian was hindered by Maoshan's etiquette and nodded to him to say hello.


Shi Jian always put on a disdainful expression on his face, and immediately sat directly on the main seat where Uncle Nine was just now, choosing to directly ignore the position that Uncle Nine had already left next to him.

"Senior brother, that's my Senior Brother Lin's seat, what are you doing sitting there!"

The four-eyed Taoist became angry when he saw this Shi Jian's posture, and stood up directly at the moment and shouted at Shi Jian.

"Forget it, Four Eyes!"

Uncle Nine didn't want to hurt the harmony, after all, the other party was a senior brother, or the helper he invited this time, so he couldn't make too much trouble.

"Four Eyes, do you have any problem with me sitting here?"

How could Shi Jian not know that this main seat was actually the seat of the host, the ninth uncle, and what he did was to do it.

It is to suppress the arrogance of Uncle Nine and play the role of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger!

"That's right! There are comments! "

"Bastard, how can you talk to my master!"

Shi Shaojian stood behind Shi Jian, pointing at the four-eyed Taoist with a look of resentment.

"You're a bastard! Is that how you talk to your elders? "

At this time, Aunt Su couldn't stand it anymore, got up from her seat, and scolded Shi Shaojian loudly.

"Yes! My master and aunt are talking, which turn will you speak! "

"That's right, what are you!"

At this time, Qiusheng and Wen Cai saw this, and they couldn't help but shout with Shi Shaojian in front of them.

Although Uncle Nine had previously told him that the two of them should be cautious in their words and deeds, and should not conflict with other uncles' apprentices.

But Shi Shaojian's behavior made the two of them angry.

"Shaojian! Don't be rude! "

Although Shi Jian admired his son's strength just now, after all, with so many fellow disciples here, Shi Shaojian should not be allowed to go too far.

"You two, shut up!"

Uncle Nine also glared at Qiusheng and Wen Cai, and said no more.

"These two guys, they look so annoying!"

Hua Yanyan, who had been standing behind Ye Tian at this time, looked at the annoying behavior of Shi Jian's father and son, and couldn't help but bend down and whisper to Ye Tian, who was sitting in front of her.

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