"Forget it! Never mind! "

Seeing that Shi Jian had just appeared, the smell of gunpowder at this scene was so strong, Uncle Nine hurriedly pulled back the four-eyed Daoist and Aunt Cane, and said, "Senior brother has come from afar, and there is nothing wrong with sitting in the main seat, so forget it!" "


Seeing that Uncle Nine finally chose to compromise, the four-eyed Daoist and Aunt Sue were unwilling to sit back again.

And Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian's faces both showed a smug expression, this dismount can be regarded as a stand.

"Forget it? Why forget it? "

Just when everyone thought that Shi Jian had suppressed Uncle Jiu, Ye Tian, who was sitting at the door, stood up, shook his head and said.

"Ye Tian?"

Shi Jian was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Ye Tian, who had always been calm, couldn't sit still and stood up to support Uncle Jiu.

When the other brothers saw Ye Tian appearing on the stage, they all shook their heads, and secretly said in their hearts that there was a good show to watch.

"Senior Brother Ye, forget it! I don't mind! "

Other junior disciples may be able to persuade Uncle Nine to go back, but Ye Tian, Uncle Nine is not sure to persuade him.

"What did Senior Brother Lin say! My Maoshan has always been in harmony with the same family, and the young and old are orderly! Don't mess with the rules!

This time I got together with the same brothers, although Shi Jiangui is the senior brother, but this is Renjia Town, and it is your dojo senior brother!

The position of the main seat should be up to you, even if the senior brother is present, you can only sit in the side seat!

Unless Mao Xiaofang is really close to this sect, otherwise, you can't sit on this main seat, Senior Brother Lin! "

After saying that, Ye Tian turned around, looked at Shi Jian with a gloomy face on the main seat, and said with a smile:

"How? Big brother, am I right? "


Shi Shaojian didn't expect to kill a guy who dared to go against his father halfway, and he couldn't help but scold.

However, he was still stopped by Shi Jian raising his hand, so he could only give up with resentment.

"Senior Brother Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time, your momentum that no one is convinced of has not changed at all!"

Looking at Ye Tian in front, Shi Jian said coldly.

"Senior brother's words are not right, as the youngest junior brother of my sect, when will no one accept it?"

Ye Tian still looked at Shi Jian with a flat face, as if he didn't take the other party's words into account at all.

When Uncle Nine and the other brothers saw this, their hearts were full of turmoil.

At the beginning on Maoshan Mountain, Ye Tian had fought with Shi Jian several times.

Although it ended in a draw every time, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was Ye Tian who deliberately released water.

However, this Shi Jian has won the true inheritance of the Great Elder, and has learned the domineering "Lightning Running Thunder Fist".

I'm afraid that if the two of them really start to make a move, I don't know who will lose or win.

"Sister Hua, will Doctor Ye be in danger!"

Jingjing looked at the tense momentum of the two people in front of her, and asked Hua Yanyan on the side in a worried whisper.

"Don't worry, Ye Tian will be fine!"

Hua Yanyan showed a bright smile towards Jingjing, and immediately signaled the other party not to speak and continue to watch the play.


Seeing that Ye Tian was still standing in front of him and looking at himself, Shi Jian's face was gloomy and he snorted angrily.

Then he instantly let go of his momentum, and a powerful coercion burst out towards the surroundings.

"Good boy! Seven Heavenly Masters! Senior Brother has advanced to the Seventh Rank Heavenly Master! "

"Oh my God! Make no mistake! The momentum of the high-level of the Seven Rank Heavenly Master! "

"Damn, when did this guy Shi Jian become so powerful!"

The Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Dao people were also very surprised by the speed at which this Shi Jian's cultivation progressed, and the momentum displayed just now was clearly the mana that only the Seven Rank Heavenly Master had!

"Senior Brother Ye, forget it! Don't earn any more! "

Uncle Nine is only at the realm of a fourth-grade Heavenly Master now, and he knows that this Ye Tian is just a fifth-grade Heavenly Master, and confronting a seventh-grade Heavenly Master like Shi Jian, even with the blessing of the Golden Needle of the Trick Gate, it will definitely be a hard battle.

"Sister Hua, something is not good! That old guy is a seven-rank heavenly master! "

Jingjing's heart, which she had just put down, was hanging again at this time, and she was worried about Ye Tian's safety just now.

This time, even Hua Yanyan seemed to have a bad feeling.

He didn't expect that Shi Jian, the senior brother of the Maoshan faction, would have such a strong strength.

For a while, everyone present was shocked by the strength shown by Shi Jian.

Looking at everyone's faces full of disbelief, Shi Shaojian smiled very brightly, raised his hand to Ye Tian, and said coldly:

"Uncle Ye, have you seen it? My master is a seventh-grade heavenly master, and his strength is more powerful than all of you uncles!

My uncle sits on this throne, do you have any other opinions? "

"Shaojian, don't be rude!"

Shi Jian said lightly, but there was a proud smile on his face.

The two eyes seemed to burst into semen, and he looked at Ye Tian and said lightly:

"Senior Brother Ye, although my apprentice is a little unpleasant, the truth is like this.

As a senior brother, and the only seventh-grade heavenly master among them, I don't know if I am sitting here, do you still have any opinions? "

After speaking, Shi Jian narrowed his eyes and slowly looked around.

"No comment!"

"No comment!"

Seeing this, all the same people shook their heads and waved their hands, even the four of Uncle Jiu, Simu, Qianhe and Aunt Sue all dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

"What does Senior Brother mean is that whoever has a high level of cultivation will be able to sit on the main seat?"

"So to speak!"

Looking at Ye Tian asking, Shi Jian nodded with a smile, and then spoke:

"But who else has the qualifications but me? Senior Brother Ye, are you? Ha ha! "

"Not necessarily!"

Just when Shi Jian thought that the victory was in his hands, Ye Tian, who had not spoken, raised his head and looked at the other party coldly.

Immediately, a momentum burst out from Ye Tian's body, even stronger than the momentum of Shi Jian just now.

For a while, everyone looked at Ye Tian in shock, even Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian couldn't believe their eyes.

"The peak of the Seven Rank Heavenly Master!"

"That's right, this is the strength of the peak of the Seventh Rank Heavenly Master!"

"How can the little junior brother be even more powerful than the senior brother!"

Everyone was so shocked that their jaws seemed to fall to the ground, and Uncle Nine and Aunt Cane looked at Ye Tian in disbelief.

Wasn't he still a five-rank heavenly master some time ago? How did you advance to the Seventh Rank Heavenly Master so quickly? It's still the pinnacle of the Seven Rank Heavenly Master!

The Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist involuntarily walked closer, looked at Ye Tian, who was bursting with majestic momentum, and said in great surprise:

"Obediently, Senior Brother Ye, when did you become a Seven-Rank Heavenly Master! It's incredible! "

"I just broke through two days ago, which made the senior brothers laugh!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, his face full of ease.

At this time, Ye Tian had already upgraded his cultivation realm to the level of a seventh-rank heavenly master.

Different from the cultivation levels of other senior brothers, it is divided into four levels: beginner, intermediate, high, and peak.

Once successfully upgraded to the realm by the system, then Ye Tian will inevitably have the peak strength of that level.

This is also the reason why it is also the realm of the Seventh Rank Heavenly Master, Ye Tian can crush Shi Jian's momentum.

"This guy is really good at hiding!"

Hua Yanyan looked at Ye Tian's strength display, and really sweated for him.

And Jingjing's heart was even more turbulent at this time, and her feelings for Ye Tian were much more profound!

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